The Young Turks Denied Press Access To The DNC

today08/12/2020 10

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The Young Turks Denied Press Access To The DNC

From Heavy:

In an email that’s going viral online, The Young Turks (TYT) told subscribers that Democrats had denied them press passes to the Democratic National Convention taking place later this month. The Young Turks is an online news show that focuses on social and progressive issues. Cenk Uygur is the co-creator and host of TYT, which is the longest-running online political talk show in the United States.

Milwaukee — where the convention is being held — has a 225-person limit on people meeting in one place. The convention is now being held mostly online. Joe Biden, other speakers, and the DNC delegates are not attending the convention in person. They will all be attending virtually and Biden will speak from Delaware.

The news about the press pass wasn’t shared by Uygur during an online show or on The Young Turks’ social media accounts. Rather, a number of TYT subscribers have said that they received an email about TYT being denied a press pass. 

The email reads, in part: “Did you hear the news? The Democratic Party has denied us press passes at this year’s Democratic National Convention. It’s fairly stunning for a party that claims to be inclusive to deny us media credentials just because TYT isn’t 100% aligned with their interests. We’re a progressive media outlet dedicated to exposing the truth about what’s happening in this country. We’re also one of the top 5 networks and have a massive, politically-engaged following, beating most cable news shows in total views and engagement. Yet the DNC says there’s not enough room for us at the convention.”

The email did not specify if TYT was only denied an in-person press pass versus a digital press pass, or if “virtual press passes” even exist. It’s not clear how many members of the press received press passes for in-person attendance.

Don Ford, a Democratic strategist, told Heavy that he thinks the email and subsequent outrage expressed online is making a bigger deal out of the press pass denial than is warranted.


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Written by: LoneRhody

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