The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Biden’s Afghanistan Strike Proved ‘Muricah “Still Like Bombing Brown People!”

today09/15/2021 82

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    Mike Church Show-Biden’s Afghanistan Strike Proved ‘Muricah “Still Like Bombing Brown People!” LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

 WELCOME – Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
 California Election 

  • Gavin Newsom is going nowhere!
  • We knew this was going to happen.
  • The Democrats have officially learned how to cheat so they will never be another Republican to hold any elected seat.
24m BREAKING NEWS – with Maghdalne Rose

HEADLINE: North Korea test-fires two ballistic missiles towards Japan just three days after testing a ‘nuclear-capable’ cruise missile and restarting nuclear reactor in defiance of Biden by Chris Pleasance 

 HEADLINE: California Brewery Picks Up Pieces After Months Of Newsom’s COVID Tyranny by Jordan Davidson

  • It is time to split up the state of California.
  • It is simply too populated to get what the people want.
  • They are not represented.


Senate Hearing on the Withdrawal of Afghanistan – 

  • I hear all the neo-cons talking about how they had great intel and saved lives by drone bombing.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Senate Hearing on withdraws from Afghanistan 

Senator Rand Paul – The guy Biden admin droned, was he an aid worker or an ISIS-K operative?

Sec Blinken – I don’t know b/c we’re reviewing it

Senator Paul – You’d think you’d kind of know before you off somebody w/ a predator drone.

 HEADLINE: I will never trust another doctor by Randi Pinkerton
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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1h24m AUDIO/VIDEO: Nurse whistleblower w/ Stew Peters on Remdesivir – the effect on COVID patients –

Whistleblower! Nurse DESTROYS “Delta” Narrative, VACCINATED Patients Fill Hospital! 

QUESTION: Is there a test for pinpointing the Delta variant? 


  Back to Headline – I will never trust another doctor by Randi Pinkerton


















Special Guest – Suzan Sammons

Author and wife of Eric Sammons Editor in Chief of Crisis Magazine

HEADLINE: Stop Pretending the COVID Jab is Morally Equivalent to Other Meds by Suzan Sammons

  • In the late 1800’s we had a great understanding of medicine.
  • What became the conventional medicine – they had to use what was around them and the knowledge of the natives around them.
  • Medical Association – 
  • Western vs Eastern Medicine
  • If you approach the scientific method with the Final Cause, you will see it differently.
  • This could very well be a Stephen King novel.
  • If this weren’t happening right now, you would read this novel and think…who the hell would allow these things to occur, this author is crazy.

HEADLINE: The Abortion Ties of the COVID Vaccines: A Deal-Killer or No Big Deal? by John Zmirak

What you need to know ———

There are some things we do know. I’ll list them, so people can remember them when deciding about the least ethically questionable vaccine available in the U.S. 

  1. Johanna was aborted, not miscarried. 
  2. She was almost certainly aborted in collusion with the tissue harvester, otherwise her kidneys would have been dead and the tissue useless. 
  3. Abortions directly linked to harvesting organs and tissue are still going on, and being funded by our government. 
  4. So the evil of fetal tissue harvest is not “remote,” and the fact that Johanna died more than 30 years ago is morally irrelevant. It’s an ongoing, even escalating evil, which we’re rewarding by making it profitable. 
  5. By taking vaccines derived from Johanna and her fellow abortion victims, we are willingly benefiting from a profound, continuing evil — just as surely as if we were buying kidneys on the black market that China harvested from religious prisoners of conscience, as Forbes reports it’s still doing. This Vatican, which greenlit our taking the vaccine, sent Pope Francis’ right hand man, Bishop Marcelo Sorondo, to a conference of China’s organ harvesters, where he flattered the Chinese regime.
  • The medical field has done a great job at making us believe that we NEED them.
  • It takes integrity to live the right way, the way the Lord wants us to live.
  • What we do with our body does have meaning.
  • If you are wearing a mask and know that it doesn’t really work that makes you a liar.
  • As Catholics there are jobs out there that we simply cannot hold.
  • There seems to be a growing tide of people recognizing this so don’t despair. 
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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


 Caller Anonymous EMT –  

  • Story about how doctors aren’t even doing physicals anymore.
  • They are just assuming patients have COVID pneumonia.
  • We get a lot of people w/ respiratory issues.
  • More people are watching the news and they get anxious and they call 911.
  • 205 – alternative protocol 
  • In my medical opinion, I do belive they are killing people w/ Remdesivir. 
  • It is terrible for your kidneys, lungs and heart.

HEADLINE: New Study: Nearly Half Of 2021 COVID Hospitalizations Weren’t For Severe Cases by Shawn Fleetwood





















Special Guest Brother Andre Marie

Host of the ReConquest show heard only on the Crusade Channel Radio

Follow Brother Andre on Social Media – @Brother_Andre

Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Mandeville, LA

September is the Month of the 7 Sorrows

Mary’s 7 Sorrows

  1. The prophecy of Simeon
  2. The flight into Egypt
  3. Loss of the Child Jesus for 3 days
  4. Mary meets Jesus on his way to Calvary
  5. Crucifixion and Death of Jesus
  6. The body of Jesus being taken from the cross
  7. The burial of Jesus
  • Fundamental to the Divine nature.
  • If God could suffer He wouldn’t be God.
  • Jesus and His Passion – so how can this be?
  • Only by the virtue of the incarnation.
  • During crucifixion they used to break the legs as so the person couldn’t push up and prolong their life.
  • Instead of breaking his bones, he pierced his side and the blood and water come out.
  • This just wasn’t normally done.
  • We will have to go back to more penance. 
  • We have things happening that cannot be fixed with merely praying.
  • Sometimes we must mortify the body.

HEADLINE: Time for Worldwide Sacrifice: Ember Week in September by Michael P. Foley 

Crusader Stadium – Ember Days to remember they are at the 4 seasons – Lenty, Penty, Cruxi, Lucy

L -Lent

P – Pentecost

C – Exaltation of the Holy Cross

L – Feast of St. Lucy

  • When you follow the Traditional Catholic calendar things start to make sense for you.
  • Re-countrynated – recountryfied – getting back to farming and living the country life.
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Meta-tags for show

Michael P Foley, Ember days, Catholicism, Brother Andre Marie, Saint Lucy, Pentecost, Lent, 7 Sorrows of Mary, crucifixion, elections, Gavin Newsom, Mahgdalen Rose, Jordan Davidson, North Korea, COVID, mandatory vaccines, mask mandates, Afghanistan, Senator Rand Paul, ISIS-K, drone bombing, Calvary, Randi Pinkerton, Stew Peters, Shawn Fleetwood, delta variant, immunity205 protocol, Donald Trump, Bishop Marcelo Sorondo, John Zmirak, Suzan Sammons

Written by: LoneRhody

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