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Mike Church Show #2050-It’s MAGAmas Time For Americans

micMike Church today12/06/2024 7

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    Mike Church Show #2050-It's MAGAmas Time For Americans Mike Church

Mike Church Show #2050-It’s MAGAmas Time For Americans

Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 Caller #6 Christmas Contest – Have Yourself a Mary and Manly Little Christmas 
 Festivas for the Rest of Us

MAGAmas for the Americas













Who said this?

  • To improve the TRUE economy, which is output of useful products & services, we need to shift people from low to negative productivity jobs in government to high productivity jobs in the private sector.
  • Are the government employees parasites?
  • With around only 6% of all federal employees actually attending work in person I would say so.

Senator Mike Lee on X: Throughout Anglo-American history, we’ve seen a major upheaval every 75-90 years. It’s almost like clockwork! 

Each pivot in American history has been kickstarted by events in just three critical years. By my reckoning, those years were 1776, 1861, and 1937. These aren’t just random years; they’re game-changers.

  • 1776 was a pivotal year.
  • Next pivotal year is 1858, the Southern states seceding from the Union, they were going to lose political clout in the US Senate.
  • Wickard v Filburn 
  • Roscoe Filburn, a farmer, sued Claude Wickard, the Secretary of Agriculture, when he was penalized for violating the statute. Filburn argued that the amount of wheat that he produced in excess of the quota was for his personal use (e.g., feeding his own animals), not commerce (e.g., selling it on the market), and therefore could not be constitutionally regulated. 
  • The Court upheld the law, explaining that Congress could use its Commerce Power to regulate such activity because, even if Filburn’s actions had only a minimal impact on commerce, the aggregated effect of an individual farmer’s wheat-growing exerted a substantial economic effect on interstate commerce. In terms of the Constitution, this holding offered a broad reading of Congress’s power under the Commerce Clause.
  • It is nice to see people actually talking about all of this again.
  • Some are hearing stuff like this for the first time.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2


















Senator Mike Lee X Thread: 

  1. In a meeting today with Elon & Vivek referred to the fact that, because unelected bureaucrats now make most federal law & control much of our economy, we’ve been stripped of the benefits of a constitutional republic.
  2. As Vivek noted, the need for Americans to demand accountability from their own government is precisely why we fought—and mercifully won—the American Revolution. That got me thinking ….
  3. Throughout Anglo-American history, we’ve seen a major upheaval every 75-90 years. It’s almost like clockwork! 
  4. Each pivot in American history has been kickstarted by events in just three critical years. By my reckinging, those years were 1776, 1861, and 1937. These aren’t just random years; they’re game-changers. 
  5. In 1776, we declared our independence from a large, distant government that recognized no limits on its authority and refused to hold itself accountable to the American people. Sound familiar?
  6. In 1861, the American Civil War began, hastening the end of a tragic chapter of our history when many Americans “owned” other Americans as property—as slaves—with the approval and protection of government.
  7. In 1937, progressives in all three branches of the U.S. government—with one final push from the Supreme Court—dangerously eroded the Constitution’s twin structural protections: the “vertical” protection we call federalism and the “horizontal” protection known as separation-of-powers, all to facilitate FDR’s quest to centralize power in the federal government in response to the Great Depression.
  8. In the nearly 88 years since the Supreme Court opened this era on April 12, 1937—the day the Court re-defined Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce so broadly that nothing remained of federalism, and indirectly set in motion Congress’s now-common habit of delegating lawmaking power to unelected bureaucrats—Americans have lost much of their power to control their own destiny to people in Washington, D.C.
  9. We’re about to have another one of those years, one that could initiate the reversal of the immense harm that has been unleashed on the American people—by their own government, no less—ever since April 12, 1937.
  10. Brace yourselves because 2025 is shaping up to be the next big, pivotal year—only the fourth in our 248-year history as a country. We’re on the cusp of setting in motion a new, brighter era for America.
  11. This next era MUST be about reinstating the Constitution’s core, structural protections—both the vertical protection of federalism and the horizontal separation-of-powers.
  12. Congress needs to step up aggressively. It’s time to open this next chapter where WE, the American people, take back control from unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats who’ve been running our government like it’s their personal sandbox, treating us like their toys—or, better said—their subjects.
  13. These bureaucrats churn out nearly 100,000 pages of regulations every year. Regulations that NOT ONE ELECTED LAWMAKER votes to enact into law!
  On the First Day of MAGAmas Song 
56m14. It’s nearly impossible to fire these federal bureaucrats. They enjoy so much insulation from the citizens they govern that King George III—the tyrant whose excesses triggered the American Revolution—would be green with envy were he alive and able to observe conditions in America today. That has to end—and 2025 is the year it must happen.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h08mFox Nation Patriot Awards

  • When Trump came out he of course did his iconic Trump dance.
  • He has been very disciplined this go around.
  • The difference b/w the last transition and this transition is night and day.
  • Knowing what you know about him being all over social media all the time this is an extraordinary show of restraint. 



HEADLINE: Will Supreme Court trans case be America’s Cass moment? by Lisa Selin Davis

  • The fight within has begun.
  • You have Gays Against Groomers that has been around for a while now but now you have the stop ‘trans’ing the lesbians.
  • Why do we have to cut healthy body parts off?
  • Why do we have to add like Frankenstein parts?
  • The case is US v Skrmetti, named after the Attorney General of the state of Tennessee, which banned “gender-affirming care” in 2023. Subsequently, the ACLU, Lambda Legal, and a white-shoe law firm, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, sued, arguing that the ban constituted a form of sex discrimination. Natal girls can take puberty blockers for precocious puberty, so why shouldn’t transgender girls receive them to prevent unwanted secondary sex characteristics? Natal boys can take testosterone for an endocrine disorder, so why wouldn’t trans boys get them to transition?
  • When did we get here that a case like this is before SCOTUS?

Fertility Rates

  • The modern experiment is over.
  • Fertility Rates are plummeting all over the world.
  • Most countries don’t have the 2.1 replacement percentage.
1h26mAUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK Senator Joni Ernst – Transgender in Military – So the example of transgender people serving in our military and they will bleed red just like the rest of us but I also take a stand on the integration of transgender in the female spaces. There are certain accommodations that we can make for them. We need that talent and we need to make space for those that volunteer to be here.

  • When did you have to declare your sexual preference when you signed on the dotted line to volunteer for the military?
  • What does that have to do w/ blowing things up and killing people?
  • What is the job of any army?
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


Military Industrial Complex

  • What is the military actually responsible for?
  • Humanitarian aid to foreign countries?
  • A beacon for the LGBTQ?
  • No other military in the world opens its doors to sexual perverts.
  • It isn’t a hunting ground for perverts. 
  • Where are the men?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Pete Hegseth – Confirmation Process – This will NOT be a confirmation process tried in the media. I don’t answer to anyone in this group, none of you. Not to that camera. I answer to President Trump, who received 76 million votes and a mandate for change. I answer to the 100 senators who are apart of this process. And I answer to my Lord and Savior and my wife and my family.

  • That is how a man answers the medias questions.

QUESTION: How many skins has the left collected from the Trump Nominees?


  • The guy in Florida was tanked by Libertarians and Conservatives for how he treated people during COVID.
  • Not everyone is a liar.
  • Not everyone has ulterior motives to hurt you.
  • Did you know they are dispatching Scott Presler types to New Jersey to start converting people and votes?
  • You can’t be main stream if you don’t love main street.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Jasmine Crockett – Census Hearing – Texas added 4 million people. Want to take a guess at how many were Anglos? 180,000. That’s it. 95% of the people that were added were people of color. They took those black, and brown and Asian bodies and guess what, do you think we got a new black, brown or Asian seat?
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 Donald Trump on Truth Social – Pete Hegseth is doing very well. His support is strong and deep, much more so than the Fake News would have you believe. He was a great student – Princeton/Harvard educated – with a military state of mind. He will be fantastic, wish energy, Secretary of Defense, one who leads w/ charisma and skill. Pete is  WINNER, and there is nothing that can be done to change that!
 Notre Dame

  • New Priest vestments have come out.
  • Maggie says “No Priest should look like a cupcake w/ sprinkles.”


Saint Nicholas of Bari (350) – The great Saint Nicholas, whom everybody knows and speaks of, was an Archbishop at Myra in Asia Minor.  He has come to be honored as the patron saint of children.  His relics were taken by the Italians to Italy in 1087, and are now honored there, at Bari.  Saint Nicholas raised three children from the dead.  His name has been corrupted from Saint Nicholas into “Santa Claus.”  The true Saint Nicholas is the one who honors those who love and venerate him as a saint, not as an advertisement.  Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of Russia.
 HEADLINE: The Hidden Logic of Trump’s National Security Picks by Lyle Goldstein 

  • In the national security realm, Trump has promised the American people “peace through strength” and found widespread support for this formula, which may hark back to the golden era of Ronald Reagan. And that’s one consistent theme among all of his foreign policy choices, who come from a variety of backgrounds.
  • While it may not be clear at first glance what unites all of President-elect Trump’s national security picks, his national security team is well-positioned to implement, rather than thwart, his agenda—and this “team of rivals” approach will ensure that a spectrum of views will be represented before the commander-in-chief makes the ultimate decisions about the most consequential issues. Instead of a unanimous “blob” adhering to the status quo or a coterie of “yes men,” Trump will surround himself with competing and alternative views. This is essential, since foreign policy is where the president’s authority and power are greatest.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Secret Service Director Rowe and Rep Pat Fallon – House Task Force Hearing on Trump Assassination Attempts – Turns into shouting match over 9/11. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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Caller Kurt Wallace

New podcast coming out w/ me and the King Dude!

The End of Bureaucracy! –

  • I reminded anyone that wants to know, you have to get rid of that act.
  • Baseline budgeting – not all government agencies have pure intentions.
  • Repeal that Act – simple one page statement.
  • They don’t even have to get that through the Senate I don’t think.
  • I also interviewed the Southern Avenger, Jack Hunter.
  • We are pissing off the Russians.
  • But Zelensky is pissing off the Ukrainians. 
  • What are your thoughts on that?
  • What would you advise Donald Trump?
  • I would advise him to have a summit meeting w/ Putin.
  • I think it is more likely to get more lasting peace w/ the people of Russia under Putin and that should be Trumps foreign policy objective here.
  • WWII a lot of it was precipitated and caused by the Germans’ desire to eliminate the Russians.
  • The Siege of Leningrad and the Battle of Stalingrad. 
  • It was the Siege that was the deciding factor there.


Biden Preemptive Pardons

  • Liz Cheney, Dr Fauci and Rep Adam Schiff
  • Term limits – to limit his power
  • Amendment 20 – The Presidents term will end on January 20 on the year after his election. 
  • There is a definitive term and use of his powers right.
  • Bill Clinton and Obama can’t pardon anyone right now can they?
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show