Covid Chronicles

Mike Church Show-Trump Was Right: The “China Virus” Is Just That And It Was Launched Here As A Weapon!

today05/26/2021 13

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    Mike Church Show-Trump Was Right: The “China Virus” Is Just That And It Was Launched Here As A Weapon! LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

35mHEADLINE: Children’s Hospital Colorado declares ‘state of emergency’ for pediatric mental health by Carina Julig 

  • Who didn’t see this coming?
  • We have told them to stay home away from other humans.
  • Why? Because the other humans could possibly kill you.
  • So we have taught them to fear other humans.
  • On top of that we taught them there is no higher power to turn to when you fall into despair.
  • ON TOP OF THAT – we told them THEY were super spreaders and would kill all the adults.
  • There is a 90% increase in children for depression and suicidal thoughts.
Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
HEADLINE: Here Comes The Hangover: Soaring Prices Result In Record Crash In Home, Appliance Buying Plans by ZeroHedge and Tyler Durden
Ipsos/Reuters Poll: 53% of Republicans view Trump as true U.S. president 

  • The Reuters-Ipsos poll is based on responses from 2,007 U.S. adults, including 754 Republicans, 909 Democrats and 196 independents. It has a credibility interval of 3.7 percentage points for Democrats, 4.1 percentage points for Republicans and 8 percentage points for independents. 
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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1h29mHEADLINE: Republicans call for Dr Fauci to be fired or resign after umpteen U-turns on COVID and its origins: He now tries to DEFEND giving $600K to Wuhan lab to study how viruses can transmit from bats to humans before the COVID outbreak by Ariel Zilber and Harriet Alexander

  • Remember a few weeks ago when Dr. Rand Paul was questioning Dr. Fauci about the NIH providing funds to the Wuhan Lab?
  • Dr. Fauci called Dr. Paul a liar!
  • Well here it is now that Dr. Fauci is walking that whole thing back.
  • Stating the NIH has only given them SUB-GRANTS not full grants.
1h51mSPECIAL GUEST: Brice Stratford from London

HEADLINE: The heist at Arundel Castle means a heartbreaking loss of heritage by Brice Stratford

  • These items are privately owned so there wouldn’t have been and English security or guard. 
  • She was married to the Howard family the 4th Duke of Norfolk. 
  • According to historians, however, it dates to 1067 and was established by Roger de Montgomery, first Earl of Shrewsbury and of Arundel. It has belonged to the Fitzalan-Howards and their forebears for the past 850 years or so, and has been the seat of the Dukes of Norfolk for a considerable portion of that time, though it was briefly confiscated by Elizabeth I for the role the 4th Duke had played in the Ridolfi plot, whereby he planned to marry Mary, Queen of Scots, murder Liz, and take the throne of England. She, instead, had the Duke beheaded.
  • Mary’s prayer book – this was given to her and after her death the Howards tracked it down, so it wasn’t given to them directly. 
AUDIO/VIDEO: Rand Paul 2 wks ago questioning Dr. Fauci – on NIH giving money to the Wuhan lab 


ANSWER: Gain-of-function research refers to the serial passaging of microorganisms to increase their transmissibility, virulence, immunogenicity, and host tropism by applying selective pressure to a culture.

This is performed in a research context to understand the way in which a pathogen adapts to environmental pressures, allowing disease control measures to be better planned, and potential vaccines and therapies to be explored. Gene editing technology such as CRISPR may be utilized in combination with selective serial passaging to investigate the role of specific genes on protein expression and ultimate organism function.

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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
2h27mHEADLINE: Good news: Mild COVID-19 induces lasting antibody protection by Tamara Bhandari 

  • So basically the immune system is working as it has ALWAYS worked.
  • This shouldn’t be a newsflash people. 
  • They system didn’t change, the progadanda did. 
  • The people in charge of the WHO and NIH and the MSM changed the narrative for the story.
  • They still haven’t isolated the virus they call COVID-19.
  • There is a Corona Virus that has been isolated and verified. 
  • Remember Dr. Knut M Wittkowski said ‘herd immunity’ would get rid of this virus but was laughed off any and all social media platforms. 
HEADLINE: The Time To Roll Back Their Powers Is Now by  Matt Purple

  • Whitmer instituted one of the harshest and most capricious lockdowns in the country, usurped power from the legislature after they tried to intervene, her glorious husband got caught trying to leverage his position to get his boat put out on the water in violation of COVID rules, she then violated the rules herself by marching socially undistanced at a Black Lives Matter rally, she trampled her own travel advisories by taking a trip to Florida to see her sick father, her top aide was revealed to have also gone to Florida, her health director found time to venture to Alabama, it came out that Whitmer had fishily dipped into her transition fund to pay for multiple flights on private planes…and now, just for good measure, she’s gone and pulled a Gavin Newsom.
2h41mSPECIAL GUEST: Brother Andre Marie

Follow Brother Andre Marie on Gab and Twitter: @Brother_Andre

  • We had Rogation Days recently, now we are in the EMBER days.
  • They were times for preparing ordinations.
  • They were days of penance.
  • WED/FRI/SAT – fasting and violet vestments
  • Red is the color of the FIRE of the Holy Ghost which is why they wear them during Pentecost. 
  • So today we are in the Octave of Pentecost – 

FEAST DAY of Saint Philip Neri – 

HEADLINE: Saint Philip Neri (1595) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

  • Saint Philip Neri lived in the century when Protestantism was first raging. He founded the noted Congregation of the Oratory. He was such a clear and authoritative teacher of the Catholic Faith to simple and poor people in the streets, as well as to the highborn and noble of his day, that he is called “the second apostle of Rome.” He kept thousands of Catholics from being infected with heresy. He used to spend from twelve to fifteen hours a day in the confessional. Saint Philip Neri was noted for his radiant cheerfulness and friendliness and grace and good humor. He frequently went into an ecstasy while saying Mass. The beating of his heart for the love of God was so strong it broke two ribs in his side. He was eighty years old when he died.
  • PROPERS for his FEAST today: His ribs were broken from the inside out where his heart was. A fireball came into his mouth while praying and the heart started to palpitate so hard he told Our Lord he couldn’t take it anymore that he would die. It broke 2 of his ribs and he never got treated for his entire life so he spent every single day in pain.
  • Universities were always Greek ran institutions. 
  • You already had the Catholic faith before going to the Universities. 
  • University of Paris – 
  • St Ignatius of Loyola wasn’t qualified to teach at University. He was known for his ‘doing’, he was more of a soldier. 
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: FROM RAND PAUL’S DESK: Dr. Rand Paul Stops Gain-of-Function Research Funding in China
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Meta-tags for show

Dr. Rand Paul, Dr. Fauci, St Ignatius of Loyola, China, Wuhan Lab, COVID, Pentecost, Brother Andre Marie, St Philip Neri, Carina Julig, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Ariel Zilber, Harriet Alexander, NIH, Brice Stratford, gain of function, spike protein, Mary Queen of Scots, 4th Duke of Norfolk, Arundel Castle, Catholic, Ember days, Holy Ghost, inflation, Matt Purple, BLM, University of Paris, Father Altman, USCCB, Dr. Knut Wittkowski, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, WHO, CDC, Tamara Bhandari, Gavin Newsom

Written by: LoneRhody

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