The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show-Voting Is Not Your Civic Duty, Turning To A Better System Of Gubbmint Is

today11/15/2022 176

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Mike Church Show-Voting Is Not Your Civic Duty, Turning To A Better System Of Gubbmint Is

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE
 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel


Arizona Election

Hobbs vs Lake

  • So Hobbs previous job was to ensure the elections were non-partisan. 
  • She was in charge of counting the votes.
  • Why wasn’t this already a conflict of interest?
  • When it comes to old people and babies – 
  • All men do everything they do for what they perceive to be a good.
  • What about abortion?
  • What about allowing a child to die that escapes an abortion is good?
  • Where is the good in abortion/baby murdering?
  • Here in the state of Louisiana when our Love Life Amendment came about for a vote they passed with flying colors!
  • Is it really a 51-49 proposition? 
  • Are there really enough blue baby killers out there in these other states?
  • Was Josh Shapiro that much of a superior candidate?
  • Was Dr Oz that bad of a candidate?
  • I’m just sick of the nonsense that all these candidates were just ‘bad candidates’. 
  • I do not believe for a nanosecond that Hobbs beat Lake.
30mHEADLINE: With This Obstacle in Place, Republicans Can’t Get the White House by Fletch Daniels 

  • The pressure is coming that it is your civic duty to vote.
  • Why?
  • What if your vote isn’t counted and doesn’t matter?
  • What if your vote is used against you?
  • In order to win these things called elections, we must play the cheating game they participate in…would that be the Christian answer?
  • Obviously NOT!
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 Have yourself a Mary and Manly Little Christmas – 

  • It is now underway go purchase your tickets today!
1h15mThe Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington

Cardinal Gregory, Archbishop of the Roman Catholic of Washington – 

  • After a consultation process that involved dialogue with other dioceses, ministry leaders and the partners who assist the Archdiocese in hosting the annual Rally and Mass, The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has decided not to move forward with hosting the larger multi-Diocese Rally. 
  • For over twenty-five years, the Youth Rally and Mass for Life has blessed us with the opportunity to host and minister to thousands of our local youth and hundreds of thousands more from across our great nation. 
  • As difficult a decision as it was to cancel, we encourage groups traveling to Washington, D.C. to participate in the National March for Life at the National Mall and to attend the Vigil Mass at The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Please be sure to plan ahead accordingly for your carried items and transportation needs. Security restrictions are always heightened during large events in the city.

TWITTER – Bishop J Strickland of Tyler Texas: I must protest this cancellation. We have an extremely anti-life President & we cancel our national voice? Yes to state efforts but we desperately need a national voice for life at this critical time.

  • So you are saying the Washington Diocese will not stand w/ the correct Dobbs decision. 
  • Your Eminence you have a RED hat…do you know what that means for you as a Cardinal?
  • It isn’t a trick question.
1h55mHEADLINE: Humans could face reproductive crisis as sperm count declines, study finds by Nicola Davis 

  • Based on 153 estimates from men who were probably unaware of their fertility, suggests that the average sperm concentration fell from an estimated 101.2m per ml to 49.0m per ml between 1973 and 2018 – a drop of 51.6%. Total sperm counts fell by 62.3% during the same period. 
  • The rate of decline appears to be increasing: looking at data collected in all continents since 1972, the researchers found sperm concentrations declined by 1.16% per year. However, when they looked only at data collected since the year 2000, the decline was 2.64% per year.

HEADLINE: Gender-Bending Fish Problem in Colorado Creek Mitigated by Treatment Plant Upgrade by CU Boulder Today 

  • Contaminants identified in Boulder Creek included ethinylestradiol — a chemical used in most contraceptives — as well as other reproductive steroids produced naturally by humans. Estrogen-related chemicals found in the water included bisphenyl A and phthalates associated with plastic, nonylphenols associated with detergents, and pesticides. Most of the compounds came from products flushed down toilets and drains, according to Norris.
  • Such a decline clearly represents a decline in the capacity of the population to reproduce. – Prof Hagai Levine
 HEADLINE: Amazon cuts 10,000 jobs ahead of Christmas by Joshua Young
 HEADLINE: FedEx Freight to begin driver furloughs next month by Mark Solomon 
2h10mHuman Resource Departments – 
2h16mHEADLINE: Pornhub Parent Company Sued For Allegedly Posting Footage Of Adult Molesting 12-Year-Old by Brandon Drey 

  • Franklin allegedly uploaded at least 23 videos molesting the child offered for at least $15, which prosecutors said represents “substantial financial benefit to the MindGeek Defendants in multiple ways.” 
  • Franklin was arrested in May 2020 for sexually exploiting a child, advertising child pornography, and distributing child pornography. Following his arrest, he pled guilty and is currently serving 40 years in prison. 
  • According to the lawsuit, Franklin entered a contractual relationship with MindGeek, where the footage of the molestation generated an “astonishing” 188,000 video views with more than 1,100 subscribers on Pornhub.
  • When you read a story like this, what are we supposed to think?
  • This is now the transmission of the results of grooming. 
  • The pederasts friend of the family, gets cozy with the single mother, then grooms the woman’s son and then records himself molesting the young boy.
  • MAP = Minor Attracted Person
 HEADLINE: The Lost Art of Spotting Sociopaths by Sohrab Ahmari 
 Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]
 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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 AUDIO/VIDEO:  Jon Stossel n public mall tests out the Affirmative Actionthat college students are demanding for entrance to universities w/ a bake sale.
 Bishop Strickland 

  • Responds to the cancelation of March for Life in Washington. 
  • So few Cardinals seem to be worthy of the red hat.

Michael Hichborn founder of the Lepanto Institute

Follow the Lepanto Institute on Twitter – @LepantoInst

  • At least you know who the Neo-Nazi’s are b/c they wore those Nazi uniforms.
  • That is all this Bishop is doing, he is finally showing us his true colors.

HEADLINE: Report on Grantees of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development for FY 2020-2021 by Michael Hichborn 

  • Of the 214 organizations receiving grants from the CCHD in 2020-2021, 66 of those organizations are ineligible for Catholic funds, which is 30.8%.  Those 66 organizations received funding approval from 46 of the 196 dioceses of the United States.  

Some other figures of note:

  • Of the $11,249,000 distributed by the CCHD in FY 2020-2021, $3,430,000 went to organizations acting against Holy Mother Church, which is 30.4% of the grant total.
  • Since 2004, the organizations identified in this report have collectively received $16,633,000 in grants from the CCHD.
  • The average grant to an offending organization is $51,969.
  • 47 out of the 66 organizations profiled in this report are in Direct Violation of Catholic moral or social teaching. That’s 71% of all offending organizations.
  • 22 of those violations are Abortion related.
  • 6 of those violations are Contraception related.
  • 37 of those violations are LGBTQ related.
  • 10 of those violations are related to Marxism.
  • 51 of the 66 organizations profiled in this report are members of Coalitions which violate Catholic moral or social teaching. That’s 77% of all offending organizations.
  • 47 of those are Abortion related.
  • 37 of those are LGBTQ related.
  • 19 of those are related to Marxism.
  • 26 of the 66 organizations profiled in this report have Leadership violating Catholic moral or social teaching. That’s 39% of all offending organizations.
  • 16 of those are related to abortion.
  • 3 are related to Contraception.
  • 20 are related LGBTQ related.
  • 9 of those are related to Marxism.


  • CCHD will not fund groups that are knowingly members – 

HEADLINE: CCHD 2020-2021 Grants Report by Michael Hichborn 

NOTE REGARDING DIOCESES NOT LISTED HERE: Most dioceses that take the CCHD collection only retain 25% of the collection money for local use.  The other 75% is sent to national CCHD, which then redistributes that collected money to organizations like those listed below.

  • Ryan Reynolds Mint Mobile – 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Mint Mobile TV Comercial w/ Ryan Reynolds having daughter film the TV commercial. 

3h10mHEADLINE: The Virtues of Smoke-Filled Rooms by Frank DeVito 
 HEADLINE: The Rise of Bureaugamy: What It Means for Social Conservatives by Darrick Taylor 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Life of Julia Barack Obama Campaign – After hearing that this slideshow had been scrubbed from the internet, I found the individual slides and pieced them together. No comments or jive talk, just the slides themselves with a little background music by Torley Wong. This video is made for educational purposes under the Fair Use license. I intend to make NO profit. I just want this slideshow available to whoever wants access to it. 

  • In effect, for these single women, the modern administrative state has taken the place that husbands traditionally occupied as provider and protector in what some have referred to asbureaugamy.”
  • The fact that this drive for total sexual equality is a dogma among pretty much all of the professional classes, including those who run the almost ubiquitous administrative state, means that social/religious conservatives need to realize the magnitude of the challenge they face.
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Meta-tags for showDarrick Taylor, Life of Julia, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, bureaugamy, single women, un-married women, Frank DeVito, Mint Mobile, Ryan Reynolds, CCHD, Michael Hichborn, USCCB, abortion, ProLife, Lepanto Institute, dogma, LGBTQ, transgender, Bishop Strickland of Tyler, Texas, March for Life, Katie Hobbs, Kari Lake, Arizona, election integrity, sexual equality, feminism, Pornhub, pedophiles, MAP, Jon Stossel, affirmative action, Sohrab Ahmari, Brandon Drey, sociopaths, Mark Solomon, Amazon, Twitter, Elon Musk, human resource departments, Joshua Young, Nicola Davis, Professor Hagai Levine, Boulder Creek, FedEx, recession, inflation, Joe Biden, Cardinal Gregory, Fletch Daniels

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Written by: LoneRhody