
Sci Fi On Thursday

Sci-Fi Thursday Dimension X – Almost Human

micSci-Fi On Thursday - Dimension Xtoday02/04/2023 45

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    Sci-Fi Thursday Dimension X - Almost Human Sci-Fi On Thursday - Dimension X

Almost Human

BROADCAST DATE: 08.11.1955 ( August 11, 1955)

“The Duke” teaches a robot how to kill and rob. “Junior” seems eager to learn! The script was previously used on “Dimension X” on May 13, 1950 and subsequently on “Monitor” during August, 1974. The “Dimension X” program was rebroadcast on “Monitor” during August, 1974.  There’s a new science called cybernetics, have you heard of it? It concerns mans efforts to develop a perfect thinking machine a robot electronic brain that will not only do mans work but will even think for him. A robot that is almost human…

Sci Fi On Thursday