In an ideal world, this would be the mantra of all comedy venues – if its truly funny, let it fly!
Satire one of the oldest forms of comedy and we have come to a point in the UK, we have very few venues that would allow this experimentation w/ comedy.
It is almost unique in that aspect.
Many people who come are regulars b/c it is truly the only place in the UK that is truly free speech.
Some in the crowd will come up to me and tell me I am a masogonsit or whatever and that is all good I value other peoples opinions.
You delivered the joke before, probably over and over so you know how that joke is going to work and you own it.
I sometimes joke about that too, being a conservative comic is I have no one else to copy!
The upside is you are always the funniest in the line up because there are none like you.
Most comics are left-wing so I provide something very different.
The Nazi routine – I make a joke about the ideal of mobile abortion clinics.
Even the Nazi’s weren’t this forward in their attempts.
They only killed the Jews in areas they had fully conquered fair and square!
They would have never driven a gas chamber to the Switzerland border and said ‘hand over your Jews’.
I’ve done a recent routine b/c jokes and routines have a life cycle.
It is hard to find venues to test your jokes out.
Anglo-Italian Comedy – White Men Made Everything
That famous Monty Python sketch – the guy wants to be a woman
You play it all the time, that was absurd at the time but now days it is essential doctrine.
Millennials rejected some things that were popular 10 years ago like Friends and Sienfeld.
Mike Church offers no-holds barred commentary on the moral & political decay of the modern world but unlike all other hosts, Mike offers solutions to these ills, solutions rooted in the wisdom of the Fathers, founding and Church!