
1005 Results / Page 91 of 112


The #CoronaBorg™, #LockdownLoonies™ of #Pandemistan™ Refuse To See This Corona Hoax For What It Is

The #CoronaBorg™, #LockdownLoonies™ of #Pandemistan™ Refuse To See This Corona Hoax For What It Is by Mike Church Here's a Tweetstorm on 10 articles recently published that eviscerate the "Corona Pandemic", end of the world, everyone is a walking-zombie in waiting, MSM Big govenrment narrative. Folks it is simply logically impossible that Corona Virus is 1. as deadly as it is said to be and 2. warrants any continued action […]

today04/19/2020 7

The Brave New World of Our Covid-19 Medical Fascist Regime Has Arrived

The Brave New World of Our Covid-19 Medical Fascist Regime Has Arrived by Mike Church. Read the comments on the Facebook post below (see my letter to Representative Mark Wright for details on his actions) and realize that these people have been so totally brainwashed and propagandized no amount of fact can penetrate.   If one of these brown shirt useful idiots saw you arrested for praying a public rosary […]

today04/14/2020 7


H.R.5717- The Anti-Gunners’s Trojan Horse No One Is Talkin About

H.R.5717- The Anti-Gunners's Trojan Horse No One Is Talkin About Most of you have never heard of H.R.5717, otherwise known as the "Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020". It was introduced in January of this year by Representative Hank Johnson (Famous. for thinking Guam would tip over). This bill would be dismissed as nothing more as a liberal fantasy in normal times. However these are hardly normal […]

today04/14/2020 5

Supply Chain

The Breakdown Of The Supply Chain And The Coming Panic

The Breakdown Of The Supply Chain And The Coming Panic Amidst the panic and overall reduction of freedom that has come with COVID-19 "pandemic", comes this report from Reuters about a far greater threat than the sniffles.  Titled "Factbox: Coronavirus spread closes North American meat plants" details the  that at least 11 different meat plants that have been shut down either temporarily or indefinitely. This will have far reaching consequences […]

today04/13/2020 41


Kentucky Citizen You Will Obey!

Kentucky Citizen You Will Obey! From WLWT TV in Kentucky FRANKFORT, Ky. — Kentucky Gov. Beshear is taking additional measures this weekend to stop the spread of COVID-19. At a news conference Friday, Beshear said any person who attends a mass gathering this weekend will have their license plate recorded and reported to the state's health department by Kentucky State Police troopers. A worker from the health department will then […]

today04/12/2020 1


Mike Church Letter To Representative Mark Wright – Louisiana’s Governor John Bel Edwards Must Be Stopped

by Mike Church UPDATE 3: Since Representative Wright seems to have found this page, I pray he and others will consider the actual FACTS of driving this autocratic tyranny. This is from Swiss Propaganda Research Doctor, please follow each link and verify for yourself, as I have done. You'll need to install google translate because many of the research papers are written in Italian and German. UPDATE 2: I have […]

today04/10/2020 124


Mike Church At The Daily Caller-The Coronavirus: Were Medieval Times Really That Bad? 

The Coronavirus: Were Medieval Times Really That Bad?  By: Mike Church  “[E]ven in the groups where there was no hustle there was often something of homelessness. I do not mean merely that they were not dining at home; but rather that they were not at home even when dining.”- G.K. Chesterton, Everlasting man  There is a silver lining to this viral monstrosity we call Covid-19 i.e the Coronavirus: we’re being […]

today04/09/2020 5


Mike Church’s Latest At The Daily Caller-The Constitution Can Prevent The Wushevik Revolution

The Constitution Can Prevent The Wushevik Revolution By Mike Church Today, dozens of State governors are acting as autocrats without the action of a single legislative body. This is a constitutional outrage that needs correcting. Fast. There are now only 9 States remaining whose governors have not implemented draconian shutdowns and seizures of their economies and social infrastructures i.e. churches and schools. Some cite Homeland Security Laws they passed after […]

today04/09/2020 7

Ruling Elites

The Ruling Elites Have Decided: Only Total Destruction of Your Standard of Living Will Suffice

The Ruling Elites Have Decided: Only Total Destruction of Your Standard of Living Will Suffice "There are lies, damned lies and statistics." - Samuel Langhorn Clemens Well, it is now official, folks, after the Wall Street Journal Reported that 6.6 MILLION people sought unemployment benefits last week, which brings the Kung Flu total's devastation to a whopping 9.9 MILLION, many governor's reacted with scorn. Louisiana's Ruling Elites, including John Bel […]

today04/02/2020 12