The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Don’t Look Up In The Sky But Are We At The Start Of A UFO Invasion

today02/13/2023 270

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
43mHEADLINE: What’s Going On Up There? Theories but No Answers in Shootdowns of Mystery Craft. by Julian E Barnes, Helene Cooper and Edward Wong

  • The front page of the New York Times has an article about UFO’s.
  • I never thought I’d see the day.
  • But here we are.
  • So there have been 4 objects shot down in the last 4 days by the US Air Force.
  • Of course this has everyone talking about “Independence Day”.
  • Burning Question: Who’s gonna be the drunken pilot that sacrifices himself?
  • American officials have not completely discounted theories that there could also be more objects, period. Some officials theorize that the objects could be from China, or another foreign power, and may be aimed at testing detection abilities after the spy balloon. 
  • The object spotted approaching Lake Huron on Sunday was flying at 20,000 feet and presented a potential threat to civil aviation, so President Biden ordered it shot down, U.S. officials said. It had an octagonal structure with strings hanging off but had no discernible payload, they added.
  • Maggie believes this is all a head fake so you don’t question what is going on in Ohio w/ the train cars that derailed and they subsequently blew them up in a controlled demolition.
 NFL Super Bowl Game

Eagles vs Chiefs 

55mAUDIO/VIDEO: Nick Drom Chemical Engineer discussing the Palestine Ohio train derailment & burn off.

  • So what would you do about this?
  • You would have to evacuate the area right?
  • But how much of the area for how long?
  • You can’t just have toxic waste/chemicals into the ground and expect NOTHING is going to happen to the soil around there long term.
  • The Earth – introduction of chemicals into the land.
  • Creosote is a category of carbonaceous chemicals formed by the distillation of various tars and pyrolysis of plant-derived material, such as wood, or fossil fuel.
  • Jackson Mississippi – the water is not consumable STILL and do you see any MSM still reporting on this?
  • There are entire towns in Arizona that have to have water trucked in b/c they don’t have any water.
  • Trains just don’t derail. 

HEADLINE: Miles Before Ohio Derailment, Train Axle Was On Fire, Video Shows by Esther Fung

 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



HEADLINE: Our Latest Panic: The UFOs, Or Whatever, They’re “Shooting Down” by William Briggs

William Briggs Tweet – An instrument anomaly is my guess. A figment of a processed radar return. A misread instrument. OR just more BS from a regime that knows only how to lie.

HEADLINE: What we know so far about the suspected Chinese spy balloon and FBI probe by John Ruwitch 


Back to New York Times Article 

HEADLINE: What’s Going On Up There? Theories but No Answers in Shootdowns of Mystery Craft. 

  • The Chinese don’t really need spy balloons to spy on us.
  • We give them all the information they need from TikTok and other outlets.
  • The Chinese don’t really develop anything.
  • They send spies into other countries, steal technology and reverse engineer it.
  • How do we know it was from China?
  • Did it have a Made in China tag on it?
  • Did they recover the base part w/ all the technology?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Pentagon Official General Glen VanHerck on Air Force shooting down 4 airborne objects in 8 daysI believe this is the 1st time w/in US airspace that NORAD or US command has taken kinetic action against an airborne object.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Pentagon Official General Glen VanHerck on Air Force shooting down objectsI’m not going to categorize them as balloons. We’re calling them objects for a reason. I am not able to categorize how they stay aloft.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Pentagon Official General Glen VanHerck on Air Force shooting down objectsI’m not going to rule out aliens, nothing has been ruled out at this point.

 TNT Series Falling Skies – 
 HEADLINE: $1 billion for bridge repairs coming to Louisiana by Louisiana Illuminator


HEADLINE: Here’s A Tip: Stop Expecting Gratuitous Gratuity For Simply Doing Your Job by Greg Jones 

  • We’ve all been there: You buy a $5 coffee only to have some blue-haired barista with a neck tattoo flip a screen that lets you select between a range of tipping options, usually 15, 20, and 25 percent. For what? Asking if I want cream and sugar? 
  • These days, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a retail establishment without the dreaded screen or a tip jar by the register. A good friend recently informed me of the tip jar at his local liquor store!  
  • New York Magazine, titled “The New Rules for Tipping,” informs us that it’s the new normal to tip for “bottled water” and “crackers” and at least 20 percent at a restaurant “whether you liked the service or not.” 
 HEADLINE: Womanhood is Dying by Elizabeth Nickson
 HEADLINE: The Old Normal by Harry Scherer 
 Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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2h28mBack to Elizabeth Nickson Substack

  • Look at the face of Marilyn Monroe. Her beauty is duplicated everywhere now, but no one carries the vulnerability that made her transcendent.
  • In the polite world, even our privacy in public washrooms has been taken away. Our sports are gone. Our weaker bodies cannot compete with the male’s.

HEADLINE: Womb with a view: EctoLife baby farm eliminates pregnancy and labor by Loz Blain

  • So what do we do about all of this?
  • To ask that question is poison.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Nick Drom Chemical Engineerdiscussing the Palestine Ohio train derailment & burn off.

  • Why isn’t this being plastered all over MSM this morning?
  • This should be the biggest story for Americans right now. 
  • If this were in Ukraine, I can bet you $1billion you’d be hearing about it on MSM.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Nick Drom Chemical Engineerdiscussing the Palestine Ohio train derailment & burn off.

  • Why isn’t this being plastered all over MSM this morning?
  • This should be the biggest story for Americans right now. 
  • If this were in Ukraine, I can bet you $1billion you’d be hearing about it on MSM.























George Webb 

Author and Citizen Journalist 

  • You were coving this at the beginning of the Corona Doom. 
  • We never bought it for a second.
  • Gretchen Whitmer – she was lockdown Queen and we have a a lot of listeners there and they despise her.
  • She said you couldn’t go on your yacht in Michigan during the summer.
  • You couldn’t go to your cabin b/c you weren’t social distancing but her husband went camping and on his boat. 
  • I can see the dynamics here and you just have to play ball or else.
  • We outlined this group in Ukraine that was doing a lot of weird stuff w/ bioagents and he was in Hong Kong spraying people w/ something.
  • We saw all kinds of people at the highest level doing weird things. 
  • The super spreader event – NATO, DARPA
  • UkraineGate – 
  • Lab SARS – spike protein and spikes like the COVID and it was all in the same lab.
  • When you are doing a camera spot people know you are up to something.
  • I couldn’t be sneaky I’m 6’8”
  • Project Veritas – James O’Keefe 
  • I’ve never been a fan of these sting operations.
  • You came to this and was leery about it to.
  • You were challenging O’Keefe’s narrative b/c he got a patsy not a big fish.
  • Gain of Function – what did he get right and what did he get wrong?
  • This guy was a very low guy but he was put on this report w/ other high level people.
  • He flunked out of his 1st year at Tuffs, he was basically the pizza and coffee guy.
  • WEF and Klaus Schwab – Young Global Leaders 

HEADLINE: O’Keefe’s Only Crime Was Journalism About Jordon Walker And Boston Consulting Group by George Webb 

  • James O’Keefe really was trying to get to the bottom of the Pfizer.
  • There is an ongoing feud between a few higher ups in Project Veritas and they want Jame O’Keefe out.
  • Plain and simple that is what’s happening here w/ this paid leave stuff.
  • World War DARPA – 
  • DARPA is something we aren’t supposed to talk about. 
  • They are responsible for the technology 
  • DARPA has great inventions – like ethernet and the internet
  • No Al Gore didn’t create the internet.
  • Satellite stuff that came out of U2 program you find some of their dark stuff.
  • They started in w/ bioweapons.
  • You need sword and shield stuff. 
  • The bioweapon then the cure for it.
  • LIVE exercise – 
  • DARPA = Defense Advanced Research Project Agency 
  • This tech does filter down into our world.
  • Lawrence Preston Gise
 LifeLong Politicians 

  • The oldest practicing political in America is Joe Biden.
  • Stories are emerging that he has basically outlived all his contemporaries in history. 
  • They are trying to paint this picture that he is just smarter than the average Republican.
3h44mHEADLINE: By Understanding Human Nature, Rian Johnson’s ‘Poker Face’ Is Undeniably Conservative by Aaron Gleason 

  • She has the skill of knowing when someone is lying. 
  • Millennial ‘Columbo’
  • Each episode follows a case of the week, wherein Charlie solves a murder through the use of her special lie-detecting ability, simple logic, and personal sense of justice. It’s essentially a detective show in the tradition of “Columbo” but where the whodunit structure is inverted into a “howcatchem.” This means the audience knows whodunit from the beginning and gets to see how the detective “catchem.”
  BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
Meta-tags for showAaron Gleason, Poker Face, Millennial, Columbo, Joe Biden, Congress, Palestine Ohio, train derailment, Edward Wong, Julian Barnes, Helene Cooper, UFO, NFL, Super Bowl, Esther Fong, William Briggs, Independence Day, Aliens, DARPA, Lawrence Preston Gise, Al Gore, James O’Keefe, Project Veritas, COVID, Pfizer, gain of function, George Webb, Ukraine Gate, Jordan Walker, Elizabeth Nickson, feminism, NATO, Loz Blain, Gretchen Whitmer, Nick Drom, EctoLife, Harry Scherer, Greg Jones, General Glen VanHerck

Written by: Justin Redman