
Sci Fi On Thursday

Sci-Fi On Thursday-Buck Rogers-Gyro Cosmic Relativator Part 1

micSci-Fi On Thursday Buck Rogerstoday02/09/2023 23

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    Sci-Fi On Thursday-Buck Rogers-Gyro Cosmic Relativator Part 1 Sci-Fi On Thursday Buck Rogers

Buck Rogers was born here right in our own times in the twentieth century. The story of how he got started on his adventure so far in the future is mighty interesting. So now we are going to turn the dial, which will project us ahead in time and find out all about it that way. The capital of 25th century America is Niagara and there it is that Dr Huer the great scientist has his marvellous laboratory. In one room of it he’s working on a strange looking device, which sends a peculiar greenish light down on to a human figure lying on a table before him… Kane and Ardala remember sent Black Barney out from their secret headquarters to obtain supplies. Buck and Wilma meanwhile have been following Kane’s old rocket trail to the ruins of old Philadelphia but as we pick up our story tonight we find that the trail has suddenly stopped. Lets join Buck and Wilma there in the control cabin of their rocket plane…

Sci Fi On Thursday