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The Mike Church Show #2079-It’s Time To Treat USAID Like A Parasite

micMike Churchtoday02/05/2025 14

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    The Mike Church Show #2079-It's Time To Treat USAID Like A Parasite Mike Church

Mike Church explains how President Trump needs to treat USAID like a parasite and remove it from our government forever on this episode of the Mike Church Show.

Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows on
 Yesterday’s Recap

  • President Donald Trump met w/ Benjamin Netanyahu
  • Elon Musk is still dismantling USAID
  • Democrats are losing their minds over DOGE

  • For 64 years they have been grifting through USAID.
  • Of course they are going to lose their minds over losing money and this comfortable job.
  • Imagine having an endless money supply and overnight that money dries up.
  • Does the power of the US President extend as how Donald Trump is using it?
  • The Executive Powers – 
  • Answer – Yes, the President does have the authority to do this.
  • I discovered yesterday a Mike Church Show from the young Sirius XM Patriot channel.
  • It is the oldest recording I have unearthed to date.
  • This is a 62 minute long interview w/ Dr Kevin Gutzman and one of his first appearances on the show.
  • He was only scheduled for a 30 minute interview but he stayed on through the next segment.
  • Everything you wanted to know about the Constitution but were afraid to ask.
  • The tape was so old it wasn’t even on the website.
  • So this new episode of the Vault is a CLASSIC!
22mFlight 5342 – Investigation

  • There must be something to it.
  • The plane and the crash is 100% gone from the MSM.
  • How many of you remember the female pilot Kara Hultgreen.

HEADLINE: Women wanted to fly jets in combat. Breaking that barrier would be the fight of their lives. by Katie Hafner and Sophie McNulty

  • Do you all remember what happened on her maiden voyage?
  • Hultgreen wasn’t the first woman to fly a Tomcat, but she was the first to fly one operationally, tactically, and to land it on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. And she was the first woman in the US Navy to qualify as a combat-rated jet pilot.
  • She crashed and killed herself and her co-pilot.
  • She should have been nowhere near that cockpit according to later reports.

HEADLINE: Crash Kills First Female F-14 Combat Pilot : Aviation: Lt. Kara Hultgreen was attempting carrier landing off California. She loved the Navy, her sister says. by Tony Perry

  • So what is going on w/ the investigation?
  • They have recovered both black boxes according to the Pentagon.
  • They did say it might take 30-90 days but I am just wondering how Pete Hegseth w/ play this. 
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
 Young Donald Trump

  • When he purchased Mar-a-Lago back in the day that place was a dump.

HEADLINE: How Donald Trump took over Mar-a-Lago and changed the Palm Beach mansion by Miami Herald Archive

  • Donald Trump Trump bought Mar-a-Lago, his mansion in Palm Beach, more than 30 years before he became president in 2017. One of his first moves was to convert it into a club. He now considers it his official residence and a second White House.
  • Mar-a-Lago was built in 1926 by breakfast cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post and is a National Historic Landmark. Donald Trump bought the 75,000-square-foot mansion and its grounds in 1985 for $10 million.
41mElon Musk and DOGE

  • He is not a government employee.
  • This is little more than a glorified commission like the Grace commission.
  • They are acting very swiftly.
  • The first cut alone was massive and they had just scratched the surface.
  • Can you imagine what they are going to find in a few more days?


Gaza Strip

  • I don’t think President Trump said what he said w/o pause.
  • I don’t think Benjamin Netanyahu knew what was coming.
  • When Trump said we will just buy the strip, Benjamin’s body language completely changed.

Clandestine on X 

  • Trump points out how the last 100 years have been nothing but violence, and rather than continue this vicious cycle, Trump is exploring a more permanent plan for peace.
  • The Deep State thrive on instability and war. They like Israel and Palestine being in an endless state of conflict, so they can justify endless foreign aid for weapons, humanitarian aid, etc., which they launder. By finding a permanent solution for peace and bringing lasting stability to the region, the Deep State are unable to operate.
  • Trump also highlights how the main goal is to ultimately stop the killing. Perhaps the best thing for the People of Israel, Palestine, and the world, is for these two nations to have some distance from each other, because clearly, they cannot coexist peacefully.
  • That’s not to say I think Israel or Hamas are the “good guys”. I side with the innocent People on all sides, and simply wish for the slaughter to end. I think Israel is a corrupt and oppressive to the Palestinians, yet Hamas committed heinous acts of terror. The only “good guys” in my eyes are the civilians who just want to live in peace.
  • However, I’m not overly fond of the idea of forcing the Palestinian People away from their homeland, but I also do not have a better solution. The Palestinian People are being exterminated, Gaza is already a pile of rubble, and the Palestinians are essentially prisoners of an apartheid state. Something has to change. I’d argue moving the Israeli People might be the better idea, but I don’t make the decisions.
  • Also, this very well could be a Trump negotiation tactic to get the Islamic nations in the region to be more willing to come to the table, similar to how Trump used tariffs as a negotiation tool. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes. Perhaps there’s a lot that we do not know.
  • In conclusion, I think Trump has proven to us he has a vision, a plan, he has good intentions, and he is set on destroying the Deep State. I mean the man is literally purging the FBI, CIA, USAID, and Dept. of Education as we speak.
  • I agree w/ this take.
  • I think Trump has been doing exactly what he has stated in his campaign.
  • He is the guy that wrote The Art of the Deal.
  • Maybe we should wait and see how this plays out.

  • Does President Trump actually have the authority to dismantle USAID?
  • Executing the laws faithfully.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



  • How many of you even knew what USAID was until last week?
  • They have been around since 1961 and it was done under authority of John F Kennedy to conduct foreign affairs.
  • QUESTION: What should always be the purpose of war?
  • ANSWER: Peace
  • Radio Free Europe for example.
  • If you were at war you could!
  • The Democrats came in and abused it as they always do.
  • Every American should be celebrating the end of USAID.
  • We should be making parades for Elon right now.
  • Only a sick demented person can say USAID works toward human flourishing.
  • We have people that think healthcare is murdering a baby on the left.
  • That is NOT human flourishing.
  • God said “Thou shalt not kill” didn’t He?
  • There is something wrong w/ this way of thinking.
  • This isn’t a difference of opinion. 
  • Life begins at conception and it ends when your soul leaves this body to be judged. 
  • The 4 Final Things are real.
  • The abortion pill KILLS a human life. 
  • PERIOD, full stop.





  • When a moderately educated eighteenth-century reader—or really any literate American with access to a dictionary—saw the phrase “executive power,” they would have understood it as the power to exe­cute plans, instructions, and above all else the laws. They would have understood the power as an empty vessel whose authority in any particu­lar case depended entirely on the substantive decisions of the entity (sometimes the same one that held the power to execute) which pos­sessed the legislative power to direct executive action. 
  • The modern statutory framework conveys a staggering amount of discretionary policy power to the executive branch. Very few of the legal constraints imposed on these delegated authorities are so precise as to rule out a politically plausible policy option in the realm of national security and foreign affairs. But it was obtuse in the eighteenth century as well: The executive power has never been anything less than the nation’s force mustered in service of the nation’s will. That was why many authors saw England not only as being the freest and happiest of countries but also as the country whose ruler was in fact the most powerful. Indeed, and perhaps ironi­cally, the Crown could direct the power of a peerlessly vigorous nation that flourished precisely because of the various formal limitations on royal authority. By this measure, the American President would soon be stronger still. At a minimum, James Wilson observed, the President’s powers were clearly “of such a nature as to place him above expressions of contempt.”
  • I think this is the point right here.
  • James Madison – “One consequence must be, to enlarge the sphere of discretion allotted to the executive magistrate. Even within the legislative limits properly defined by the [C]onstitution, the difficulty of accommodating legal regulations to a country so great in extent, and so various in its circumstances, has been much felt; and has led to occasional investments of power in the executive, which involve perhaps as large a portion of discre­tion, as can be deemed consistent with the nature of the executive trust. In proportion as the objects of legislative care might be multiplied, would the time allowed for each be dimin­ished, and the difficulty of providing uniform and particular regulations for all be increased. From these sources would necessarily ensue a greater latitude to the agency of that depart­ment which is always in existence, and which could best mould regulations of a general nature, so as to suit them to the diversity of particular situations.”
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Explaining the Executive Power and Authority 


AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Elizabeth Warren – RFK Jr Finance Committee Meeting – This is not only about a private company. Vaccine manufacturers often operate on very slim profit margins. If they get sued repeatedly and successfully they simply move out of the vaccine space. We’ve seen this happen. The consequence of Mr Kennedy’s ability to make these lawsuits easier, is also the ability to shut down access and manufacturing of vaccines for every one of us.

  • If I didn’t know better, I’d say she is taking money from Big Pharma.
  • She claims she does not take money from EXECUTIVES of Big Pharma.
  • Much like Bernie Sanders claims.
  • It’s all in the wording.
  • This is too hysterical to not be an act.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Elizabeth Waren in Hallway – Big Pharma’s Pocket – Check my website, I don’t take contributions from Big Pharma executives. I don’t take any corporate PAC money. And you and your allies already know that. 

  • HEK 293
  • Human Embryonic Kidney cell line commonly used for BioPharma and Basic Medical research. 
  • Your precious COVID vaccine used aborted fetal cells.
  • MOST vaccines do.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: American Federation of Teachers President Randi WeingartenWere is the money going? Who is taking it? Are they taking this money from kids to give tax cuts to billionaires? Of course there are ways to make things better. My point is this, states and localities run education. They already run it, they should run it but if we want to try and make things better, the states and localities have not done this. We have to make career pathways available for children. We need federal policies to push this though. 

Does anyone really think that billionaires are reliant on tax breaks?

 8:06am cstSEGMENT 5
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George Webb

Investigative Journalist

Follow him on X: @RealGeorgeWebb1

Read his substack –

  • 6 genius kids Elon is using to find all this waste.
  • He is turning over all these CIA rocks and the Democrats are in full panic mode.
  • Especially w/ USAID.
  • They are uncovering one thing after another.
  • This is a major CIA slush fund.
  • You remember the crash back of the female pilot Kara Hultgreen don’t you?
  • This was very close to the Pentagon as you know.
  • There is more to this story than just DEI.
  • Continuity of Government – these guys here can take control of planes and such.
  • It was the last chance to scrub the books before Elon got there.
  • If you declare Continuity of Government the President is no longer the President.
  • Those Black Hawk computers are accessible. 
  • This happened on 9/11.
  • If you remember a 757 did 330 degree turn and that is very difficult to do for an experienced pilot.
  • That is really hard to hit the auditors.
  • I’m looking deeper into this and I’m not saying DEI, you wouldn’t fly directly into another plane.

HEADLINE: Black Hawk Take Down – Part Four by George Webb 

  • Did now-deceased Black Hawk helicopter pilot Rebecca Lobach fly missions for a secret mRNA cancer vaccines project at Ft. Belvoir in Virginia, before being killed in a mid-air collision with an American Airlines jet a few days ago? We covered that her father was a Federal Contractor for Joe Biden’s Cancer Moonshot program yesterday with a company called, Klesis.
  • Rebecca Lobach was involved in ferrying VIPs from Andrews Air Force Base to the White House and back, and ferrying VIP Generals and Admirals from Ft. Belvoir, her home base, to Andrews Air Force Base.
  • If you look they made 3 practice runs on this.
  • The 4th was the final hit.
  • It doesn’t look like this was an accident.
  • There was 2 cases of tuberculosis and they were on the plane in Wichita and then this Russian team.
  • I’m saying a CIA analyst wrote up a report and this was planned.
  • Why not use an unmanned drone?
  • I think Elon will show this while in USAID.
  • It just invokes Continuity of Government.
  • The seat of government during the COG event.
  • Will we ever see these files?
  • There is also a story that everyone jumped out of the plane and 4 people were recovered and we know that was incorrect.
  • I don’t doubt they have bodies to bury and drives to be destroyed.
  • Scratching the USAID surface, we have no idea how long our tentacles are and USAID is the hub.
  • Congress has to authorize the USAID funding.
  • So does this mean they knew Trump was gunning for USAID?
  • California Fires – 
  • It is hard to believe it is 15 minute cities and such, a new form of AI warfare.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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 Democrats Losing Their Minds

  • You start using rhetoric like “we are at war” and you have a guy in the Presidency right now that will take that to heart.
  • why are they so upset?
  • Because they got caught!
  • They are all about to be busted by Elon and they are scared.
  • What do evil people do when they are cornered? 
  • They always lash out.


TKD Reads Email From FBI Agent

  • Friday I predict will be the day President Trump brings the hammer.
  • I believe he will eliminate Federal unions and move all positions to AT WILL.
  • He can then remove the entire bureaucrat class in one fail swoop.


HEADLINE: DOGE Walks Among Us by Douglas Schwartz

  • Who appropriated the money for condoms for Hamas?
  • I want the email chain.
  • I want to know WHO did this.
  • I want them named and eternally shamed.
  • No immunity for them.
  • What you are seeing, there has never been anything like it before.
  • Entire agencies will no longer exist and those surviving will be substantially curtailed. Individuals will be exposed and some may face prosecution.
  • DOGE auditors won’t randomly proceed through thousands of federal agencies and subagencies. The Department of Agriculture can wait, Trump has bigger targets. USAID is a big one, playing its part in the deaths of millions after the Cold War in places such as Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Yugoslavia. HHS and its FDA and CDC will be additional piñatas. What spills out when they are smashed open will end careers, perhaps trigger prosecutions, and precipitate wholesale reforms. We know, for example, that even Obama ordered an end to reckless gain-of-function research. Yet somehow it survived and was offshored to China, Ukraine, and wherever. Following money trails reveals who did what.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: President Trump in Oval Office – Department of Education – 

Peter Doocy – Why nominate Linda McMahon to the Education Secretary if you’re going to get rid o f the education department?

President – I told Linda, Linda I hope you do a great job and put yourself out of a job.

  • All Biden and Letitia James and the likes did was to show Trump where the crooks and criminals all resided.
  • He was cataloging everything they did to him, how they did it, the agencies involved and he has all these other geniuses telling him President Trump, this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg Sir.
  • Had they gotten him, this wouldn’t be happening.
  • They failed at getting their man.
  • They tried to kill this man TWICE!
  • They tried to lock him up 5 times.
  • You don’ t survive that and expect to have a summer campfire w/ them.
  • You have the Art of the Deal guy going in w/ a purpose.
  • They don’t understand the laser focus this man has.


AUDIO/VIDEO: President Trump in Oval Office – High Speed Rail in California – One of the things I want to investigate is the train being built b/w Los Angeles and San Francisco. Hundreds of billions over budget. I built for a living, and I built on time, on budget. It’s impossible that something could cost that much and now it isn’t even going to those big cities. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Mahgdalen Rose

Political Affairs Contributor 

Follow her on X: @MaghdalenRose

  • Robert F Kennedy Jr already made it clear they would have total transparency.
  • He is saying what he needs to, to get over the finish line.
  • Most of this stuff DOGE is cutting seems to have already been public but we didn’t know the amounts.
  • The troop of little weirdos according to AOC, have no experience.
  • The bio who ran USAID, she was a former ambassador under Obama.
  • She is a highly political individual. 
  • USAID is just a cover for CIA operations and for world population control and money laundering.
  • This is what was happening w/in USAID.
  • They locked them out so they wouldn’t destroy evidence on where all this money was going.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show