
Parrott Talk-The WEF Thinks Trump Will Be Re-Elected

today01/19/2024 86 2

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The World Economic Forum believes President Donald J. Trump will defeat Regime Leader Biden.  Alex Soros revealed this belief while speaking at annual Davos meeting, but he is not the only liberal warning the Regime and other global leaders of this possibility.  Chase CEO Jamie Diamond made the talk show circuit warning the regime to stop this MAGA rhetoric.  He said the regime needs to grow up and stop resorting to boyish antics.  It didn’t work when Hilary called Trump supporters a basket of deplorables and it didn’t work when Obama insulted conservatives about their bibles and their guns.  Mike Parrott reveals why the WEF thinks Trump has already won the election and what does this prediction mean for Regime.  He also says you are not a racist if you use Nikki Haley’s true name.  Plus it’s Friday which means it is time to go around the world.  Mike has stories that will make you go, I can’t believe it was that cheap back in the nineties and the only way to know what Mike is talking about, is to listen to this episode of Parrott Talk.


Written by: Justin Redman