The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Pope Francis Joins Biden In Creating A Generation Of Worst Catholics In History

today07/19/2021 25

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    Mike Church Show-Pope Francis Joins Biden In Creating A Generation Of Worst Catholics In History LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

HEADLINE: Trans woman weightlifter cleared to compete in Tokyo Olympics by Jon Levine 

AUIDO/VIDEO: SOUTH PARK – Randy Savage pretends to be a woman to smash/win in female weight lifting. 

  • Women are being disenfranchised here and NO ONE is saying anything about it. 
  • Woman are being attacked here by other men and we are allowing it to happen.




HEADLINE: French Face 6 Months In Jail For Entering A Bar Or Restaurant Without A COVID Pass by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News 

  • So you will be fined up to 45,000 Euros if you attempt to go into a bar or restaurant w/o a COVID vaccine passport.
  • Unilaterally invoke a universal sanction against congregating. 
  • The sanctions represent the most authoritarian move to force vaccine compliance in the west, and probably outstrip a lot of actual dictatorships in other parts of the world.
  • Thomas Massie – we should stop pretending, there is a plethora of people in power that are super willing to pass a mandatory vaccine passport here in the US.
  • If the elites here were so convinced that this jab was life or death, why haven’t they tried to mandate it here?
  • What is holding them back?

Josh Hawley Twitter: So now the Biden Administration is using Facebook to impose its COVID-19 speech code. The social media platforms are increasingly just arms of the federal government and the Biden White House. 

  • Why should the Big Tech companies continue to be treated as private companies when they function as agencies of the federal government.
  • Let’s remember, these are the same companies that treated all talk of any COVID-19 lab connection as illegitimate speech to be banned and penalized … despite knowing nothing about the actual science or intelligence findings
  • It can only remain a monopoly if people continue to use it, Facebook.
Caller Justin D from Florida – 

HEADLINE: Is it the British Open or just The Open? Players weigh in. by Adam Schupak

  • The players had to stay at COVID certified hotels but they allowed over 60,000 people to attend and NO MASK MANDATE.
  • If the players have family join them, they were told they couldn’t go out to eat or leave the hotel as to ensure the tournaments COVID protocols.
Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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 Pope Francis and the Motu Proprio, Traditionis Custodes

HEADLINE: Op-Ed: “Francis Has Unleashed a War: It Will End With the Full Triumph of Tradition.”  by Roberto de Mattei

HEADLINE: The Pope’s merciless war against the Old Rite by Tim Stanley

  • The one thing Stanley doesn’t touch on, it is a WAR AGAINST the SACRED.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Cardinal Arinze: ‘The Holy Mother Church didn’t begin 50 years ago with Vatican II’






















  • Black Rifle Coffee Company has declared war on St Michael
  • They believe in undressing women, or using they bikini clad wives holding rifles to sell coffee.
  • You don’t’ put your 1/2 naked wives out there for men to commit sin.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Father Gregory Hesse – died in 2006

  • President of the United States in the 1990’s – he said some amazing things.
  • The Traditional Rite was developed over centuries by the Apostles. 
  • It wasn’t created by a Pope.
  • Crusader Stadium: Pius V changed only ONE word from the Mass of 1,000 years before. So the Tridentine Mass has (essentially) been the same for 1,500 years.
  • The thing revolutionaries try to do is co-opt parts of it and trash the rest of it.
  • Including the essential bits – EXAMPLE: taking over a country
  • Liturgy are at the heart of the Faith. The Sacraments are at the heart of the Faith.
  • Both are necessary for a valid celebration of Jesus.
  • Crusader Stadium: It’s the 3-Legged stool:  1. Sacred Tradition 2.  Holy Writ. 3. And, the Sacred Magisterium.
  • Country rendition of the Devine Mercy Chaplet – in a Novus Ordo Mass
  • QUESTION: What sounds better a hymn, Gregorian chant or a guitar with drums?
  • Usually Popes try to build on what previous Popes have written.
  • This is NOT what Pope Francis has done.
  • This was his THIRD draft…and this was still vicious. 
  • Can you imagine what the first two read like?
  • Book Recommendation – The Dictator Pope by Marcantonio Colonna
  • This is a pen name for a man that was in the Order of Malta, he was subsequently kicked out of the order for writing this book.
  • Living, breathing embodiment of the spirit of Vatican II.

HEADLINE: The Latin Mass becomes a cult of toxic tradition by Zita Ballinger Fletcher (2019)

  • As Catholics we are called to pray for our enemies!
  • If you don’t agree with the Bishop or the Pope you are still obligated to pray for their souls.
  • We are being told that the French Bishops were at the head of this push against the Latin Mass.
  • They have a big SSPX society there.
  • QUESTION: What did the SSPX do?
  • FSSP in the document is completely prohibited to add or branch out.
  • Ryan Grant takes the opposite opinion of me on this but please do not submit a Dubia. 
  • Pope Francis hasn’t answered the last one.
  • If you need something material and you aren’t a Catholic, whatever goest the Church so goes the world.
  • You may have noticed it is chaotic in the world right is chaotic in the Church right now. 
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Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Jen Psaki and Peter Doocy: on the White House spying on citizens using the panel of 12 via FB to censor and cancel anyone with questions on the vaccine.

Author of Terror of Demons and Family Be Damned

Follow Kennedy Hall on Twitter: 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jen Psaki and Doocy: on the White House spying on citizens using the panel of 12 via FB to censor and cancel anyone with questions on the vaccine.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Boris Johnson: fully vaccinated and tested positive for COVID and will be self-isolating.


  • Boris has married this Satanist Carrie Symonds, now his 3rd marriage, in the Catholic church.
  • He let the cat out of the bag here by saying the virus has the upper hand in the winter.

AUDIO/VIDEO: DR DEATH – TV Series Official Trailer 

HEADLINE: Peacock’s Dr. Death Is Based on A Chilling True Crime Podcast About a Murderous Surgeon. Here’s What to Know by Mahita Gajanan

Because he showed up in the white lab coat everyday people thought he had to be smart and know what he was doing.

He was just a really good con-artist. 

 AUDIO/VIDEO: CNN Brian Stelter w/ guest Michael Wolff: the media exists in it’s own bubble, you are part of the problem, you are the reason no one trust the media, you are the flip side of Donald Trump.
HEADLINE: Facebook’s Top Censorship Board Is Filled With Elite, Power-Loving Bureaucrats by Jordan Davidson

  • TKD tells story of going to the Little League Regional baseball tournament. 
  • Ultimately when talking about Facebook, JUST WALK AWAY!
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Meta-tags for show

 Jordan Davidson, Michael Wolff, Mahita Gajanan, Matthew Steeples, Carrie Symonds, Kennedy Hall, Doctor Death, Peter Doocy, Jen Psaki, FSSP, SSPX, Jon Levine, transgender, Olympics, Paul Joseph Watson, Josh Hawley, Adam Schupak, COVID, vaccine, Joe Biden, The Open, Boris, Marcantonio Colonna, Pope Francis, Randy Savage, LGBTQ, Saint Joseph, Zita Ballinger Fletcher, Brian Stelter, CNN, Roberto de Mattei

Written by: LoneRhody

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