The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Can We Please Bring Back Thank God It’s Friday

today10/20/2023 175

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
39mBiden Speech Last Night on Ukraine and Israel

  • He called Hamas and Putin ‘enemies of Democracy’. 
  • You know who else he calls that?
  • MAGA Republicans. 
  • So know we know exactly what this administration thinks of MAGA people.
  • We are no better than Putin and Hamas. 
  • We are all going to be better off when he no longer has control over anything but his wife, his cocaine addicted son and his dog. 
  • He wasn’t talking about a terrorist group, he was actually talking about Americans.
 Bashing Religion

  • You can bash the Catholics in Russia, you can bash the Catholics here in America, you can bash Muslims but don’t you dare bash the Jews in Israel. 
 The New TradWife Movement

HEADLINE: The Real Tradwives of 2023: Why More Young Moms Are Becoming Traditional Housewives by Katie Couric Media 

  • These are real women who seem to have traveled through time, having revisited the 50s and brought some elements of that era into the present day, including an insistence on not just old-fashioned homemaking skills but on submission to their husbands, never working outside the home, an avoidance of feminism, and in some cases, extreme conservative political views. They’re a subculture of housewives, and they’re really proud to be homemakers.
  • It’s hard to say when, exactly, this trend exploded, though it’s safe to say that the rise of social media has allowed it to grow exponentially. Before Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube were available at your fingertips 24 hours a day, it took more time for political or cultural movements to spread. Now, a teenage girl in Ohio can stumble upon a photo carousel offering a series of housekeeping tips from a tradwife in the UK, and all of the sudden, it’s a future she can envision for herself.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia.
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 Natural Born Citizen

  • The root of maternity.
  • You had to know who the father was to determine citizenship.
  • The countries of the EU have abandoned it.
  • Go and try to become a citizen of Switzerland with your “I was born here”. 
 LIVE Rep. Jim Jordan holds news conference ahead of 3rd vote for House SpeakerJim Jordan holding a news conference Friday ahead of a third round of voting for House speaker. The Ohio Republican is pressing on with his bid to win the speaker’s gavel after a plan he supported to temporarily empower the interim speaker was met with opposition from his fellow GOP lawmakers on Thursday.








Commander John Sharp

  • It raises even on a dispassionate, theology and politics out of it, it raises legal questions w/ duties of your home country or the other country you have citizenship with.
  • Dual Loyalty was the allegation against Catholics.
  • It just comes down to a natural conflict of interest. 
  • What have we talked ourselves into is the reason there is no conflict b/c at the end of the day the interests are seen as identical. 
  • That is the only explanation as to why there is no questioning the conflict of interest. 
  • Chapter 5 Exchange – 
  • Political Economy
  • New Advent –
  • If you have mastered the production of beer….
  • You don’t have to live like Enrico Caruso, you don’t have to wear a loin cloth and kill everything you eat. 
  • Specialization and Craftsmanship 
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)
2h57mHEADLINE: New Orleans’ Second Line Brewing cancels ‘Pro-Life and Pints’ event by Catholic Charities by Gabriella Killett

HEADLINE: The ‘Second Line Blue Post’ via The Big Easy Conservative 

  • The ‘Second Line Blue Post’ exposes contradictions in a way so immediate, so true, so “Leftist” that the statement should be memorialized for being both totally crazy and spot-on true.
  • With all due respect, where is the Archbishop?
  • Sir, shouldn’t you be out there exploiting this incident and expose this type of behavior.
  • To them ‘inclusion’ means the exclusion of nuns and Catholic.
  • “Forward” is their theme. But somewhere in the mix is a need to guard “the family” associated with brewery ownership. Again… questions. Why did Catholic Charities call me and request that I back off? 
  • What is the trajectory of a secularized city? Has New Orleans tipped into being un-Catholic? Or anti-Catholic?
  • Is New Orleans now a non-catholic city?
  • Just a few years ago, this would not be allowed. 
  • The employees would have walked away from the job b/c that is discrimination PERIOD.
  • Three Roman Catholic nuns working with Catholic Charities of New Orleans had scheduled a nice event on the 26th of October at Second Line Brewer, in Mid-City New Orleans.  Young Catholics were invited to attend, donating $20 for a couple of beers and meeting friends and having a good time, with all proceeds to be donated to ACCESS Pregnancy Center.  But when the owners of Second Line Brewery heard complaints about the upcoming event, and though the owners had previously approved the event, THEY CANCELLED THE EVENT.  Not just that, they issued a social media-blasted statement saying they were “deeply sorry” for almost accidentally allowing CATHOLIC NUNS to use their venue, and they “promise to do better” in “vetting” their future events and customers.  Think about that… 
  • This  is anti-Catholic bigotry. This is anti-religious bigotry. This is anti-American. This is “woke” Leftist abortionism. This is an insult! 







Free Farm Friday 

Farmer Dan Mundy from New Jersey

Farmer Brian Koch from Texas

  • Technology is a good tool to have and use sometimes but it will not produce your food.
  • You have to manually go out and make your soil healthy.
  • You have to manually go out and observe what you are doing.
  • If you can’t see it, hear it, smell it…a machine can’t do that.
  • You know when your pasture has recovered enough to bring cattle back on it.
  • Modern Science looses a lot of things b/c they are discrediting or pushing it aside for all machine only.
  • BOOK – Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future by Chris Smaje
  • You do what you can and within your means.
  • Farming isn’t for everyone and not everyone can or should do it.
  • Regenerative Gardening/Farming – 

HEADLINE: Cows are Turning Desert Back Into Grassland by Grazing Like Bison by Return To Now

  • Ranchers have transformed 40 million acres of desert back into prairie by “training” cows and other domesticated animals to graze like their wild ancestors – in tightly packed herds.
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Written by: candacechurch