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Today is the day the Catholic Church has proclaimed and set aside for the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Protector of all families and The Universal Church. In our newly energized quest to restore Christendom on this continent, gentlemen can do their family no greater favor than to adopt this loving father and husband of Our Lady as the Patron Saint of their homes and indeed their lives.
Dom Prosper Gueranger explains the eternal importance of St. Joseph being chosen as the spouse of Mary, Our Mother and the foster parent of the Savior of Mankind.
Heaven designated him as being the only one worthy of such a treasure: the rod he held in his hand, in the Temple, suddenly produced a flower, as though it were a literal fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaias: There shall come forth a rod from the root of Jesse, and a flower shall rise up out of his root. The rich pretenders to an alliance with Mary were set aside: and Joseph was espoused to the Virgin of the House of David, by a union which surpassed in love and purity everything the Angels themselves had ever witnessed.
But he was not only chosen to the glory of having to protect the Mother of the Incarnate Word; he was also called to exercise an adopted paternity over the very Son of God. So long as the mysterious cloud was over the Saint of Saints, men called Jesus the Son of Joseph, and the Carpenter’s Son. When our Blessed Lady found the Child Jesus in the Temple, in the midst of the Doctors, she thus addressed him: Thy father and I, sorrowing, have sought thee; and the holy Evangelist adds that Jesus was subject to them, that is, that he was subject to Joseph as he was to Mary.
I consecrated my life to St. Joseph in 2020 and had previously taken him as patron saint of my home; the blessings and graces received are innumerable. The Terror of Demons is one of his august and deserved titles and a reminder to those men who seek true happiness for their families i.e. a Holy death and blissful, eternal life, that practicing a devotion to our saint, places the evil one on notice that in this house, evil will enter at its own peril.
Ite ad Joseph!
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Written by: MikeChurch
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