The Charlestown Knights of Columbus Must UnInvite Boston Mayor Marty Walsh

today11/04/2019 33 2

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The Charlestown Knights of Columbus Must UnInvite Boston Mayor Marty Walsh

UPDATE: Mayor Walsh has removed from his Twitter the Oct 29th Tweet that was promoting the event, shown below.

by Mike Church

This morning I interviewed the President of the Catholic Action league of Massachusetts, C. Joseph Doyle who revealed to CRUSADE Channel listeners Boston Mayor Marty Walsh’s latest abomination. Listen to the interview here. Below is the letter I sent to the Massachusetts Knights of Columbus and the Charlestown K of C that has rented/loaned their K of C Hall to the rabid pro-abortion apostate that Walsh is. Please consider writing them as well and do it tonight, the event is scheduled for Wednesday.  Write to the Massachusetts K of C, The Charlestown K of C.

To my brother Knights of Coulmbus,

I am a 3rd degree Knight who lives in the New Orleans area of Southeast Louisiana – Abita Springs to be precise – and I have a grave concern over an event that will take place in your Charlestown KofC Hall.
The event is a campaign event for Boston Mayor Marty Walsh this Wednesday, November 6th.
Mayor Walsh is a radical supporter and is supported by NARAL of MA, Planned Parenthood and other well know cult of death abortion fanatics. Walsh’s event is taking place at the Charlestown KofC Hall and will include this unrepentant abortion supporter’s, supporters and promoters most of who identify with Mayor Walsh’s abominable positions on all issue of Life that Catholic teaching and dogma are very clear on and are starkly opposed to.
As a 3rd degree Knight in good standing and as a Catholic of the same stripe I demand that you rescind the permission granted for these apostates to desecrate our Holy Faith’s buildings and grounds. This is a scandal upon the reputation and faithful practice of The Faith of millions of good Catholics and Knights. This action sews further confusion among the Faithful who can derive only one message from the Charlestown KofC action: The Catholic Church has changed Her position on abortion, homosexuality and all moral issues of Life and Death when She has not and can not.
Please update the public with an announcement that you have withdrawn Mayor Walsh’s agreement and assure Knights and faithful Catholics everywhere that the Faith is still practiced and defended in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and in Charlestown by the KofC. Let us pray to Our Blessed Lady whose eyes must overflow with tears at this execrable planned event, that Mayor Walsh finds a confessor, confesses his apostasy and once again crosses the Tiber to rejoin the One True Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church.
May God bless and Mary keep you,
Mike Church
Founder of The CRUSADE Channel and Knight of Columbus, Third Degree

Written by: MikeChurch

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There is no reason at all for an organization which holds to the sacredness of life to even be named among those who are supported by such demonic beliefs. The KofC must withdraw else they align themselves with the evil perpetuated by those who support Marty Walsh!

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