
mike church show

Mike Church Show-The WEF Meets To Scheme The Final Stage Of The Great Reset

micMike Churchtoday01/16/2023 37

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    Mike Church Show-The WEF Meets To Scheme The Final Stage Of The Great Reset Mike Church

AUDIO/VIDEO: Klaus Schwabis literally telling us what’s going to happen next, a major world-wide cyber attack.

  • He is starting to sound now, like the great character actor Kenneth Mars from Young Frankenstein. 

HEADLINE: Multiple Biden Officials; Lawmakers From Both Parties Set to Attend WEF Meeting Next Week by Debra Heine 

  • Why is the FBI director Chris Wray attending the WEF?
  • You can look at the names of representatives going and know why they are going? 
  • TRIVIA QUESTION: In what legislative body does the US invest the power of foreign affairs?
  • TRIVIA ANSWER: The Senate
  • Treaties are the primary method of conduction affairs w/ foreign nations. 

mike church showThe Mike Church Show