Christopher Laurence Examines – Red Virus. Red Flag. Red Menace.

today04/12/2021 6

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Christopher Laurence Examines – Red Virus. Red Flag. Red Menace.

“We did not confiscate your guns, you never owned any guns. You must have had a hallucination, or a particularly believable lucid dream. This is understandable, as you have survived COVID-19, and therefore it is very likely that your mental competency has been impaired. Oh? Are you not aware? Well, please peruse this study. As you can see, everything is in order! Like I’ve said, you’ve never owned any guns, therefore we couldn’t have taken them. You don’t even like guns. These are not the droids you’re looking for. Move along.”

This seemingly-exaggerated bit of theater is on its way to becoming a reality, if people’s complacency remains at the heightened level at which is currently exists. Hyperbole? Conspiracy theory? I wish.

From a story at, and currently being more and more widely circulated through the mainstream American media’s Pravda-esque propaganda apparatus (emphasis and words in parentheses, mine);

A third of COVID-19 survivors suffer from long-term brain or psychiatric disorders, scientists reported Tuesday. Researchers studied more than 236,000 patients, mostly in the U.S. (where all the gun owners are) finding that 34% of survivors were diagnosed with a neurological or psychological condition within six months of infection… 

anxiety was the most common diagnosis, affecting 17% of survivors (I wonder what, in our current social climate, might cause one to feel anxious, post-COVID diagnosis.)… 

Mood disorders were the second-most common diagnosis, at 14%, followed by substance misuse disorders at 7% and insomnia at 5%…

For 13% of patients, it was their first recorded neurological or psychiatric diagnosis (convenient)…

Researchers compared the electronic health records of COVID-19 patients to those who experienced other respiratory infections… they found that those with Coronavirus had a 44% higher chance of neurological or psychiatric diagnoses compared to patients recovering from influenza (and here they reinforce the conjured-up and largely meaningless—but integral to their ideology—distinction between Corona and other strains of influenza).”

So, what is the thread connecting this report and the scene described at the beginning of this post? Red Flag Laws. In case you’re unfamiliar, Red Flag Laws are, in essence, a means to put into effect a guilty-until-proven-innocent mechanism by which anyone (yes, anyone) can have your legally-owned firearms confiscated from you for an indeterminate length of time, for any number of nebulous reasons. This is a measure straight out of Philip K. Dick’s classic, “The Minority Report”, in which persons are arrested for crimes they may commit in the future. For we who are reasonable Americans (fewer and fewer each day) this is simply untenable.

You’ve probably grasped the basic legalistic drawback to precrime methodology. We’re taking in individuals who have broken no law.” – John Anderton, The Minority Report.

Well, those attempting to enact Red Flag Laws, and to now weaponize a COVID diagnosis to carry them out, do not grasp the legalistic drawbacks. Or rather, they do, but simply ignore them, as they do anything which conflicts with their agenda, including reality itself. Let me make it clearer – any and all of the psychiatric disorders named in the “study” could be used as cause to have a SWAT Team comprised of complicit, clockwork tin soldiers, brass keys set and wound by the mighty Red Flag, burst upon you in the middle of the night, terrifying your family, and swooping up all your (again, legally-owned) firearms, possibly along with yourself. You will then be tasked with proving your innocence in court. However, what with your shiny new psychosis diagnosis (a pithy little rhyme with which to frame you with a crime) this will be a near impossibility. There are many (I’m sure) good-natured, law-abiding citizens, who assumed they were acting in good faith or in the interest of their loved ones by submitting to a CORONA swab. There are many more besides who were forced to do so in order to maintain employment, receive legitimate and necessary medical treatments, or in some cases even participate in basic commerce, who also received the test. And now they have been ensnared in the duplicitous web which was part of the NWO’s plan all along, to enact what Communists have always understood was the necessary first step before full suppression of a populace can occur: the removal of the people’s ability to defend themselves. 

It is all connected. Yet, if you noticed it, you were branded a fringe lunatic, a paranoiac, and (carrying the greatest stigma these days) a conspiracy theorist. Well, it’s time to stop fearing that label and embrace it. Yes, I am a conspiracy theorist, because conspiracy (definition: An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act) now forms the basis of our government, mainstream media and national institutions. The water we frogs have been placed in is reaching full boil. The time is fast coming when it will be too late to hop out. Recognize this, learn to resist, or the gulag (and perhaps the guillotine) await.


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Written by: Christopher L

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