
Parrott Talk-The Only Truth That Matters Is Theirs

today05/29/2024 174 9

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The elites do not care if what they say is true.  They only care that the truth benefits them.   If the truth keeps them in power and their pockets fat then they will continue to spread what ever story they want. This is nothing new, the people have always called out the blatant lies.  The people are even skeptical of the controlled opposition, but yet the elites stay in power.  The elites still control the narrative and the sheep continue to follow.  Mike Parrott breaks down a few lies the elites want us to believe and he also reveals that a few of those sheep are starting to wake up.  Mike shows how the controlled opposition and the alternative media are unraveling the narrative one interview at a a time. He starts with the 70th anniversary of the Middle East and he takes us to who started the war in Ukraine on this episode of Parrott Talk. 


Written by: Justin Redman