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The Mike Church Show #2096-The FBI Rick Rolls MAGA

micMike Churchtoday02/28/2025 3

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    The Mike Church Show #2096-The FBI Rick Rolls MAGA Mike Church

Mike Church reveals how the FBI defeated the MAGA influencers. Find out why Mike compares the Epstein Files to the opening of Al Capone’s Vault.

Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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 The Massive Rick Roll That Is The Epstein Files
18mNew Market Rules and PPM Markets

HEADLINE: Advertisers React to Nielsen’s Radio Measurement Changes by Cameron Coats

  • I’m just a dinosaur folks.
  • Mahgdalen tells me all the time to make shorter videos.
  • 30 seconds optimal. 
  • That is all we have time for these days.
  • Are we really that starved for something new or fearful that we are missing something that we can only listen to 3 minutes at a time?
  • I’m stunned and shocked by Neilsens move here.
  • If this is the case then talk radio is DEAD.
  • Ratings don’t measure listeners they measure recall.
  • You will hear call letter ID’s probably 10 times an hour.
  • A major topic of discussion was Nielsen’s shift from a five-minute to a three-minute listening qualifier, a methodological update that aims to more accurately reflect how people consume radio. The previous system required a listener to be tuned in for five minutes and cross into a new quarter-hour for credit to be assigned.
  • This change does not inflate listening numbers but rather accounts for previously unrecognized listening behavior.
  • This is what happens when anyone can be a podcaster.
  • You purchase a mic, plop it on the desk and boom you call yourself a podcaster now.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
 Fort Knox

QUESTION: Guess what year was the last time there was a full published audit of the gold at Fort Knox?

ANSWER: 1959

  • They have been saying there have been audits but NONE of them were completed. 






















Phase 1 of Epstein Files Released

  • Anyone else feel the same as when Geraldo went to Al Capones vault and found nothing?
  • That is what I feel like today.
  • What exactly is a Rick Roll?
  • Rogan O’Handley aka DC Draino – they are all grifters. He got millions in PPE money.

HEADLINE: Trump DOJ: The FBI Is Withholding ‘Thousands Of Pages’ Of Epstein Files by Shawn Fleetwood 

  • The attorney general further ordered Patel to conduct an investigation into the FBI’s alleged malfeasance in refusing to turn over the requested Epstein files, the results of which Patel is to deliver to Bondi “within 14 days.”

HEADLINE: Attorney General Says FBI Caught Withholding Some Jeffrey Epstein Files by Zachary Stieber 

  • Yesterday was a ‘just give them something’ moment.
  • Why would the FBI running cover for Ghislaine Maxell and the dead Jeffrey Epstein? 
  • Remember the Hollywood Madame – Heidi Fleiss, the black book.
  • They made entire documentaries about her and her little black book.

HEADLINE: Heidi Fleiss Once Ran a Notorious Prostitution Ring in L.A. Now She Just Wants to Save the Birds by Gillian Telling

  • She was living the high life, making up to $100,000 a night wrangling sex workers for some of the richest and most powerful men in the world.
  • Fleiss, 58, who spent 20 months in prison for tax evasion in 1994, has devoted the past decade of her life freeing caged parrots from captivity and letting them live on her Nevada property. She feeds the birds, rehabilitates them and loves them as though they were her children.
  • What should be upsetting to everyone is these are children in the Epstein logs.
  • Children were raped, they were stolen, they were sex trafficked and THAT needs to be the story.
  • The ONLY story.
  • We need to know who spent time on his island so we can prosecute them and put them UNDER the jail.
  • These influencers had these binders outside of the White House and they were hoisting them up and smiling.
  • That binder was supposed to hold names of victims, there is nothing to smile about in that binder.
  • The story will grow from here. 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE!

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1h18mJeffrey Epstein

  • How many of you guys think Epstein is still alive?
  • Have you seen the autopsy photos? 
  • We did have autopsy photos of JFK too.
  • DC Draino stated on X yesterday that AG Pam Bondi said there are thousands of files still to be released from the FBI and today is that deadline.
  • They dragged Trump into this. 
  • If that box of files doesn’t materialize, Pam Bondi is going to get Jeff Sessioned. 
  • You let all these influencers into the White House, gave them these white binders and you gave them basically nothing.
  • This is the new media?
  • I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end if that box doesn’t show up today. 
  • AG Pam Bondi said these boxes are to arrive by 8am on Feb 28th.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE

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1h43mLIVE Broadcast 

Vice President JD Vance National Prayer Breakfast

  • Because I have seen this and I think it is scandalous but the general sentiment…does he go to Mass alone?
  • What if he does?
  • There are a lot of great famous Catholics that lived w/ spouses who were not Catholic.
  • Gilbert Keith Chesterton
  • He converted in 1921 and his wife refused and that caused a rift but ultimately 8 years later on Christmas day she converted.
  • Not everyone is ready when you think they should be ready.
  • Give the man a break.
  • I’m sure he wants his wife to be a Catholic.
  • I’m sure he wants his entire family to come to the faith.
  • This is why people leave the faith. 
  • Sir Alec Guinness is another one.
  • We have to remain charitable in these endeavors. 
  • JD Vance is doing what men should be doing, he is leading his family by example.
  • He speaks often publicly about his faith in a very humble way and we should applaud that.
1h52mAUDIO/VIDEO: VP JD Vance in Oval Office  w/ UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer – Free Speech in the UK – I said what I said. We also know there have been infringements on free speech that actually impact just the British but they can do what they want but also impact American technology companies and by extension American citizens. So that is something that we’ll talk about today at lunch.

AUDIO/VIDEO: President Trump in Oval Office – Putin & Ukraine – When we have a deal w/ Putin it will be the end of it. If I didn’t win the election I don’t think we’d be even talking to Putin right now, or anybody else. Soldiers are dying everyday and it isn’t American soldiers but I don’t want to see any of them die and I want it to stop.

  • Blessed are the Peacemakers right?!
  • Peacemakers shall be called the children of God.
  • TKD reads comments from the Crusader Stadium.
 8:06am cstSEGMENT 5
 The NEW Crusade Radio Network App Links 

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2h17mAUDIO/VIDEO: Governor Kathy Hochul on MSNBC – Donald Trump Inflation – Remember how on day 1 prices were going to go down. You know what the price of eggs are in NY if you can even find them? It went up 40% since Trump was elected and people are starting to wake up and it is happening sooner than I thought.

  • You know why you don’t have any eggs in NY?
  • You don’t have the agriculture in your state.
  • Everything is SHIPPED to you guys.
  • The Biden administration killed 100 million chickens due to Bird Flu.
  • What is going to happen if another Civil War breaks out?
  • You don’t have guns and you have no ability to feed yourself.

Don from the Bronx

Cultural Affairs Contributor

  • They used to have live chickens and things in the Bronx, a farm to table so to speak.
  • Not anymore however. 
  • Berns Steak House in Tampa Florida – you didn’t just start work in the kitchen back in the day. 
  • You had to start working on the farm first. 
  • You had to see where and how things grew and were harvested first.
  • Classic American story – off I-75 Seed to Table – massive grocery store and such and that all started as a farm.
  • He has personally met w/ RFK Jr and you will see Trump signs and pictures.
  • Catholic converts – 
  • You see it on both sides.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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2h37mAUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Behar on The View – Elon Musk – This guy was not born in this country. He was pro-apartheid as I understand it. This is perfect for Trump. He can just take a nap and let this foreigner, foreign agent, an enemy of the United States, do his job. 

  • Wait I thought you liked immigrants?
  • He came here legally did he not?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Behar on The View On Air Apology For Elon CommentI don’t know if he really was pro-apartheid. He grew up during that time. But maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t but don’t be suing me okay Elon?


Mahgdalen Rose

Political Affairs Contributor

Follow her on X – @MahgdalenRose

AUDIO/VIDEO: Karine Jean-Pierre – Democrat Party – Personally I think the toughest thing to see in the 3 weeks, there was a disconnect. It was a firing squad and I had never seen anything like it before. I’ve never seen a party do that in the way they did. It was hurtful. I belive he was a true patriot. I believe he did everything he could. He did historical things and I was shocked by what I was seeing. That was shocking to me. And instead of coming together to really be unified and figure out how to fight back they did this instead. I think hurt us more than folks realized. 

  • They took away the nomination from Bernie Sanders.
  • That was the biggest shame.
  • Not them finally standing up in the donor world saying Biden had something mentally going on.
  • For me that was the first responsible thing the Democrat party has done in years.
  • I think she is looking at her future and there is no clear winner in that party right now.
  • In general she helped cover up that the President didn’t know where he was half the time.
  • There was no way the baton was handed to Kamala Harris w/o her being involved too.
  • She was in on it.
  • She single handedly stabbed Joe Biden in the back.
  • These people are just not redeemable. 
  • She went to the podium each day and lied about Joe Biden to the American people. 
  • The debate, Trump was truly reigned in and I think he could have broken that man right then and there.
  • The blank time the calling the lids it all showed he wasn’t up to the challenge of being President.
  • They weren’t even putting the Executive Orders up on the website in real time b/c no one really knew what was happening.
  • She didn’t apologize for being pat of the problem of lying so I don’t have anything else to say about that other than this is a cover your own but situation.
  • Pam Bondi and the Epstein list – 
  • What is the fallout from all of this?
  • There is a feeling in the WH communication team that we don’t need legacy media at all.
  • That simply isn’t true. 
  • There is great work still being done. 
  • We are away from the standard media outlets but we aren’t there yet.
  • There is no work being put in the craft.
  • This isn’t the first time Trump picked a bad AG.
  • This domestic legal stuff he always runs into trouble.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

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