
Sci Fi On Thursday

Sci-Fi On Thursday- X Minus One- Mars Is Heaven

micSci-Fi On Thursday X Minus Onetoday02/16/2023 39

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    Sci-Fi On Thursday- X Minus One- Mars Is Heaven Sci-Fi On Thursday X Minus One

The first Earthmen to arrive on Mars find some very familiar sights and even more familiar people. This is a quality upgrade, syndicated and sponsored version. Syndicated rebroadcast date: November 26, 1973. The script was used previously on “Escape” on June 2, 1950 , on “Dimension X” on July 7, 1950 and January 7, 1951 and subsequently on “Future Tense” during July, 1976. The “Dimension X” program was rebroadcast on “Monitor” during September, 1973. When the first space rocket lands on Mars, what will we find? Only the ruins of a dead and deserted planet? Or will there be life? Intelligent life, in some strange form that we can only imagine? Will we be welcomed with open arms? Or will the Martians treat us as invaders?

Sci Fi On Thursday