Covid Chronicles

Mike Church Show-The Corrupt SCOTUS Taking On Roe Means We Should Prepare To Separate

today05/18/2021 37

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    Mike Church Show-The Corrupt SCOTUS Taking On Roe Means We Should Prepare To Separate LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

18mCommunism Is Evil –

  • That means there is a spiritual evil at work.
  • Inanimate objects cannot be evil, like the remote control isn’t evil, you can FIND evil on the TV using the remote but the remote itself is not evil.
  • Communism is intrinsically evil.
  • Now many people don’t see this intrinsic evil b/c they are focused on the money.
  • UFO’s are being sighted more frequently according to the MSM.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Watch the Pentagon’s three declassified UFO videos taken by U.S. Navy pilots

AUDIO: Father W’s Homily – Saint Michael: Defender & Patron of the Church Militant – CE4 Alien Abduction Research Group – close encounters w/ these so-called aliens

  • In every “alien event” if the person invoked the name of Jesus Christ, the interactions stopped.
  • QUESTION: What does that tell us about aliens and UFO’s?
  • QUESTION: Why is this important?
  • You have demons now that see super easy prey and they are cashing in!
  • As more people are moving away from the Truth and closer to hopelessness and Paganism, the Demons become more prevalent and observable. 
  • There are forces of good and forces of real bad.
40mAcquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) –  is a chronic, potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). By damaging your immune system, HIV interferes with your body’s ability to fight infection and disease.

AUDIO/VIDEO: 30 years ago Dr. Robert Willner – accused Dr. Fauci and NIH being criminals of genocide and knowingly put out a KILLING DRUG. Dared them to sue him if he were spreading false accusations. Why would the most noted virologist put his entire career on the line? What did he have to gain?

  • It almost sounds like these same people are playing the same game but this time with COVID.

QUESTION: How is this possible?

ANSWER: They control the narrative, they controlled the storyline.

 HEADLINE: Coronavirus infection leads to immunity that’s comparable to a COVID-19 vaccine by Amina Khan
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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1h22mOAN Montage on COVID

Governor DeSantis – Removing all COVID restrictions

AUDIO/VIDEO: Yamiche Alcindor PBS – Asks Jen Psaki if the administration will reverse the CDC’s mask changes b/c it puts frontline nurses and people of color at risk.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden – “those who are not vaccinated will end up paying the price”



 HEADLINE: Highly Cited COVID Doctor Comes to Stunning Conclusion: Government ‘Scrubbing Unprecedented Numbers’ of Injection-related Deaths by Leo Hohmann

Dr. Peter McCullough – holds the honor of being the most cited medical doctor on COVID-19 treatments at the National Library of Medicine, with more than 600 citations. He has testified before Congress and won numerous awards during his distinguished medical career.

  • Between Dec. 14 and April 23, there were 3,544 deaths reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS], along with 12,619 serious injuries. 
  • The U.S. has a precedent for this. In 1976 during the Swine Flu pandemic the U.S. attempted to vaccinate 55 million Americans, but at that point the shot caused about 500 cases of paralysis and 25 deaths. 
  • FUN FACT: the program was killed at the 25 deaths
  • There is no such thing as FREE, but they are giving these vaccines out to anyone that wants one FREE.
1h36m PHONE – Katie Beeman in PA

  • Discusses her experience on getting her ultrasound w/o wearing a mask.
  • The logic is completely left the building.
  • There was a lady that said under her breath… “I just wish people would do what they are told”
  • You are in a medical establishment and they are telling you to do things that aren’t healthy for you!
  • NOTE: Maryland Universities are requiring COVID vaccines to work or attend school.
 HEADLINE: Rage of the NeverTrumpers by Conrad Black

Their fury now is designed to assuage their guilt. It will not succeed, even in that.

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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
2h20m HEADLINE: Rage of the NeverTrumpers by Conrad Black

  • The purge of Darth Cheney is just the first step.

QUESTION: What was Biden doing in 1993 when all of this madness got it’s stronghold?

  • He was torpedoing Justice Thomas and he was trying to pass an amendment.
  • QUESTION: What is left to do?
  • ANSWER: Secession













 SPECIAL GUEST: Mike founder of Restoring the Faith Media

Follow RTF on Twitter: @rtf_media

  • In some ways these wimps will hide behind procedural stuff.
  • They won’t change or overturn Roe v Wade.
  • If they wanted to throw us a bone they would have given us two Senate seats but they took them.
  • They aren’t interested in throwing us a bone.
  • They want total annihilation.
  • Coups aren’t temporary, they don’t take power for short period of time.
  • The COVID was/is the greatest gift that keeps on giving for the left.
  • They have no intention of giving back the power they gained from the election and the virus.

Brother Martin Navarro, Ob.S.A

  • Follow Brother Martin on Twitter: @BVMConsolatrix
  • Oblates of St. Augustine
  • The US Military has always been strong w/ tinkering and participating w/ human trials and experimental drugs.
  • When you raise your right hand you remove some of your rights.
  • When you sign up you wave some of the body rights.
  • When as a Catholic you can’t even use “against my faith” because our Shephard are telling the public it is safe and effective and should be taken.
  • So the military will discharge you Other Than Honorable and then they will hit you with a Conduct Unbecoming too.
  • You may actually get convicted of a crime for standing your ground on not taking the vaccine.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: 10 year old John Provenzano – addresses the Martin County School Board 
3h36m BACK to Conrad Black – Rage of the NeverTrumpers

  • Bigger is NOT always better.
  • We have to get that idea of big must be good out of our heads.
 HEADLINE: CDC’s second-in-command Anne Schuchat to step down by Adam Cancryn and Erin Banco
HEADLINE: Tennessee Governor Signs ‘Bathroom Bill’ Protecting Access to Biological Sex by Masooma Haq 
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Meta-tags for show

Masooma Haq, Tennessee, bathroom bill, Adam Cancryn, Erin Banco, Brother Martin Navarro, Oblates of St. Augustine, US Military, Restoring the Faith Media, UFO, Saint Michael, Church Militant, Pentagon, AIDS, Dr. Fauci, NeverTrumpers, John Provenano, USMC, COVID vaccine, Conrad Black, Joe Biden, Swine Flu, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Willner, NIH, CDC, Anne Schuchat, VAERS, Yamiche Alcindor, Amina Khan, Gov DeSantis, Leo Hohmann

Written by: LoneRhody

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