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by Mike Church
A new poll shows a disturbing trend among these creatures that live among us called “Millennials”: they are right now paving the way for the next 150 million person slaughter of innocents living under a new communism. This poll shows just how successful the Red Left’s infiltration of the public education system has been.
Capitalism is still viewed more favorably than other economic systems, holding relatively steady at 61% favorability from 2018; however, favorability of capitalism is lower among Generation Z and Millennials at around only 50%, down 6 points and 8 points from 2018 respectively.
Communism is viewed favorably by more than one-in-three Millennials (36%), up 8 points from 2018.
15% of Millennials think the world would be better off if the Soviet Union still existed.
57% of Generation Z and 62% of Millennials believe China is a communist country and not a democratic country (compared to 88% of Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation).
72% of Americans incorrectly say that communism has killed less than 100 million people in the past 100 years.
A majority of Americans age 35 and under trust themselves (66%) more than the community (19%) or government (15%).
Read the whole thing and gird your loins for the Day of The Millennial Dead! Like the title says: If You See A Millennial Say Something: They Are Officially A Dangerous Threat To Peace and Civilization Now.
Written by: MikeChurch
9:00 am - 10:00 am
A News and Opinion show dedicated to exposing and mocking the Build Back Better / New World Order agenda.
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