The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-The Battle Of Pride Ridge Is Being Waged And The “Good Guys” Will Win

today06/07/2022 98

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Mike Church Show-The Battle Of Pride Ridge Is Being Waged And The “Good Guys” Will Win

Mike “The KingDude” Church Show-The Battle Of Pride Ridge Is Being Waged And The “Good Guys” Will Win

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
30mHEADLINE: Catholic Men Must Defend Their Churches by Thomas Shaffern 

  • Perhaps one of the best-known examples of a saint barring his church comes in the story of St. Ambrose of Milan and Roman Emperor Theodosius I. 
  • St. Leo the Great provides another example when he met Attila in an attempt to defend Rome from the Hunnic hordes. During the 5th century, the Huns posed a serious threat to the Western Roman Empire. In A.D. 455, the Huns marched on Rome after sacking Aquileia, Milan, and Pavia. Hope seemed lost, but St. Leo still marched out to persuade Attila to spare the city. Attila agreed to meet with St. Leo. And after the meeting, the great ruler ordered his forces to march out of Italy. 
  • We have men that intentionally sit in the back of the Church now.
  • If anyone tries anything crazy in our little Catholic church, they will be dealt w/ a heavy hand.
  HEADLINE: Fashion designer Gianni Versace murdered by Andrew Cunanan in killing spree by History Channel
 HEADLINE: If Amazon Isn’t Woke Enough For LGBTQ Activists, No Company Ever Will Be by Chad Felix Greene

  • After bending over backwards to appease and please LGBT activists, Amazon is still beset by complaints it’s not doing everything they want.
  • It is just never enough for these people.
  • TFP – Tradition, Family and Property
  • The revolution NEVER ends b/c the forces that drive it, by definition are never satisfied.
  • This all started w/ ‘we want the same rights as heterosexual couples’.
  • Look were we are now.
55m Drag Queen Events – 

  • Everyone in the community doesn’t get a voice.
  • How about the serial thieves in your community?
  • How about pedophiles? 
  • The Mayor of Apex, NC – announced the drag queen part of the pride event has been cancelled after “feedback received from citizens”.
  • The Drag Queen part wasn’t part of the original plan
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

1h19mHEADLINE: Border States Need To Override Biden And Secure Their Own Borders by 

  • Biden is going to refuse the state of Texas if they ask for help from the Federal Government to help secure it’s borders.
  • At that point the state should take things into their own hands and protect their own borders.
  • You can’t bring this issue to the court to determine is the state can invoke it.
  • If the state of Texas is either unwilling or incapable to protect the citizens of Texas, what good are they?
  • Then the next level would be the Federal Government.
  • The Import-Export clause of Article I Section X, Clause II, recognizes states’ sovereign authority when “ absolutely necessary for executing its inspection Laws.” Abbott has directed DPS to conduct enhanced inspections of vehicles as they cross ports of entry into Texas, mitigating the transport of illegal goods; however, without the full ability to detain or deport, state agents are limited.
  • There are certain things a court or a court system cannot hear!
  • The right of people to defend themselves can’t be taken to court.
  • The Biden Regime will claim it is an IMMIGRATION issue.
  • It is NOT!
  • The law of states and family and men.
  • Alien FREIND Policy – we (any state) has the right to refuse entry into their states by anyone they call an Alien Friend. 
  • James McHenry – 
  HEADLINE: Has democracy had its day? by Stuart Major

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
  BACK TO – HEADLINE: Has democracy had its day? by Stuart Major

  • The average American doesn’t want to do his/her own thinking.


HEADLINE: Demographers Warn of Impending Population Collapse by Kevin Stocklin

  • In some places, including Japan, Russia, South Korea, and most countries in Europe, that population collapse has already begun. China is not far behind. 
  • The Lancet study projects that by the end of this century, China will have shrunk by 668 million people, losing almost half of its current population, and India will lose 290 million.
  • The Japanese had a wonderful tradition and they kept that population up for the glory of the Emperor. 
  • QUESTION: Who killed the holy Japanese Emperor? 
  • ANSWER: The same A Clown that dropped the Illuminati – 
  • When the Emperor was removed what moved in?
  • Consumerism – they can’t be bothered w/ making future generations.
  • Is Japan Our Future? – Some say that if you want to see your future, look at Japan today. Japan is 92 percent urbanized and its population is shrinking by about half a million people every year. It is a fairly homogenous society with little immigration, and its marriage and birth rates have declined steadily, leaving it a “super-aged” nation with 20 percent of its population now older than 65. As Japan ages and empties, its economy has stalled and asset values have fallen.



Reporter asks – what ‘real’ emergency in the solar industry does Biden see that supports him using the Defense Production Act?


Jacqui Heinrich – On solar panels, how is this not a gift to Chinese solar manufactures, many of whom operate w/ forced labor by the CCP?

Jean-Pierre – gives the WH generic answer that this is for the benefit of one country only, the US.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jessie Waters w/ Newt Gingrich on Joe BidenWell he is the commander of nothing, what are the handlers thinking by sending Biden out on a comedy tour while Americans can’t afford gas in this country?

  • Okay let’s break this down a little bit.

QUESTION: Do we have leadership?


QUESTION: Then what are people following?

  • Well in Florida there is leadership, Gov DeSantis is out there every single day leading the way on things for the state right? He is ‘leading’ in some ways but you don’t wake up every morning and say…what is DeSantis gonna’ say today. 
  • I think this is more terrifying than anything out there.
  • There are nearly 100 million families that are being guided by what?
  • They are being led by those that produce the goods they consume.
  • Companies like Amazon, they have a soft form of obedience as to what they are consuming.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Golfer Brady Calkinson how important it was to have his dad’s support over the years, he has done everything he could to bend over backwards, I owe all of this to him. (dad’s make a difference to children no matter the age!)

AUDIO/VIDEO: Matt Walsh’s ‘What is a Woman’ asks Michelle Forcier (assistant Dean of medicine at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University) – Does a chicken have gender identity? What makes a male? In reality, what is the truth? The truth is what you say it is.



They are threatened by the order of things.

3h26m HEADLINE: 362 School Counselors on the Pandemic’s Effect on Children: ‘Anxiety Is Filling Our Kids’ by Claire Cain Miller and Bianca Pallaro

Emotional Health 

Showing signs of anxiety or depression – 94%

Having trouble with emotional regulation – 88%

Showing signs of low self-esteem – 67%

  • So this has actually backfired on the left groomers.
  • They closed the schools for COVID and now the kids and parents are realizing they don’t really need to go to school.
  • If kids aren’t in public schools, they can’t be groomed properly.
  • They did expand the medical state though.

AUDIO/VIDEO: GB NEWS Sophie Corcoran  ‘I watched and felt like my entire life was falling apart because of what this government did to young people.’ Welcoming the removal of face coverings in schools, political commentator Sophie Corcoran breaks down as she recalls her experience of wearing a mask in the classroom.

  HEADLINE: Mysterious & Deadly Blood Clots Are Totally Normal Now by Emerald Robinson


HEADLINE: Pfizer to Invest $120 Million in COVID-19 Pill as Officials Issue Alert by

  • Notice what they are NOT putting out there.
  • They aren’t putting out the Comirnaty – the vaccine they got FDA approval for.
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Meta-tags for show

Emerald Robinson, Claire Cain Miller, Bianca Pallaro, anxiety, depression, COVID, lockdowns, mental health, Sophie Corcoran, GB news, Matt Walsh, transgender, gender identity, Michelle Forcier, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Brady Calkins, Jessie Waters, Newt Gingrich, Pfizer, COVID, Comirnaty, Thomas Shaffern, Gianni Versace, Andrew Cunanan, Chad Felix Greene, Amazon, pride month, Jacqui Heinrich, Drag Queen, LGBTQI+, FDA, Stuart Major

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Written by: LoneRhody

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