The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-We Are Now 603 Days Into “15 Days To Flatten The Curve,” The Doom Must End!

today10/25/2021 186

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    Mike Church Show-We Are Now 603 Days Into “15 Days To Flatten The Curve,” The Doom Must End! LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

 WELCOME – Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
 HEADLINE: The ‘F*ck Joe Biden’ trend continues to sweep America as college stadiums erupt in chant by James Anthony 


HEADLINE: New Zealand’s Lockdown Prime Minister Throws In the Towel by Reed Spaulding IV, MD  

  • As effortlessly as flipping a light switch, 5 million people were instantly confined to quarters until further notice. And after 8 weeks of a less intense (level 3) lockdown in Auckland, the populace has grown restless, as one would predict.
  • The truth, which I desperately hope the entire world will finally accept, is that a so-called “zero COVID” strategy eventually demands that the subjects in the experiment give up everything for nothing. They give up their jobs, their family gatherings, their friends, the happy parts of life, essentially … all for a goal that cannot be accomplished. If human life is to be reduced to that of an animal in a cage, then the intended public health goal better at least damned well be possible. With COVID, in this context, it’s not. And to her credit, Jacinda Ardern, one of the last hold-outs on “zero-COVID” has apparently come to that conclusion. Periodic lockdown policies have plagued the countries of the world since this all started, to varying degrees. Shamefully, we even allowed this type of human rights abuse to occur in our own beloved United States during the early days of the pandemic. Never again I say! And as the last few hold-outs in the world give up on their control-fantasy of zero COVID, we simply can never let them forget how epically they failed this reality test.
  HEADLINE: Virus gonna virus by Alex Berenson 

  • His point is this, it doesn’t matter what public policies they implement.
  • There is a Vitamin D deficiency time in this country and others so you will start seeing this soon.
  • This happens every single winter. 

HEADLINE: In honor of Ross Douthat’s whine about his bout with “Chronic Lyme” disease in the NY Times today… by Alex Berenson 

 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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  Red Pill Expo – in Lafayette LA
 AUDIO/VIDEO: CBS #DadsOnDutyCrisis intervention team of fathers, we decided the best people that can take care of our kids are us. 

  • These guys are making the point that DAD’s MATTER!
  • Dad’s or male figures are important to the way children interact and act period.
  AUDIO/VIDEO: CDC Director Walensky‘we have not yet changed the definition of fully vaccinated, we will continue to look at this. We may need to update our definition of fully vaccinated in the future.
  Star Trek: Picard – (season 1) the TV series 

Star Trek: Picard (season 2)

1h45mHEADLINE: The Banners of the King of Hell Advance by Edward Curtin 


  • When we use the term NEWS today we primarily mean the news CYCLE.
  • The who did what, when they did it and WHY they did it.
  • It is confrontational by definition.
  • It is a manufacturing of conflicts.
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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


 HEADLINE: STI rates ‘at their highest numbers’ in US as Covid dominates health funding

by Gloria Oladipo

  • We are now in the 6th consecutive year of increase.
  • The #Rona had NO bearing on STI’s.
  • You’d think if the #Rona was as deadly as it is propertied to be,  we’d be seeing MANY more millions of deaths.

HEADLINE: ‘Flesh-Eating’ STD that causes ‘Beefy Red’ sores is spreading in UK by Natalie O’Neill

  • Testing for STI’s still remain what we call ‘old school’.
  • So you have major outbreaks in a disease that is transmitted ONE way and ONE way only and no one can figure out a way to prevent the transmission? 
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Barack Obamathe republicans are trying to rig elections by passing voter ID laws. If their ideas were great, people would be flocking to them.
 TRIVIA QUESTION: Where was the last place Obama campaigned and who was it for?

ANSWER: Biden in Pennsylvania  

2h42mHEADLINE: Biden’s safe-space CNN town hall attracts small audience, as poll numbers plummet by Joe Concha 

  • In the younger demographic (25 to 54-year-olds) that advertisers covet most, the commander in chief commanded a paltry 271,000 viewers. 
  • Biden drew 3.4 million viewers during his first town hall as president on CNN in February. Thursday night’s audience, marking more than a 60 percent drop. For more context, the last town hall Donald Trump did with CNN occurred when he wasn’t even the Republican nominee in March 2016, when the first-time candidate captured 3.26 million viewers.  
  AUDIO/VIDEO: A Stunning NIH Admission – Guest Dr. Mark McDonald

Start Time – 33:23 

 HEADLINE: The Most Terrifying and Spectacular Exorcism in History by Lioness Rue 

  • At the age of fourteen, Ecklund started displaying weird behaviors. She got very ill every time she went into a church. Ecklund participated in intense sexual acts. She also developed an evil mindset towards priests and vomited after taking communion.
  • Ecklund became very violent when confronted with sacred and holy objects. Thus, Ecklund stopped attending church. She fell into a deep depression and became a loner.
  • It’s believed that Ecklund’s aunt, Mina, was the source of her attacks. Mina was known as a witch and also had an affair with Ecklund’s father.
  • When Father Riesinger demanded to know who was possessing her, he was told, “many.” The demon claimed to be Beelzebub, Judas Iscariot, Ecklund’s father, and Ecklund’s aunt, Mina.
  • Iscariot was there to lead Ecklund to commit suicide. Ecklund’s father sought revenge because Ecklund had refused a sexual relationship with him when he was alive. And, Mina claimed she had placed a curse on Ecklund with the help of Ecklund’s father.

OFFICIAL MOVIE TRAILER: The Exorcism of Anna Ecklund 2016 

  Purchasing from the Small Businesses – 

  • The mom and pop type shops need our help.
  • We are being scammed, and scanned for every single purchase at these big box stores.
3h23mAUDIO/VIDEO: Neil Oliver speaking TRUTH to POWER AGAIN about the UK Government!

QUESTION: What is all of this going to?

A Social Credit Score – 

  • We have the Federal Reserve here to back up your money that is in the bank right?
  • George Bailey – 
 HEADLINE: Aha! Another New U.S. Airline Launches During The Pandemic by Suzanne Rowan Kelleher

  • Launched with new nonstop service aboard 50-seat Embraer ERJ145 jets between Reno, Nevada and Pasco, Washington, where Tri-Cities Airport (PSC) is the largest airport serving southeastern Washington and northeastern Oregon.
  • aha!’s game plan – connecting smaller airports with its hub in Reno-Tahoe.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: AG Merrick Garland and Rep JordanGarland concedes that he started targeting parents for ‘possible domestic terrorism’ b/c of the NSBA letter sent to him about an ‘uptick’ in parental violence at SB meetings.
 HEADLINE: How A $7611 Monthly Social Security Check Became $1473 And Why Digital Money Won’t Stop This Theft by Bill Sardi 

  • There is no account at Social Security with your name on it that has money in it.  Everyone will go down with the ship when the river of new money dries up and can’t prop up the stock market bubble any longer.  Then the stock market tumbles, people panic and hoard stuff, inflation runs wild and the dollar is toast.  That moment is now upon us.  Ironically, the only thing holding up the predicted inflation is that the stimulus money must be spent for run-away inflation to occur.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr Fauci disputes Sen Rand Paul’s Wuhan leading to COVIDAnybody that knows anything about viral biology know that it is molecularly impossible for those viruses that were worked on to turn into SARS-CoV2

AUDIO/VIDEO: Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) says Florida is – “actively working to recruit out-of-state law enforcement” officers quitting in opposition to vaccine mandates: “If you’re not being treated well, we’ll treat you better here.”

AUDIO/VIDEO: Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) says “on a scientific basis” – vaccine mandates should make exceptions for those who have already had COVID. (The CDC says that natural immunity is not more effective than the vaccine and those who’ve contracted COVID should still get vaccinated.)

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Meta-tags for show

 Dr Fauci, Gov Ron DeSantis, COVID, natural immunity, Merrick Garland, Jim Jordan, Bill Sardi, Suzanne Rowan Kelleher, Neil Oliver, social credit score, COVID passport, NSBA, FBI, Aha!, Anna Ecklund, Lioness Rue, exorcism, Catholicism, James Anthony, Joe Biden, Lets Go Brandon, SEC, New Zealand, Reed Spaulding, Alex Berenson, Ross Douthat, social security, Senator Rand Paul, Dr. Mark McDonald, CNN, Barack Obama, chronic Lyme, Star Trek: Picard

Written by: LoneRhody

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