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Mandeville, LA – The following unsolicited letter was written by long-time listener and Founders Pass member, Ted Marcopoulas.
Dear Mike,
If your other listeners are anything like me, I can say with some certainty that they’re probably sick to death hearing your incessant appeals for new paying members. Every minute spent on fundraising is one less minute you can spend on your unique mix of politics, current events, and Evangelism.
While self-interest can be a powerful motivator, your show offers us a much more compelling reason to support it. Souls. Anyone who has been a regular listener knows that the Mike Church show saves souls.
Of course, if we read between the lines, things must be a little tight around the network these days. What with paying membership stuck at around a couple thousand, short of the numbers that you’ve told us in the past would be necessary to support the network on an ongoing basis. I think we can conclude from these facts that, if you don’t soon reach your membership goals, the Veritas Radio Network and Crusade channel could meet an untimely demise.
We, your faithful listeners, should consider how such an unfortunate eventuality might affect us personally. For yours truly, I would be faced with the impossible task of finding a suitable talk show to replace you on my two hour daily commute. Anyone who is familiar with the standard talk radio fare knows that that would indeed be an impossibility; once you’ve heard the Mike Church show, you know that suitable replacements simply don’t exist.
So from a purely selfish point of view, it’s in your listeners’ interest to support the program. While self-interest can be a powerful motivator, your show offers us a much more compelling reason to support it. Souls. Anyone who has been a regular listener knows that the Mike Church show saves souls. Oh sure, you always say that you do no such thing, and that it’s the Holy Spirit that does the saving. And technically I suppose you’re right. But God works in mysterious ways and in this listener’s opinion, He’s saving souls through the Mike Church show. What better reason can there be to support the show than that?
So how can we help you to continue doing the Lord’s work? Obviously, if we’re Founder’s Pass members, we need to renew our membership when it comes due or possibly even upgrade to a Founding Brother or higher. That’s the least we can do. But as presumably the most loyal supporters of your radio family, I’d say that we need to do more. You’ve been telling us for over a month that you need several hundred new members to keep this station afloat. Gift memberships are an easy way for us to help you do that. With the Christmas gift season now underway, what better way is there to support the Crusade channel than through a gift membership to a friend or relative? Who among us doesn’t have at least one friend or relative that might be interested in the unique content that can be found on Crusade? As a loyal listener, I am asking my fellow Founders Pass members–each and every one–to give away at least one gift membership by Christmas. The fact is, as you’ve said Mike, only about a third or less of the gift memberships turn into continuing memberships. So to put the Crusade channel on what I assume will be a solid financial footing for some time to come, and to ensure its continued existence, it seems to me that you’ll need every one of us Founders Pass members to give away at least one gift membership this Christmas season. I intend to do just that. And I hope that every Founder’s Pass member will do the same. After all, what greater gift can we give to our friends during this Christmas season than the gift of the truth?
Thanks for all you do, Mike, and may God bless you and the Crusade channel for many years to come.
Ted Marcopolus
Written by: jadechampagne
Mike Church offers no-holds barred commentary on the moral & political decay of the modern world but unlike all other hosts, Mike offers solutions to these ills, solutions rooted in the wisdom of the Fathers, founding and Church!
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