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Catholic media has been a hot topic this year. I am trying to stay out of the Catholic propaganda wars this year for a variety of reasons, the least of which is I think it is at best dubious to make ones “living” reporting & commenting on the demise of The Church’s authority and any specific cleric’s role in it. I can hear the groans now. This is not to say that there is no value in reporting on these matters but without a Catholic based ethical framework to do so in, and there isn’t, then you basically have a Catholic-themed National Enquirer/Weekly World News competition (note that the NI broke several news stories the MSM wouldn’t touch). Now comes author George Weigel who produced a Catholic “reliable sources” list of what he thinks are approved news and commentary vendors. This has prompted a predictable TON of injurious outcry and now some commentary from that scion of all things formerly Catholic, Rod Dreher, who makes my above point for me.
The same thing happened to a lot of smart and dedicated people — conservative and liberal — in the Catholic Church, regarding the sex abuse scandal. People just didn’t want to believe these things were true, or could be true. They sounded too outlandish, like something out of the hysterically anti-Catholic Jack Chick comic books. But in most cases, the stories turned out to be true. Little of it surprised regular readers of The Wanderer. Whatever bad news is yet to come out of the Vatican and the US Catholic Church, the people who read the vividly reported, semi-tabloidy Catholic news sites are going to be less surprised than those who don’t. [emphasis mine-MC]
Read Dreher’s whole article here. In considering Weigel’s point and Dreher’s counter I offer that laity would be more positively served pursuing what IS working and looking for the means to support and promote it than by slogging in the anxiety-mill that is so much of the Catholic National Enquirer Complex’s (CNEC) offerings. What most the CNEC efforts boil down to is holding courts and pronouncing verdicts on the issue of Trust, a necessary component in any society and a pre-eminent one in The Church; but by constantly undermining the trustworthiness of Papa Francis et al, ultimately, the CNEC weakens and may even eliminate the Catholic’s necessary reliance on Trust, this has disastrous consequences especially for the lukewarm. As D.Q. McInerny explained in his Perennial Wisdom for Daily Life, in a Feb. 2000 essay on Trust.
Few things are so thoroughly upsetting as the betrayal of trust. If the betrayed trust represents an especially deep commitment of faith on our part and if it concerns matters of great importance, it can seem that our whole world is tottering and threatening to collapse in upon us. It is in dark times such as these that we need to remind ourselves of the one type of trust that can never be betrayed, and renew our confidence in Him who will never let us down. [emphasis mine-MC]
McInerny is correct and if his reasoning is applied to the CNEC it is possible to see some wisdom in what Weigel wrote, however, neither has hit McInerny’s bullseye that no matter the Judas’s and Luther’s that abound, trusting in Him and joyfully accepting those vicissitudes he sends us is a far better assurance of a holy death than “by slogging in the anxiety-mill that is so much of the Catholic National Enquirer Complex.”
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Actin All Crusader-Y Blog Entry on Catholic Media.
Written by: jadechampagne
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