The Brave New World of Our Covid-19 Medical Fascist Regime Has Arrived

today04/14/2020 7

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The Brave New World of Our Covid-19 Medical Fascist Regime Has Arrived

by Mike Church.
Read the comments on the Facebook post below (see my letter to Representative Mark Wright for details on his actions) and realize that these people have been so totally brainwashed and propagandized no amount of fact can penetrate.
If one of these brown shirt useful idiots saw you arrested for praying a public rosary with 11 people, they’d cheer.
If they saw you beaten then dragged off a bus by five cops because you weren’t wearing a surgical mask, they’d do the wave.
I don’t fear this flu strain.
I fear these people who’ve accepted needless house arrest orders like Jefferson just delivered the Declaration of independence.
Aldus Huxley’s Brave New World is here, with suburban gulags. H. L. Mencken said of ‘Murican government that “the American people should get for the government they voted for… and they should get it hard!”

Then we get word that the Trump Administration along with FEMA and CDC have a “working plan” to get ‘Muricah back on track, yay! Wait, not so fast. “The Plan” looks like it was conceived of by ill-informed or intentionally mis-informed medical fascists. If this is the recovery, folks, we have received a mortgaged bill of goods that requires our debt in loss of freedom and private property. This is totally unacceptable, IF it’s correct (the WaPo has been scammed by White House “leaks” before).

Not the line that reads “To move ahead with reopening, communities MUST MEET the following standards. [EMPHASIS mine-MC]

Translation? They are looking for brown-shirts in training who can volunteer to assist in locating Covid-19 “runners”! What, is this Logan’s Run now? What of “app-based case and contact investigations…” that “Google and Apple” are developing that appear to have become a part of the official game-plan for our new medical-fascist regime.

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Written by: MikeChurch

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