“Conservative Media” Are The REAL Fake News Against Trump

today02/23/2020 57

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“Conservative” Media Continue Their Elite, #NeverTrump Rejection of Reality At The Expense Of Truth for Fake News!

For “conservatives” to continue claiming that President Trump is an unfit occupant of the Presidency who just happens to like your “Pro-Life & I Vote” bumper sticker is both stupid and antithetical to his actual deeds; you should recognize them.

Fake news is more than just a catchphrase. I used to count the American Conservative Magazine as an ally in the fight against the NeoCon and Soros Elite cabals but surely and steadily, save for the voice of Pat Buchanan, TAC has directed its editorial voices toward full throated #NeverTrump-ism, and now to the point of an abject denial of reality and of the “conservative” mission TAC is supposed to represent. On Friday, we covered the President’s Corporal Work of Mercy in visiting and comforting the paroled prisoners of the NV State Penitentiary and the Hope For Prisoners program. (I might ask the TAC editors: how many prisons have YOU visited this year to comfort the imprisoned, per St Paul?)

Mike Church talked about this on many show including this past Friday’s, LISTEN HERE!

In using his office to actually PERFORM a Corporal i.e Spiritual Work of Mercy in this prison, The President continues to lead by example as he did at the March For Life and many other venues where he invokes the Imago Dei (Image of God); “we are all…children of God” and “by God’s Grace…”.

These are not the words of some circus performer who has bribed his way into power they are the genuine and sincere words of a sinner, who is always seeking to place God in our affairs, knowing he is incapable of the great task that lies ahead. Yet the NRO, TAC and most of Conservatism Inc remain aghast at Trump and only grudgingly grant approbation to any of his acts as if they are just the product of luck…you know, a broken clock is right twice per day. Fake news. In doing so these media reveal their evaluation of themselves as entitled, guardians & gatekeepers of Conservatism Inc, crusading to protect their flocks from entertaining the thought that maybe, just maybe, Sir Orange The Bad is actually doing, in many instances, exactly what they had imagined a”true conservative” might do if elected President. 

I recommend a regimen of humility pills and meditation on the incredible pro-life, pro religious liberty legal actions President Trump has taken. Contrast that with the Malthusian, eugenics program Killary was scheming to implement upon coronation and it should be clear: THANKS are in order instead of this never ending barrage of “well, its ok but HE ruins it because he’s he”. In response, consider this: did the catacomb Christians of Rome review Constantine’s resume and past life before accepting the fruit that was the Edict of Milan and his conversion to The Faith. Was/Is the world better off because of that most imperfect of all conversions and lives, that of Emperor Constantine? Russell Kirk popularized the adage “let no the perfect be the enemy of the good”.

Don John of Manhattan is not perfect but he is plenty, Good, am I the only “conservative Christian” who is thankful for that? That is not Fake news at all.

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Written by: jadechampagne

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