The Farmer’s Must Read List as a Guide to Self Sufficiency

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The Farmer’s Must Read List as a Guide to Self Sufficiency

  1. The “Have-More” Plan 

by Ed Robinson Storey Publishing, LLC; Later Printing edition (January 6, 1973)

This classic guide to homesteading is based on solid, practical techniques that remain useful to everyone who wants to learn country skills and increase their self-sufficiency. By turns philosophical and instructional, Ed and Carolyn Robinson share their pioneering approach to efficiently growing vegetables, raising livestock, and building farm structures. Since it was first published in 1943, The “Have-More” Plan has inspired generations of homesteaders to make the most out of whatever land they have available.

  1. Booker T. Whatley’s Handbook on How to Make $100,000 Farming 25 Acres: With Special Plans for Prospering on 10 to 200 Acres

Rear cover notes: “‘You can make a whole lot more than that, providing you’re a good manager and really use your head,’ Booker T. Whatley says, matter-of-factly. ‘I’d say that one of these farms, properly run, could gross in the neighborhood of a quarter of a million dollars a year, after it comes into full production.’ Labor and marketing. Those are the keys. They are also the two biggest problems facing any farmer, especially small farmers. Whatley, an internationally known horticulturist from Tuskegee Institute, set out in 1974 to solve those problems. What he came up with is a 10-point plan that lets you: Build a GUARANTEED MARKET for all of your crops; Enjoy year-round, DAILY cash flow; Have full-time, year-round employment. Eliminate middlemen. The crop mix will vary from region to region, but the basics remain the same no matter where you farm. ‘Small farmers have to concentrate on high-value crops,’ Whatley says. ‘The trouble with today’s average small farm is that it’s nothing but a scaled-down big farm. The guy with 25 or 40 acres is doing the same thing as the big boys: planting corn, cotton and soybeans. He can’t afford to! Costs are too high. Returns are way too low.’ Whether you’re a farmer who wants to diversify crops and income sources…One of the growing number of people who want to change careers and earn a good living off a little land…Or just thinking about a small farm to keep you active and provide a comfortable retirement income…This book is for you! Whatley also explains: Where to locate your farm; What to grow; How to ‘weatherproof’ your farm; How to get your customers to do much of the work; How to equip your farm, sensibly and economically. And much, much more! It is a comprehensive guide to all of the farm machinery you’ll need. Contains dozens of case histories of successful – profitable – Whatley-style farms throughout the United States. Plus a wealth of practical, how-to information from real farmers.”

  1. You Can Farm: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Start and Succeed in a Farm Enterprise  by Joel Salatin

Have you ever desired, deep within your soul, to make a comfortable full-time living from a farming enterprise? Too often people dare not even vocalize this desire because it seems absurd. It’s like thinking the unthinkable, to be a model of self sufficiency. After all, the farm population is dwindling. It takes too much capital to start. The pay is too low. The working conditions are dusty, smelly and noisy: not the place to raise a family. This is all true, and more, for most farmers.
But for farm entrepreneurs, the opportunities for a farm family business have never been greater. The aging farm population is creating cavernous niches begging to be filled by creative visionaries who will go in dynamic new directions. As the industrial agriculture complex crumbles and our culture clambers for clean food, the countryside beckons anew with profitable farming opportunities.
While this book can be helpful to all farmers, it targets the wannabes, the folks who actually entertain notions of living, loving and learning on a piece of land. Anyone willing to dance with such a dream should be able to assess its assets and liabilities; its fantasies and realities. “Is it really possible for me?” is the burning question this book addresses.

Successful Small-Scale Farming: An Organic Approach (Down-To-Earth Book) by Karl Schwenke 

Offering proven techniques and practical advice, this inspiring handbook covers all aspects of successfully running a small organic farm and being a model of self sufficiency.With expert tips on everything from buying land to creating a niche market for your products, Karl Schwenke shows you how to naturally enrich your soil, acquire necessary equipment, consistently grow abundant crops, and manage farm finances. You’ll enjoy learning essential skills like haying and fencing as you turn your organic farming dream into a profitable reality. Self sufficiency doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

  1. Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens – Breed Selection, Facilities, Feeding, Health Care, Managing Layers & Meat Birds    Edited by Gail Damerow 

Serious poultry farmers and backyard bird raisers have relied on this best-selling reference for more than 20 years. You’ll get the most up-to-date details on shelter, food, health care, eggs, chicks, and meat, and recent research into chicken behavior and communication makes the sections on flock management truly authoritative. New color photos and illustrations provide more specificity and information about chicken breeds, anatomy, and health.

  1. Storey’s Guide to Raising Pigs – Care, Facilities, Management, Breeds  By Kelly Klober

Stressing the importance of self sufficiency & sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices, farmer Kelly Klober provides expert advice on making any size hog operation more efficient and profitable in Storey’s Guide to Raising Pigs. The most comprehensive book available on the topic, this fourth edition features the most up-to-date practices, illustrated with color photography. Both beginners and experienced farmers will find all the information they need to select, house, care for, breed, and butcher pigs, along with marketing advice.

  1. The Marvelous Pigness of Pigs: Respecting and Caring for All God’s Creation by Joel Salatin

From Christian libertarian farmer Joel Salatin, a clarion call to readers to honor the animals and the land, and produce food based on spiritual principles.
What on earth is THE MARVELOUS PIGNESS OF PIGS? It’s an inspiring call to action for people of faith . . . a heartfelt plea to heed the Bible’s guidance . . . .
It’s an important and thought-provoking explanation of how by simply appreciating the marvelous pigness of pigs, we are celebrating the Glory of God.
As a man of deep faith and student of the Bible, and as a respected and successful ecological family farmer, Joel Salatin knows that God created heaven and earth and meant for all living organisms to be true to their nature and their endowed holy purpose. He intended for us to respect and care for His gift of creation, not to ravage and mistreat it for our own pleasure or wealth.
The example that inspires the book’s title explains what Salatin means: when huge corporate farms confine pigs in cramped and dark pens, inject them with antibiotics and feed them herbicide-saturated food simply to increase profits, they are not respecting them as a creation of God or allowing them to express even their most rudimentary uniqueness – that special role that is part of His design. Every living organism has a God-given uniqueness to its life that must be honored and respected, and too often that is not happening today.
Salatin shows us the long overlooked ethics and instructions in the Bible for how to eat, how to shop, how to think about how we farm and feed the world. Through scripture and Biblical stories, he shows us why it’s more vital than ever to look to the good book rather than corporate America when feeding the country and your family.
Salatin makes a compelling case for Christian stewardship of the earth and how it relates to every action we take regarding our food. He also opens our eyes to a common misconception many Christians may have about environmentalism: it’s not a bad thing, and definitely not just the province of secular liberals; it’s really a very good thing, part of heeding God’s Word.
With warmth and with humor, but with no less piercing criticism of the industrial food complex, Salatin brings readers on a fascinating journey of farming, food and faith. Readers will not say grace over their plates the same way ever again. 

  1. Storey’s Guide to Raising Dairy Goats – Breed Selection, Feeding, Fencing, Health Care, Dairying, Marketing    by Jerry Belanger , Sara Thomson Bredesen

This best-selling handbook is packed with detailed information on housing, feeding, and fencing dairy goats. It’s been the trusted resource on the topic for farmers and homesteaders since it was originally published in 1975, and the new edition — completely updated and redesigned — makes Storey’s Guide to Raising Dairy Goats more comprehensive and accessible than ever. In-depth sections explain every aspect of milking, including necessary equipment, proper hand-milking techniques, and handling and storing the milk. New color illustrations show each stage of kidding, and substantial chapters on dairy goat health and breeding include the most up-to-date research and practices.

  1. Storey’s Guide to Raising SheepBreeding, Care, Facilities    by Paula Simmons

This best-selling, most trusted reference for farmers and backyard homesteaders with any size flock. The fifth edition is now updated with full-color illustrations and photographs throughout, including a gallery of the best breed choices for both meat and fiber. With their small size and gentle dispositions, sheep are one of the easier livestock species to raise and offer varied marketing opportunities, including meat, wool, and milk. Detailed instructions and graphics lead readers through every essential procedure, including shearing, building a lambing shed, breeding and lambing, butchering, and marketing.

  1. Rodale’s Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening: The Indispensable Green Resource for Every Gardener (Rodale Organic Gardening)

Rodale’s Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening has been the go-to resource for gardeners for more than 50 years—and the best tool novices can buy to start applying organic methods to their fruit and vegetable crops, herbs, trees and shrubs, perennials, annuals, and lawns. This thoroughly revised and updated version highlights new organic pest controls, new fertilizer products, improved gardening techniques, the latest organic soil practices, and new trends in garden design.
In this indispensable work readers will find:
– comprehensive coverage for the entire garden and landscape along with related entries such as Community Gardening, Edible Landscaping, Horticultural Therapy, Stonescaping, and more
– the most in-depth information from the trusted Rodale Organic Gardening brand
– a completely new section on earth-friendly techniques for gardening in a changing climate, covering wise water management, creating backyard habitats, managing invasive plants and insects, reducing energy use and recycling, and understanding biotechnology
– entries all written by American gardeners for American gardeners, with answers for all the challenges presented by various conditions, from the humid Deep South and the mild maritime coasts to the cold far North and the dry Southwest
Rodale’s Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening by Fern Bradley has everything anyone needs to create gorgeous, non-toxic gardens in any part of the country.

  1. Food Freedom: A Year of Growing and Foraging 100 Percent of My Food and Why It Matters

by Rob Greenfield (Goodreads Author), Joel Salatin (Foreword)

Escape the industrial food system, find community, and take back control of your food
Ten years ago, Rob Greenfield woke up to the destruction caused by the industrial food system and Big Ag. Since then he has been deeply exploring food sovereignty–often through immersive activism–which led to his most recent quest: could he step outside of the food system and grow and forage 100% of his food?
In Food Freedom, he shares his adventures of living without grocery stores or restaurants. Nothing packaged, processed, or shipped–not even multi-vitamins, supplements, or spices. Within Orlando, Florida, he turned lawns into abundant gardens, grew over 100 species of food, and foraged over 200. Follow Rob on an emotional journey as he explores:
Growing and foraging to gain an appreciation for local food The industrial food system that likely brought you today’s meal How communities are taking back control of their food and creating food sovereignty Solutions for how you can grow your own and gain food freedom.
The good food revolution is not a lonely path. Millions have embarked on the journey and are waiting for you to join them. Question your food. Get uncomfortable. Be empowered to change the narrative! That is self sufficiency!

  1. Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies 

The popularity of herbal medicine has exploded during the past decade, with herbal remedies becoming increasingly available in such conventional outlets as drugstores and even supermarkets. Prescription for Herbal Healing brings to herbal medicine the same in-depth, easy-to-understand information and accessible style that Prescription for Nutritional Healing successfully brought to diet and nutritional supplements.

This book is divided into three parts for easy reference. Part I discusses the basic principles of herbal medicine and outlines the properties and characteristics of some one hundred sixty single herbs and sixty herbal combination formulas. Part II describes more than one hundred fifty common disorders, conveniently arranged in alphabetical order from acne to yeast infection, and names the herbal therapies that can be used in the treatment of those conditions. Part III is a guide to using various kinds of herbal and other alternative therapies. In addition, it includes self-diagnostic tests and boxed insets throughout, which offer detailed information on a wide variety of topics.

Complete coverage of Chinese and Ayurvedic herbs make this volume entirely comprehensive, and thorough scientific references lend it an authority not found in any other herbal book. Prescription for Herbal Healing is the definitive herbal resource and is a necessity for any health-conscious consumer.

  1. Root Cellaring: Natural Cold Storage of Fruits & Vegetables  by Mike Bubel

Stretch the resources of your small backyard garden further than ever before, without devoting hundreds of hours to canning! This informative and inspiring guide shows you not only how to construct your own root cellar, but how to best use the earth’s naturally cool, stable temperature as an energy-saving way to store nearly 100 varieties of perishable fruits and vegetables.

  1. Life without Refrigeration    by Susan Gregersen

Why would you ever be without refrigeration? It could be voluntary, such as moving to an off-grid property, or it could be involuntary, such as the electric power grid going down due to a natural disaster or terrorist/war act. Perhaps your refrigerator will quit working at a time when you can’t afford to replace it, or you just want to lower your electric bill or make less of an impact on the earth. Whether it’s voluntary or involuntary, it’s a good idea to have some back-up plans and information, just in case.

  1. Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving by Judi Kingry

As nutrition and food quality has become more important, home canning and preserving has increased in popularity for the benefits it offers:

  • Cooks gain control of the ingredients, including organic fruits and vegetables
  • Preserving foods at their freshest point locks in nutrition
  • The final product is free of chemical additives and preservatives
  • Store-bought brands cannot match the wonderful flavor of homemade
  • Only a few hours are needed to put up a batch of jam or relish
  • Home preserves make a great personal gift any time of year

The book includes comprehensive directions on safe canning and preserving methods plus lists of required equipment and utensils. Specific instructions for first-timers and handy tips for the experienced. Cheers to self sufficiency!


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The CRUSADE Channel, The Last LIVE! Radio Station Standing begins our LIVE programming with our all original CRUSADE Channel News hosted by 28 year radio ace, Stacey Cohen. Coupled with Mike “The King Dude” Church entertaining you during your morning drive and Rick Barrett giving you the news of the day and the narrative that will follow during your lunch break! The CRUSADE is the model of self sufficiency.

We’ve interviewed over 200 guests, seen Brother Andre Marie notch his 200th broadcast of Reconquest; the The Mike Church Show over 900 episodes; launched an original LIVE! News Service; written and produced 4 Feature Length original dramas including The Last Confession of Sherlock Holmes and set sail on the coolest radio product ever, the 5 Minute Mysteries series! We are the ONLY outlet to cover the Impeachment of President Trump from gavel to gavel! 

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Written by: LoneRhody

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