
39 Results / Page 5 of 5


The Church Is Missionary by Her Very Nature

In faithful Catholic circles, there is a collective sense of angst and dread on the eve of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region (October 6-27). Not basing themselves upon rumor or speculation, those concerned point to public statements of the Synod’s organizers and the very content of the instrumentum laboris (working document) that will set the pace of the synod’s proceedings. Alarmingly, in reference to this document, the […]

today10/03/2019 43

“Woke Catholics” Think Buying Their Kids Ouija Boards Makes Them Cool

"Woke Catholics" Think Buying Their Kids Ouija Boards Makes Them Cool No, it makes them damned! by Mike Church - I saw this on Twitta and nearly hopped in my car to go find these people and take their kids from them, good Lord, who says something so silly yet eternally damning!? Next webinar will be a discussion about the pros & cons of the #ouijaboard ... — Stephanie […]

today09/26/2019 9