
56 Results / Page 6 of 7



Winchester, VA - The BBC reports that Chris Gard and Connie Yates, the parents of Charlie Gard, an 11 month old struggling to survive with mitochondrial depletion syndrome, have presented a petition to the Greater Ormond Street Hospital signed by over 350,000 people, asking them to release Charlie to receive treatment for his condition by specialists in the United States of America. There will be a hearing in court today as […]

today07/10/2017 12


Winchester, VA - Reuters is reporting on a new device aimed at replacing the panic alert buttons used by at-risk individuals such as the elderly. It is called the Vevios bracelet. Graduate student Hanne Palsson from Lund University explains how the bracelet works. With 80% of safety alert alarms being false, she says that this will go a long way to cutting down on such false alarms.

today06/27/2017 22


Winchester, VA - The Huffington Post reports that allergic reactions to meat are spreading through the country. Immunologist Thomas Platts-Mills from the University of Virginia thought little of the condition in the 1990's but after a group of people from the southeast-lone star tick country-, all on the same chemotherapy drug, manifested an allergy to the drug, he investigated further. All of the patients with the drug allergy had antibodies to […]

today06/22/2017 11

World News – Health

Winchester, VA - The UK Catholic Herald is reporting that British doctors are planning a vote on June 27 to decide whether or not the British Medical Association should adopt the decriminalization of abortion as one of their platforms. The vote will decide whether the organization will lobby for availability of abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason whatsoever. The populace, however does not support this position. A […]

today06/20/2017 8

Adolescent Smoking is Down For the First Time in Years

Winchester, VA - CNN is reporting on an announcement by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that adolescent use of e-cigarettes has decreased for the first time in years. They compared survey results over six years which demonstrated that from 2015 to 2016, the use of e-cigarettes declined. E-cigarettes are battery powered gadgets which turn liquid nicotine into a vapor which is then inhaled by the user, so the […]

today06/16/2017 10

Dry Drowning: What You Need to Know

Winchester, VA -  In this Celestial Musings, the term “dry drowning” has been in the news the last few days, and it being swimming season, a refresher on this condition is in order so that you might be prepeared. What are the signs of dry drowning? Water safety expert Alison Osinski told CNN that the signs are: a persistent cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, lethargy, fever, and an unusual […]

today06/13/2017 7

Hillcrest Women’s Medical Center: Good Riddance!

Winchester, VA - The cause for women and childrens' health received a boost on Wednesday when Pennsylvania state Secretary of Health Karen Murphy announced the closure of the Hillcrest Women's Medical Center, an abortion clinic, after an unannounced monitoring visit turned up multiple health violations which led the department to conclude the clnic was an unsafe place for women to receive care. Hillcrest made the news last winter when an inspection […]

today06/08/2017 9

Curing Sickle Cell Anemia With Stem Cells? Yes!

Winchester, VA - Sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disorder which affects 70,000 to 100,000 Americans each year. With this disorder, blood cells clump together as they move through the body, causing pain, organ and tissue damage, and other maladies. The Kansas City Tribune reports that although bone marrow stem cell transplants were recognized as a cure decades ago, they have been rarely taken recourse to because of low access […]

today06/05/2017 23

Who Determines the End of “Our Time”?

Winchester, VA - Now for some Celestial Musings... Is it your time when it's your time? Or do men sometimes cause their deaths prematurely through negligence? Fox news reports on a 31 year old man who died after going into septic shock following a swim in the Gulf of Mexico. He had just gotten tattoos of praying hands and a crucifix on his calf, and did not wait the recommended two […]

today06/02/2017 81