
1005 Results / Page 69 of 112

Georgia Election

Trump Campaign Releases Initial List Of Voter Fraud In Georgia Election

Trump Campaign Releases Initial List Of Voter Fraud In Georgia Election Via Just The News: The Trump campaign on Wednesday released an initial list of what it said were numerous deceased residents of Georgia that voted in the 2020 election. Citing what it said were "several examples [of voter fraud] in Georgia that should be investigated," the campaign cited four Georgia residents that passed away as long as 17 years […]

today11/12/2020 14


Biden Campaign Worries Inauguration Could Turn Into Trump MAGA Rally

Biden Campaign Worries Inauguration Could Turn Into Trump MAGA Rally Via Just The News: Some members of Joe Biden's campaign team are reportedly worried that Inauguration Day in Washington, D.C. might turn into a huge President Trump rally, similar to the raucous "Make America Great Again" events he held throughout the campaign. In a Daily Beast piece headlined "Biden World Fears Trump Will Bring 'Weird S***' to Their Inauguration," the liberal […]

today11/12/2020 5


Trump Isn’t Asking For “Recounts” Or Betting On Them Yet The MIC Continues To Pretend He Is

Trump Isn't Asking For "Recounts" Or Betting On Them Yet The MIC Continues To Pretend He Is UPDATE 121120 1:45 p.m.: See, exactly what I told you was going to happen: BREAKING: Pennsylvania.🗳️ Judge orders segregated ballots should *not* be counted. It rules the PA Secretary of State "lacked statutory authority" to override election law. Critically, the state has a Republican state legislature.#SCOTUS may ultimately decide the case now. […]

today11/11/2020 54


Trump Will Win But Here Is What Is Disturbing To Me Part II

Trump Will Win But Here Is What Is Disturbing To Me Part II by Mike Church The late Andrew Breitbart wrote once "Culture Is Downstream From Politics". Most people swallow that line and run with it as if its carved in stone but I believe it needs a correction from a Catholic. Politics AND Culture are downstream from The Truth. Why? Because neither matter if they aren't properly ordered under […]

today11/11/2020 87


Florida’s DeSantis To Allow Citizens To Shoot Looters, Rioters Targeting Businesses

Florida's DeSantis To Allow Citizens To Shoot Looters, Rioters Targeting Businesses Via Fox News: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has drafted “anti-mob” legislation that would expand the state’s Stand Your Ground law – a move that some worry would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting. DeSantis’ newest legislation comes in response to months of protesting that frequently lead to rioting this summer in Florida […]

today11/11/2020 10


Lawsuit Filed In Michigan Alleges Election Fraud Including Backdating Of Ballots

Lawsuit Filed In Michigan Alleges Election Fraud Including Backdating Of Ballots Via Just The News: A voter fraud lawsuit filed in Michigan alleges that poll workers were instructed to backdate ballots and not verify signatures.  The suit, brought in Michigan's Third Judicial Circuit by the Great Lakes Justice Center on behalf of Cheryl Constantino and Edward McCall, pertains specifically to ballot counting in Wayne County, in which Detroit is located.  David […]

today11/11/2020 10

Postal Worker

Conflicting Reports Emerge Over Pa. Postal Worker Allegations Of Voting Fraud

Conflicting Reports Emerge Over Pa. Postal Worker Allegations Of Voting Fraud Via Just The News: Conflicting reports have emerged about whether Pennsylvania postal worker Richard Hopkins has recanted his sworn claims to have witnessed voter fraud.  Hopkins claimed last week that an Erie, Pa., postmaster had told postal workers to backdate ballots that were mailed after Election Day. His allegations were first shown by Project Veritas, an investigative news organization that […]

today11/11/2020 10


Editorial – Trump Will Win But Here Is What Is Disturbing To Me

Editorial - Trump Will Win But Here Is What Is Disturbing To Me by Mike Church There is a mountain of evidence from the 2020 Presidential Election that there was an illegal dump of millions of ballots, across at least 6 states, AFTER the election was concluded Tuesday night. Yet the President's legal angle of attack seems to me to be seeking localized incidents of garden variety, #Demoncrat election corruption […]

today11/10/2020 10


Minority Believe Biden Is Legitimate Winner Of Election; A Third Say Trump Won

Minority Believe Biden Is Legitimate Winner Of Election; A Third Say Trump Won Via Just The News: More than a third of registered voters believe Donald Trump legitimately won the presidential election, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen. Less than half of all respondents — 49% — believe Joe Biden legitimately won the race, while 34% said they believe Trump won the election, and 16% said they are not […]

today11/10/2020 4