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Mike Church Show-Gentlemen Knights: It’s Shrove Tuesday, Eat, Drink & Be Merry & Maskless

today02/16/2021 12

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    Mike Church Show-Gentlemen Knights: It’s Shrove Tuesday, Eat, Drink & Be Merry & Maskless Justin Redman

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.


  • President’s Day yesterday in Florida, thousands lined the streets for Donald Trump
  • CDC admits they make 
  HEADLINE: Trump greeted by hundreds of cheering fans on Presidents Day by Steven Nelson

  • They shout out we love you, he shouts it back.
  • Love is a powerful force.
  • Why do people either strongly LOVE or strongly HATE Trump?
  • You can replace charity w/ love they are almost interchangeable.
  HEADLINE: Stand, Men of the West! by Stephen M. Klugewicz
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

 HEADLINE: Republicans Acquit Trump, But Leave His Supporters Defenseless by Matthew Boose 
  HEADLINE: Germany’s ‘Green’ Energy Failure: Germany turns back to coal and natural gas as millions of its solar panels are blanketed in snow and ice by Laurie Foti


 BACK TO HEADLINE – Matthew Boose

  • Liberals good Conservatives bad
  • This is how it works.
  • You are done with Federal politics and elections.
  • It doesn’t matter what you think or do or who you vote for.
 SPECIAL GUEST: Matt Gaspers 

Managing editor of Catholic Family News

Follow Catholic Family News on Twitter: @cathfamilynews

Follow Matt Gaspers on Twitter: @MattGaspers

HEADLINE: What Do We Do Now? by Regis Martin 

  • Job ch 7 v1
  • House Managers 
  • Impeachment 2.0 
  • What is the purpose of leaving the military at the Capitol in DC?
  • The razor wire is going to be there for a while.
  • This is to make the military presence NORMAL.
  • That way when they do this in your LOCAL area, it seems like nothing new under the sun.
  • Dominion Voting – Article 1 section 1&2
  • That is all that is needed to overturn those electors.
  • Who benefitted from what happened on January 6th?
  • It certainly wasn’t President Trump.
  • Archbishop Vigano – to President Trump, he has been writing him letters for the last year or so.

HEADLINE: Archbishop Viganò: Hypocrisy of Francis’ Claim Only Traditionalists Must be Treated Strictly by Brian McCall 

HEADLINE: Mr. President, Your Allies Are Coming for Your Fellow Catholics by Mary Eberstadt

 The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager [email protected] and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group

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 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 HEADLINE RECAP: Mr. President, Your Allies Are Coming for Your Fellow Catholics by Mary Eberstadt 
  HEADLINE: We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know by Scott Newgent 


 Exhibit A:: On January 24, 2021, Twitter locked the account of Catholic World Report, the online magazine of Ignatius Press.

Exhibit B:: Within days of your inauguration, an online mob tried to oust a professor from his post at a Catholic university

Exhibit C:: social media censorship of religious traditionalists—especially your fellow Catholics—has accelerated during your brief time in office

Exhibit D:: should come as no surprise: social media sporadically suppresses Catholic voices—especially influential pro-life ones. (Susan B. Anthony List)

Exhibit E:: the stigmatizing of groups dedicated to Church teaching via spurious accusations of “hate.” 

Exhibit F:: Your election has not only emboldened progressive muscle-flexers on social media. It also appears to have encouraged what might be called anti-Catholic chic—the kind that emanates from your allies in liberal-Left journalism.

3h13m SPECIAL GUEST: Fiorella Nash

Her nom-de-plume is Fiorella De Maria

Author of The Abolition of Woman and many more.

  • This is forming two powers.
  • The lockdowns due to COV-19 – 
  • The elites and the average citizen.
  • I can be in the world and not of but I am under no responsibility to join you in your diabolical activities. 
  • My children are okay, we have a big house, they have a garden, they have computers so they are still doing school work.
  • It is different with other children that aren’t as ‘privileged’ as here. 
  • There are parts of this country that have children that haven’t been or had schooling in over a YEAR.
  • I believe this divide has always been there but it is MORE obvious now.
  • The basis for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 
  BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
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Meta-tags for show

Fiorella Nash, COVID19, Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde, Catholic World, Ignatius Press, Susan B Anthony, pro-life, Brian McCall, Matt Gaspers, Catholic Family News, Donald Trump, Steven Nelson, Stephen M Klugewicz, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, MAGA, Matthew Boose, Laurie Foti, solar panels, green energy, Scott Newgent, Mary Eversadt, Catholicism, Pope Francis, CDC, Dr. Fauci, Archbishop Vigano

Written by: Justin Redman

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