This Friday – A Providential Solution to the Plandemic

today04/27/2020 12 2

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A Providential Solution to the Plandemic

by Kennedy Hall

Alas, we find ourselves locked in our homes, hiding from a so-called invisible enemy.  The overlords of the unholy priestly class of government bureaucrats have ensured us that a worldwide inversion of reality, by way of a “quarantine” of billions of healthy people, is for our own good.  I fully expect that we will soon be given further sage health advice, like drinking less water will help with hydration.  In any case, the “experts” who each day preach sermons of unreality from their plandemic pulpits are correct in their assertion of an invisible enemy.  

Furthermore, this Friday is the First Friday of May, and also the beginning of the Month of Mary.  If that is not enough, Archbishop Vigano – the millionaire Vatican crime fighting episcopal Batman – has reemerged to remind us that Our Lady still awaits the consecration so desperately needed to convert Russia to her Immaculate Heart.

However, this enemy is not the virus du jour.  The true invisible enemy is the infernal serpent who since the dawn of man has made it his soul-stealing mission to drag sinners down to the depths of gehenna: the enemy is Satan.

WATCH: Mike Church & Dr. Taylor Marshall Call For Day of Fasting & Prayer This Friday To End The Shamdemic™

As out of touch “experts” continue to clamour on about a veritable house arrest as an apparent solution to a problem the globalists have created, we must turn our gaze elsewhere.  It is clear who is truly behind this shamdemic styled international communist takeover.  Lucifer himself lurks in the shadows while the Gates-groveling goons of perdition act like perfectly possessed morons only capable of repeating nonsensical propaganda masquerading as medical science.  The Devil is the one pulling the strings, seeking to culminate his plan of world domination he put into motion at the beginning of time when he uttered “non serviam!”  Fortunately, we know that Moloch and his comrades are diseased with the fatal flaw of vainglory and proper pride.  Not satisfied with an advancing One World Order, the fallen angels have shown their hand.  The caretaker of the damned has come out of the shadows, and it is time for us to calibrate our scopes, as we await that perfect moment when the enemy fits nicely at the crux of the crosshairs.

As providence would have it, this Friday is May 1st.  The Soviet Satanists ordained this day to represent the so-called “workers of the world.”  But, in reality it is a day marked in the calendar to remind us of the ungodly class hatred that has led to hundreds of millions of unmarked graves.  Our Church has given us the first class feast day of Saint Joseph the Worker on the same date as a way to counteract the unholy occasion.  Furthermore, this Friday is the First Friday of May, and also the beginning of the Month of Mary.  If that is not enough, Archbishop Vigano – the millionaire Vatican crime fighting episcopal Batman – has reemerged to remind us that Our Lady still awaits the consecration so desperately needed to convert Russia to her Immaculate Heart.  The Consecrated Caped Crusader calls to mind the life’s work of the saintly Father Gruner, a man who offered his priesthood as a type of expiation for the conciliar failings of a Church at the dawn of a”new springtime.”

The Fatima Center, Father Gruner’s legacy, has organized an international 54-day Rosary Novena to urge the Holy Father to finally fulfill Our Lady’s request.  Beginning on May 1st, this Rosary Crusade will culminate on the eve of the Feast of Saint John the Baptist, a festival traditionally celebrated by massive bonfires.  Throughout these 54 days of petitionary prayers, let us beg Heaven to let the fire fall.

It is no coincidence that this event will begin on a day providing a Catholic answer to communism.  Saint Joseph is a man of few words, but the Foster Father of Jesus Christ has had enough.  As devotion to the Terror of Demons continues to grow, Our Lady stands by in snake-skinned boots, waiting for an opportunity to stomp on the serpent’s skull.  We can almost hear her, singing forth from her Celestial Throne: “Satan, you should be trembling… wait till Dad gets home.”

Deus Vult!

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Written by: TheKingDude

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  1. Clarence L on 04/30/2020

    Yes, we must be more fervent.
    Having seen commercials for the antivirals, cannot remember the names, that treat the HIV/AIDS illness.
    This virus is man made, confirmed by other doctors, biologist and chemist.
    Meaning, if the fluid in your lungs, which causes hypoxia, and your organs do not get the O2, then they shut down, death.
    So, these antivirals are prescribed. If this Flu, or any Flu, does not kill a person, then the anti viral will.
    Causes: Kidney failure, can live 05 years, while waiting for a transplant. The Agenda-21 crowd will not let old fashioned persons get a transplant.
    The 2nd problem is Osteoporosis, a person falls, breaks their hip and bleeds internally, death.

  2. Clarence L on 04/30/2020

    I like your schedule. Good to hear about the coffee by the Benedictines at Our Lady if Guadeloupe monastery.
    Just suggesting, it asking, possibly talk to Jim Rivas, WGSO 990 am, he host Truth Underground, Wednesdays, from 7 PM to 10 PM. Re-broadcast on Sundays.
    Yes, enjoy the classic radio, too.
    In all things may God be glorified.