Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties Catching on in Kentucky

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Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties Catching on in Kentucky

Union, KY – Kentucky is just the latest state to be enveloped in the Second Amendment fight. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has spotlighted the gun-control debate sparking a wave of county resolutions and ordinances seeking to provide “sanctuary” to gun owners.  After Northam called a special session on gun control in July to introduce eight separate bills aimed at “common sense” gun reforms following the deadly Virginia Beach Shootings in May of this year, the citizens of Virginia have become increasingly concerned.

Senses were heightened as a wave of anti-gun legislators were sworn into office in November.  It seems the citizens in the Commonwealth of Virginia are refusing to take this lying down.

County after county in Virginia have passed resolutions, ordinances and in some counties both for added measure.  Richard Barrett of The Barrett Brief covered this recently on The Crusade Channel.

Source wwwgunrightswatchcom

Many Patriots around the country have been inspired to do the same in order to protect the God-given right of personal protection.

Kentucky has caught the fire and is rapidly following suit.  Tuesday’s Fiscal Court meeting in Harlan County saw the introduction of the Bluegrass States first resolution to protect the precious Second Amendment from government overreach.

Judge-Executive, Dan Mosley told WYMT-TV:

Any time you see gun crimes occur, you’re not seeing law-abiding citizens involved in those crimes,” said Mosley. “We don’t feel like that law-abiding citizens should be infringed upon. They have this right as guaranteed by the Constitution of this country,” said Judge-Executive, Dan Mosley.

This is a big win for second amendment rights in the southeastern Kentucky county, and it isn’t stopping there.  On the other side of the commonwealth, Marshall County is attempting to adopt an actual Second Amendment Sanctuary County ordinance (SASO) prohibiting county officials from enforcing unconstitutional gun laws.  

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From WKMS:

The ordinance says that, if enacted, county officials cannot “knowingly and willingly, participate in any way in the enforcement of any Unlawful Act, as defined herein, regarding personal firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition.

The proposed ordinance defines an unlawful act as any federal or state regulation or law that “restricts an individual’s constitutional right to keep and bear arms”, or any regulation or law that bans, registers or limits the “lawful use of firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition (other than a fully automatic firearm which is made unlawful by Federal law).”

Marshall County Judge Executive Kevin Neal expressed dismay that such an ordinance required debate:

“It’s hard to believe that we actually have to look at putting an ordinance in place to protect our God-given rights.”

The County officials will be sending the ordinance to other Judge/Executives in the commonwealth for their consideration. 

Boone County, a Northern Kentucky community located fourteen miles south of Cincinnati, OH has a quickly growing advocacy group seeking its own SOSA.

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The Facebook group, “Boone County KY 2A” was recently started for the purpose of growing the movement far north into the state.

Jerome Palmer II began the group posting its purpose for all new members:

Thank you all for joining the group and furthering our cause! We all love our Rights and freedoms as Americans. So I hope we can continue to grow this group and advance our cause to protect them.

I’m currently working on a draft copy of a Sanctuary Resolution for Boone County, KY. I’ve got a templet [sic] from another group that I’m plugging our local information into. After it’s finished I’ll post it for everyone to read and give their thoughts and comments.

Kentucky residents are continuing to send a clear message to state legislators in Frankfort.  Boone County KY 2A Facebook group reports that over fifty counties throughout the commonwealth have either approved resolutions, ordinances, or are working on them.

Kentucky counties who have passed or are attempting to pass SOSAs

These ordinances are being enacted nationwide in some form and carry with them protections against improper enforcement of unconstitutional laws.

The Second Amendment was added to the United States Constitution to ensure the Federal government would not infringe upon the sovereign person’s God-given right to protect him or herself.  Each state has the right to prevent enforcement of unconstitutional laws through nullification, however, they must ensure that each state has their own “Right to Bear Arms” clause built into the state constitutions.  Currently, only 40 states have a constitutional right to to bear arms built into their respective documents.


Aaron Barker enjoys asking the questions that get you kicked out of bible study & sent to therapy. He is an On-Air fill-in host and Official #NeverGillette PR Machine of The Veritas Radio Networks “Crusade Channel.”

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Written by: Aaron B

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