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AUDIO/VIDEO: Barack Obama at Kamala Harris Rally in Madison, WI – Ridiculing Trump for Playing Ave Maria – I’ve done my share of town hall meetings. It is a time to answer questions. He decided he wasn’t going to answer questions anymore, let’s just play music for half and hour. He is standing there just swaying to Ave Maria and YMCA. Can you imagine if Tim or Kamala did that. Our playlist would be better.
Written by: Justin Redman
Morning Drive is still the most listened to part of the radio broadcast day and The CRUSADE Channel now gives you an extra 70 minutes of original, Morning Drive, great talk-radio content! Hosted by the now seasoned radio presenter Fiorella Nash (5 Minute Mysteries, The Fiorella Files), The Early Show is a 70 minute long, fast paced conversation with regular guests Joe Clovis of Walsingham U.K., Emmett Dooley of Ireland, Irish born ETWN announcer KV Turley and Sarah Taylor of the U.K.
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10:00 pm - 11:59 pm
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