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People have this notion that digging into the past is like crawling into a dumpster full of rotting food. Or being transported to a time where color hasn’t been invented yet. They cringe at the idea of watching old movies or TV shows. Why is this? Those who are Millennials or younger have the term FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Older generations would have described the same sentiment as being unable to keep up with the discussion around the water cooler.
This reluctance is sadly, and perhaps more oddly, also found in Traditional Catholics, whose entire worldview is based on wisdom and revelation which is not just old, but ancient. Yet even for them, the thought of watching a film made before 1990 (never mind those made before 1960) is often horrifying. Or at least, confounding (“Why would anyone want to watch some old movie?”). It’s an unfortunate disposition, because the actual quality of film (morally and creatively) seems to have steeply declined as we move ahead, with some notable exceptions.
In reality, the only progressions that seem to have been made in films post-1970 are not innovations and advancements in storytelling, but the expanded depiction and promotion of immorality. Across the board it seems creatives in modern film and television (and I use the word “creatives” lightly) feel that the way to be an avant-garde filmmaker of the highest order is to cram as much grotesquery, foul language, blasphemy, irreverence and nudity into their work as possible. That’s what the hip, iconoclastic auteurs all do, man!
Yet it would be impossible for someone to convince me that “Jurassic World” is on par with “Citizen Kane”. It isn’t; not even close. So, then, what are we afraid we’re missing out on if we skip the latest piece of Hollywood schlock in favor of a well-made classic? We’re certainly not going to be enriched by the “Twilight” saga or the “Transformers” franchise. I daresay it’s highly unlikely we’ll even be mildly entertained. The fear arises not from thinking we’re depriving ourselves of some great insight into the human condition which might be on display from these movies, but from putting ourselves outside what may be considered “normal” by our peer groups. And I say, “Good!” What is it to be a Catholic who follows Jesus Christ? It’s to be set apart!
“You, a people set apart for the Lord, chosen out of all nations on earth to be His very own.” -Deuteronomy 14:2
“Wherefore, Go out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing,” -2 Corinthians 6:17
“And you must not fall in with the manners of this world; there must be an inward change, a remaking of your minds, so that you can satisfy yourselves what is God’s will, the good thing, the desirable thing, the perfect thing.” -Romans 12:2
So then, why should we assume this command of setting ourselves apart, of not being in conformity with the world, doesn’t apply to our choices of entertainment? For example; one aspect of the post-modern (so-called) entertainment media that continues to increase in prevalence is the casual use of Our Lord’s name in a blasphemous manner. We’ll be returning to this subject in a later post, but in brief, this is a gross affront against the Second Commandment, and also a violation of the Principle of the Integral Good (which we will also speak about more in depth in the future). This may be considered somewhat reductionist, but it’s true all the same; it is never worth offending God just to gain a seat at the cool kids’ table. Better to not know what happened in the finale of “Game of Thrones” (or any episode of “Game of Thrones”, which is absolute hot garbage both morally and in regards to world-building, lore creation and storytelling) than to do great detriment to your mind and soul by imbibing it.
Let me assure you; there is nothing scary about watching movies or TV shows that are *gasp* in black & white or made before 1970. In fact, if you put modern predilections aside, and give them a chance, you’ll be opening yourself up to a much grander perspective on what is possible in these mediums. I’d like to conclude by issuing a challenge, of sorts, to anyone reading this who may have consistently eschewed the viewing of classic films – sit down and watch “Arsenic & Old Lace” or the Marx Brothers’ “Duck Soup” or “Animal Crackers, and if you don’t find any of them funnier than some random piece of hackery starring Seth Rogan, let me know in the comments. Shifting to the domain of the dramatic, give a viewing to “On the Waterfront”, “Casablanca” or Kurosawa’s “Seven Samurai” and tell me if you aren’t enthralled or even the least bit moved.
We need not offend God to be entertained. And being conformist was never the message of the Gospel, or the Teaching of The Church, or the way of the Saints. And plus, it’s always cooler to stand out.
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Written by: Christopher L
Mike Church offers no-holds barred commentary on the moral & political decay of the modern world but unlike all other hosts, Mike offers solutions to these ills, solutions rooted in the wisdom of the Fathers, founding and Church!
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