
39 Results / Page 3 of 5


What Does A CRUSADER Knight Look Like? Like This…

What Does A CRUSADER Knight Look Like? Like This… In a world of rainbow flag waving soyboy, anti-christ heathens, real men are needed but in short supply. Dod you have what it takes to be a CRUSADER Knight of The Holy Rosary with me? Here's what Saint Bernard of Clairvaux says a Knight does with his Saturday. Their hair is worn short, in conformity with the Apostle’s saying There is […]

today11/30/2019 821

Archbishop Viganò

From Brother Andre Marie-Archbishop Viganò Now Sounds Prophetical

Archbishop Viganò Now Sounds Prophetical In saying what is headlined, I do not mean that Archbishop Viganò is foreseeing the future, but that he is teaching the truths of revealed religion with stunning clarity and holy urgency. His Grace is objecting to the continuation of the program begun in the statement jointly signed in Abu Dhabi by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed el-Tayeb, a program that […]

today11/23/2019 9

Jesus our Friend

A Question From Brother Andre Marie-Is Jesus our ‘Friend’?

Is Jesus our 'Friend'? One of the more rewarding aspects of being a high-school religion teacher is to be the recipient of good questions, questions that show that the student thinks and cares about the important subject matter he is studying. Some months back, one of my seniors, a bright young lady, asked me a very good question via email. Just yesterday, her younger brother, a freshmen, asked me the […]

today11/21/2019 13


Sunday Thoughts from Brother Andre – Evangelize or Die

Evangelize or Die The note of “catholicity” is that which assures to the true Church a broad diffusion throughout the whole world. That the Catholic Church is historically the only Christian body to possesses this mark is proof of the veracity of her claims. Yet of the many promises Our Redeemer made to His Church, there is not one that tells us she can never disappear, or nearly disappear, from […]

today11/16/2019 6

Dr. John Rao is Right: “This Rod Dreher Guy Has Got To Be Stopped”

by Mike Church I saw Dr. Rao (see my recent interview with Dr. Rau at the Angelus Press Convention) give a talk at last year's Catholic Identity Conference where he warned the faithful in attendance to start a vigorous opposition to Catholic's use of the warped, heretical theology of author and blogger Rod Dreher. I enjoyed Dr. rau's talk and took up the cause but apparently with not enough virtue. […]

today11/11/2019 21

The CRUSADE Channel Celebrates FOUR YEARS! Thank YOU!

An open letter to all of our friends, brothers and sisters (bristah's!).   It was 4 years ago today, that the CRUSADE Channel was launched, thanks to many of you, it has survived in a cutthroat marketplace where it seems everyone is a "broadcaster". What started as a special event radio station, Founding Father Films Radio, was renamed and went 24/7/365. We missed all of 16 hours on-air during these […]

today11/11/2019 81

UnInvite Boston Mayor Marty Walsh

The Charlestown Knights of Columbus Must UnInvite Boston Mayor Marty Walsh

The Charlestown Knights of Columbus Must UnInvite Boston Mayor Marty Walsh UPDATE: Mayor Walsh has removed from his Twitter the Oct 29th Tweet that was promoting the event, shown below. by Mike Church This morning I interviewed the President of the Catholic Action league of Massachusetts, C. Joseph Doyle who revealed to CRUSADE Channel listeners Boston Mayor Marty Walsh's latest abomination. Listen to the interview here. Below is the letter […]

today11/04/2019 332

Beware The Joker

Beware The Joker: Fake Catholics Now Just Making Up Their Own History

Beware The Joker: Fake Catholics Now Just Making Up Their Own History by Mike Church I just left Mass and in conversations afterwards told friends that we should just ignore the hysterical apostasies coming out of Rome these days and just focus on ourselves, our families and our parishes; then the story below lands in my inbox and I ignore my own advice, but this is just too dangerous to […]

today11/03/2019 6

He Was Refused Communion By Fr. Morley

Joe Biden Refuses To Discuss What We Reported Yesterday Morning: Biden Was Refused Communion By Fr. Morley

Joe Biden Refuses To Discuss What We Reported Yesterday Morning: Biden Was Refused Communion By Fr. Morley by Mike Church Yesterday, near the end of the first hour of the Mike Church Show, caller Tim Williams of Florence SC, called in to confirm that he was at Saint Anthony's Catholic Church, standing within earshot of the former Vice President when he went to receive the Eucharist but Father Morley, correctly, […]

today10/30/2019 71