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Mike Church Show-Biden’s Radical Cult Of Death Is Creating A New Confederacy Right Before Our Eyes!

today03/31/2021 41

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    Mike Church Show-Biden’s Radical Cult Of Death Is Creating A New Confederacy Right Before Our Eyes! LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.


  • Southern States preserving life (map)
  • New Confederate States
  • Spy Wednesday
  • Special Guest Brother Andre Marie
  • Pro-Life and Pro-Choice
21mHEADLINE: South Dakota’s governor issues executive orders banning transgender athletes from women’s sports by Devan Cole
HEADLINE: Arkansas near-total abortion ban certain to face legal showdown by Ivan Pereira 

TLC Show – Little People Big World

  • These little people get the struggle for LIFE.
  • They are on the chopping block b/c if you can abort any child for any reason…little people will be up there with down syndrome children.
  • Handi-Capable people – they aren’t disabled. 

TIM TEBOW – Night to Shine

2020 Night to Shine Event

GUESTS – 110,000

Churches – 720

Countries – 34

Volunteers – 215,000

Kings & Queens  – over 110,000

34mBACK to HEADLINE – Arkansas near-total abortion ban certain to face legal showdown by Ivan Pereira 

  • There is never a time it is necessary to kill or dismember the baby to save the mother.
  • That is SCIENCE that isn’t just something we are pulling out of thin air.
  • A restoration of a moral order.
Louie Gohmert – 

Border Crisis 

  • The Muslims invaded b/c the liberals didn’t want to be seen as ‘mean’ and they allowed them in.

HEADLINE: Biden administration FINALLY lets media into the biggest shelter for migrant children – which is at 1,700% capacity and where one in seven kids have COVID by Emily Goodin

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

Listen to us on ShortWave – 5850
1h24m HEADLINE: Nike Files Lawsuit Over Lil Nas X’s Satan Shoes by Allison Prang

  • This is the same company that made the shoes that supposedly had holy water in the soles.
  • Nike didn’t say anything about the “Jesus” shoes.
  • So the blood in the soles of the Satan shoes was just too far?

  • Creating lists of where to shop and where not to shop.
  • Basically what you guys are doing on the with the Business Directory.
  • Mike Lindell – right side broadcasting
  • I haven’t heard a single bad word about Mike Lindell.
HEADLINE: Suspect in attack on Asian American woman in NYC is arrested by Michael R. Sisak 

  • Brandon Elliot was convicted of stabbing his mother to death in the Bronx in 2002, when he was 19. He was released from prison in 2019 and is on lifetime parole.




HEADLINE: The Rising of the Vendée by Anthony Esolen

  • Are you waiting for someone else to create this utopia Christendom? 
  • Was the swamp drained?
  • Did the swam change at all for the better?

MIKE CHURCH on the Vendee : “Modern revolutions have never really come from the common people.  The landsmen of the Vendée did not hate their masters.  Something about working in the earth breeds a hardy race of men who hold their heads high, even as they doff their hats to greet the marquis when he reviews the fields.  Pamphlets don’t unite.  Mud unites.  Revolutionary slogans don’t stick to such men.  Clay sticks.  And when the lord dismounts and you walk with him into the marshes, your rifle slung over the shoulder, slogging on to the covert in the cold before daybreak, waiting for the woodcock and the grouse, and you talk about hunting with your father and his father — you are more at one than any slogan of brotherhood could make you, even though he is the master and you are the man.  That is not to mention when rich and poor fall to their knees at Mass.”

The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to

Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Scarborough – blasts Americans skeptical of vaccine passports as opposing the teachings of Jesus Christ: “The selfishness is incredible. The stupidity is incredible…if you still believe in God, maybe get on your knees and pray…You’re going out of your way to kill people.”

  • He couldn’t finish either one of the Bible quotes.

















Host of ReConquest aired only on The Crusade Channel

Follow Brother Andre on Gab and Twitter : @Brother_Andre

HEADLINE: To Be or Not To Be, a Craftsman by John A. Cuddeback

Spy Wednesday – Why is it called this? HOLY WEEK

  • This is the day Judas agreed to sell out Jesus.
  • The fear is that what happened some 40 years later would happen if they let Christ get away w/ all his miracles.
  • The unbelieving Jews their worst fears came true b/c they feared the Romans would come in and take their lands which happened.
  • Let me back my horse up a little bit ——— note here God’s providence working through evil people.
  • Maundy Thursday – Last Supper and washing of the feet
  • The GREAT and HOLY Friday
  • Crucified at noon and dies around 3pm
  • Our Lord is in the tomb – it is the only calendar day which Our Lord spent entirely in the tomb.
  • 3 days – Paschal Triduum or Easter Triduum, Holy Triduum
  • Take ye, and eat this all of you, this is My body.
  • He takes into His holy and venerable hands, and He says – this is the chalice of My blood….

HEADLINE: The Suffering of Jesus in Caiphas’ Dungeon by Brian Kelly

HEADLINE: Bishop Barron’s Taupe Catholicism by Christopher Ferrara

  • Peter isn’t there he fled. He denied Our Lord and then weeps for what he has done. He said he wouldn’t do it but did it anyway. The seal of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter has keys and TEARS. This is for the weeping he does after he betrayed Ou Lord.
  • Judas betrays Our Lord, sees what happens, has regret but is too proud to convert. He instead commits the ultimate act of despair and hangs himself. 
  • Our Lord said FRIEND – 
  • Skull place or the place of the Skull – Adam’s bones were right under the crucifix.

HEADLINE: Proving Purgatory by Brother Andre Marie

ReConquest Episode 272 : What is the Consecrated Life? (airing tonight)

The Great Echo Chamber – 

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Meta-tags for show

 purgatory, Spy Wednesday, Brother Andre Marie, Bishop Barron, Christopher Ferrara, St. Peter, Judas, crucifixion, Brian Kelly, Holy Friday, Mundy Thursday, Last Supper, Paschal Triduum, Holy Week, John A. Cuddeback, vocation, Caiphas’ dungeon, Ivan Pereira, Tim Tebow, Night to Shine, Louie Gohmert, pro-life, abortion, Emily Goodin, COVID, immigration, Joe Biden, Allison Prang, Nike, Michael R. Sisak, Scarborough, Vendee, Anthony Esolen, Devan Cole, transgender, LGBTQ, Kristi Noem

Written by: LoneRhody

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