
1005 Results / Page 93 of 112


The Deep State Tested Shampeachment On Blagojevich First!

The Deep State Tested Shampeachment On Blagojevich First! Their is more to the Rob Blagojevich story than the legacy media is telling you! Not to fear dear listener, The KingDude is on the case (per usual)!  Doing the job the #NeverTrump media won't do: #blagojevich impeachment was almost IDENTICAL to the #Shampeachment & his "corruption" trial, included the commission of no crime. Be sure to watch the interview with Patti […]

today02/19/2020 15

NYC Antibody

The Atlantic Has Gone All In on #NeverTrump & #Hail Satan

The Atlantic Has Gone All In on #NeverTrump & #Hail Satan The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake!?- No. Just No. #NeverTrump author David Brooks never really had it all together so I can't say he's lost his mind but this 20k word screed on "finding new ways to live together" is an abominable hoax.  Here's Brooks' intro, see if it make sense to you. If you want to summarize the […]

today02/19/2020 3

Septuagesima Sunday

Septuagesima Sunday and the Feast of Saint Cyril of Alexandria and Saint Apollonia

Septuagesima Sunday and the feast of Saint Cyril of Alexandria and Saint Apollonia.  Septuagesima Sunday begins the season that comprises the three weeks immediately preceding Lent. It forms one of the principal divisions of the Liturgical Year, and is itself divided into three parts, each part corresponding to a week: the first is called Septuagesima; the second, Sexagesima; the third, Quinquagesima.  Saint Cyril of Alexandria is a Doctor of the Church, and was […]

today02/08/2020 9


Trump Revels In Acquittal Victory Over Evil Demoncrats By Handing Out Gameballs

Trump Revels In Acquittal Victory Over Evil Demoncrats By Handing Out Gameballs The President just concluded his stunning, post-#Shampeachment acquittal with a celebration in the White House, broadcast LIVE!, here on The CRUSADE Channel and concluding our gavel to gavel Shampeachment coverage that was unequaled in all of radio. Here's my take away from my Twitta (follow me here) What #NeverTrumper's will never get was just on display in the […]

today02/06/2020 3


Why Does Biden’s Burisma Need A Career, Deep State Spook On Their Board?

Why Does Biden's Burisma Need A Career, Deep State Spook On Their Board? That is the question a Senate investigation into the Biden's and other American's cozy and lucrative dealings with the infamously corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma should ask about Joseph Cofer Black, a career Deep State operative. In their own profile of Black, Burisma indicates that Black has 0.0 experience in energy production, distribution, international trading or anything […]

today02/05/2020 151


The Malpractice of The American News Media: Joe Biden Is Indicted In Ukraine But You Never Heard It!

The Malpractice of The American News Media: Joe Biden Is Indicted In Ukraine But You Never Heard It! While Adam Schiff is accusing President Trump of conspiring to sell Alaska to Putin then put Jared Kushner in charge of the Presidency an actual abuse of power is being thoroughly documented and now prosecuted in .... wait for it...UKRAINE and guess who the indictment is aimed at? Joe Biden for his […]

today02/03/2020 469

The Motivational Story of Candlemas And The Purification of The BVM

The Motivational Story of Candlemas And The Purification of The BVM The Forty Days of Mary’s Purification are now completed, and she must go up to the Temple, there to offer to God her Child Jesus. This is also the fourth Joyful Mystery of the Most Holy Rosary. The Law commanded that a woman who had given birth to a son should not approach the Tabernacle for the term of forty […]

today02/02/2020 11

2020 Election

The Pelosi Plot To Invalidate The 2020 Election & Have The HOR Settle It Is In Play

The Pelosi Plot To Invalidate The 2020 Election & Have The HOR Settle It Is In Play We are already talking 2020 election? What!? You read the headline and think, wow, this guy deserved to be booted from his 13 year reign on SiriusXM Satellite Radio! Please consider that #WineBoxNancy was in rare form today as she declared that when the Senate votes to acquit it won't be an acquittal […]

today01/30/2020 24

Trump's Acquittal

Winebox Nancy Vows To Not Accept Trump’s Acquittal!

Winebox Nancy Vows To Not Accept Trump's Acquittal! The Speaker of The House continues her Queen of Pain reign of legislative terror and has now promised, on camera, that when The President is Acquitted, and he will be, she will not accept Trump's acquittal because "there hasn't been a trial". Watch, from Twitta... .@SpeakerPelosi: If the Senate votes to aquit Pres. Trump, he “will not be acquitted” — Tom […]

today01/30/2020 5