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posted by Mike Church
The ShAmazonian™ Synod, on Monday, will “present” its summary of its wretched, diabolical proceedings but as Chris Ferrara points out, this summary of sin was written long ago.
Oh yes, there will still be ordained priests in this proposed new Church. But they will be married, and the deacons ordained to assist them will be women. The deal is done, barring divine intervention.
Get ready to duck the latest swing of the post-conciliar wrecking ball as it levels the remains of “the Church of Vatican II” and replaces it with “the face of the Amazon.”
At this point, the only thing left to do is what New Orleanians do after every natural disaster or man-imposed devastation visited upon our Saints, deal with it with humor.
What will you do when #ShAmazonian #Synod replaces your parish’s BVM statue with #Pachamama & deaconess Loretta shows up with her husband to “celebrate Mass”? It’d be fun if we COULD call “Popebusters” but we can’t and this is coming, so
Do?— Mike Church (@TheKingDude) October 26, 2019
Of course, we can always try and call, Popebusters™!
Written by: jadechampagne
Sermons culled from traditional Catholic priests according to the season.
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