
41 Results / Page 5 of 5


Education & World News

Winchester, VA - Reuters reported yesterday that Otto Warmbier, the University of Virginia student who was returned from North Korea on “humanitarian grounds” last week died in a Cincinnati Hospital yesterday. Doctors had said that Warmbier was in a state of unresponsive wakefulness, unable to see, hear, or respond to any stimulus around him. North Korea said that Otto had fallen into the coma after contracting botulism but his family rejected […]

today06/20/2017 32

University of Winconsin-Madison, Bringing Marxism to a Student Near You

Winchester, VA - And lastly in Celestial Musings, there is a college course at the University of Wisconsin-Madison entitled “Class, State, and Ideology: An Introduction to Social Science in the Marxist Tradition,” but what it really should be entitled is, “Indoctrination Into Marxism”. The professor, Erik Olin Wright, a man whose curls could rival Bob Ross anyday, teaches students that capitalism creates “a world of great misery, inequality and oppression” that […]

today06/16/2017 12

Do What Thou Wilt–Just Be Nice and Happy About It, OK?

Winchester, VA - In this Celestial Musings, we answer the question: Is it worse to be considered anti-feminist or anti-transgender? The Blaze reports that Connecticut high school freshman Andraya Yearwood won the girls 100 Meter and 200 Meter dashes at the state championships. At issue? Yearwood is really a boy identifying as a girl, and as usual everybody is playing along. Yearwood's parents simply brush off concerns about fairness and say […]

today06/09/2017 10

Principal Fired for Defending Others’ Free Speech When the Police Wouldn’t

Winchester, VA - The Daily Caller is reporting on the firing of Nicholas Dean, principal of the Cresent Leadership Academy, a school for at risk, mostly poor students that no other schools will accept. Two years ago his work with these children, many minorities, was laudable enough to earn him public praise from NPR, but now he is a disgraced racist, bigoted white supremicist. His offense? Defending Confederate statue apologists from […]

today06/06/2017 6

Talent Show Turned Terrifying

Winchester, VA - Todd Starnes reports that Manhattan public school parents were shocked and horrified when their children's talent show, with children as young as 5 present, turned into the setting of what the New York Daily News called, “A full-on, erotic drag show complete with gyrations, tongue gymmastics and a flashed G-string.” Public School 96 Parent Association President Frankie Quinones was the offender, wrapping up the show doing a lip […]

today06/05/2017 8