If You See A Millennial Say Something: They Are Officially A Dangerous Threat To Peace and Civilization Now

today10/29/2019 11

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If You See A Millennial Say Something

by Mike Church

A new YouGov.com poll shows a disturbing trend among these creatures that live among us called “Millennials”: they are right now paving the way for the next 150 million person slaughter of innocents living under a new communism. This poll shows just how successful the Red Left’s infiltration of the public education system has been.

  • Capitalism is still viewed more favorably than other economic systems, holding relatively steady at 61% favorability from 2018; however, favorability of capitalism is lower among Generation Z and Millennials at around only 50%, down 6 points and 8 points from 2018 respectively.

  • Communism is viewed favorably by more than one-in-three Millennials (36%), up 8 points from 2018.

  • 15% of Millennials think the world would be better off if the Soviet Union still existed.

  • 57% of Generation Z and 62% of Millennials believe China is a communist country and not a democratic country (compared to 88% of Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation).

  • 72% of Americans incorrectly say that communism has killed less than 100 million people in the past 100 years.

  • A majority of Americans age 35 and under trust themselves (66%) more than the community (19%) or government (15%).

Read the whole thing and gird your loins for the Day of The Millennial Dead! Like the title says: If You See A Millennial Say Something: They Are Officially A Dangerous Threat To Peace and Civilization Now.


Written by: MikeChurch

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