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Sign Up Now Mike Church & Dr. Taylor Marshall: What Catholics Need To Know About The CoronaHoax™ & May 1st!
- You are going to lose the House of Representing too the way it was looking so they took the nuclear option!
Mail in Voting – this is just RIPE for corruption.
- If you are Donald Trump and you see this happening, you see these Governors just going to do it, then you are going to have a Bush vs Gore again.
- WineBoxNancy – will declare the election was invalid b/c we know Trump colluded last election so they will pick and choose which states mail in ballots they will accept.
- How does the media play into this?
- How does this effect the global structure?
- #MSM – they are so far out of the ‘main stream’ no one would recognize them.
- Legacy Corporate Media – Big Pharma, Big Insurance….name your BIG and they are advertising.
- Why should I see a commercial for Donald Douglas on Fox News?
- Grants from the United States Federal Government – that is how CRS is being funded.
- In Germany at least they tell you they are taking 10% of your tax money to go towards abortions/contraception.
- This isn’t funded by the plate that is passed around in Mass.
- Consolidating 10 parishes into one – they will claim it is b/c of the COVID but it is really b/c they are having to pay out b/c of sex abuse lawsuits.
- $100 million a year given to USCCB to repatriate Muslim immigrants not Lebanese Christian immigrants.
- FACTS – all the way at the top in the Vatican there are those that knew and still know and did nothing.
- The first thing done was to see if they could get away w/ the #StayHomeStaySafe nonsense.
- If humans would do that, you have conquered over half of the population w/o firing a shot.
- Big companies are shielded from this but the SMALL businesses are not.
- May 1st – May Day – Pope Pius 12th gave us St Joseph the Worker day.
- First Friday’s – how do we get these Bishops to open the doors for us?
- Not liturgical event is private according to Canon Law.
- In this moment of darkness, it would be wonderful if we could rally and have them say…here do this…..
- St Joseph is rising –
- We pray for our President, our country and for an end to the covid19.
- The economic wreckage that is coming is just so overwhelming.
- It is a discouraging and confusing time.
- May 1st – let’s pray together, fast together and implore God to intervene.
- May 1st at 3pm
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