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The Mike Church Show #2100-Just Tariff Them Already

micMike Churchtoday03/07/2025 4

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    The Mike Church Show #2100-Just Tariff Them Already Mike Church

Mike Church and the rest of MAGA says Trump needs to stop delaying the tariffs. On this episode of the Mike Church Show, Mike reveals why a tariff is good.

Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisiana all week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Boston Mayor Wu

  • This woman had the audacity to wear ashes yesterday in the Sanctuary City Mayors.
  • This makes her that much more diabolical.
  • Did she think by acting Catholic she would get sympathy?
  • She is hurting people by the actions of declaring sanctuary. 
23mKash Patel FBI Director 

  • Don’t go do any podcast, don’t go hang out w/ Jesse Waters…just go to your office and start cracking skulls.
  • Start firing people and ask the AG to prosecute people.

Kash Patel on X 

I can now report that today the FBI, along with our interagency partners led by AG Pam Bondi arrested two active duty U.S. Army soldiers and one former U.S. Army soldier for theft of government property and a bribery scheme. These individuals have been charged with stealing America’s defense intelligence capabilities and empowering adversaries like China in betrayal of our country. They will now face American justice.

  • Now find out who was in charge of the Russia Hoax and fire ALL of them!
  • We want heads rolling!


Ukraine and Russia

  • When will the European people stand up to their ruling class?
  • They have to stand up and tell them no.
  • They are about to be sent to Ukraine to fight.
  • The reason this has to continue is b/c these people have no economies.
  • Fance is toast!
  • The English aren’t making much of anything these days.
  • If it weren’t for American dollars, they wouldn’t have an economy.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
























HEADLINE: If The Supreme Court Is Going To Ignore The Constitution, Trump Should Ignore The Supreme Court by John Daniel Davidson 

  • But the thing about separation of powers is that they stand or fall together. All three branches of our government — legislative, executive, and judicial — have to respect the Constitution’s clear separation of powers. If one of them doesn’t, there’s no reason that the others should.
  • If you have cities like Boston saying the Supremacy Clause means nothing then government is over right?
  • Our borders are fungible. 
  • If the Supreme Court can simply disregard the Executive branch’s constitutional authority and allow it to be usurped by an inferior federal court, which is what happened, then there’s no reason the Executive branch under Trump should pay any attention to what the Supreme Court says in this case, because it’s trying to assert an authority it simply doesn’t have.
  • It is a sin against charity.
  • They have to stop this.
  • Secede – this is the wrong way to go about it.
  • We transferred border control to the Feds, that was the agreement.
  • If one state has to do it, then ALL states have to do it.
  • Alito  is right to be stunned. Here is a case in which a district judge, Ali, is explicitly claiming for himself executive authority to disburse federal funds and determine the time and manner in which the funds will be disbursed — powers clearly vested not in the judiciary but in the executive branch, that is, with President Trump. Ali simply brushed aside the Trump administration’s argument that sovereign immunity barred the enforcement order and arrogated to himself the right to exercise executive powers. 
  • This on its own should be reason enough for the Trump administration to ignore the Supreme Court’s decision to let the lower court’s order stand. But there’s other problems too, like the fact that the lower federal court in this case lacks jurisdiction. Contract disputes with the federal government are only supposed to be heard by the Court of Federal Claims, not a D.C. district judge. Among other things, this means Ali’s order requires President Trump to violate existing federal law.
  • I’m going to say this again, less censuring of those like Al Green and more firing and impeaching. 
  • You have time to censure Al Green, you have time to impeach Judge Ali.
  • Will Judge Roberts go to the White House and force President to write the check?
  • This is going nowhere b/c Trump won’t write that check.
  • The most serious problem, though, is this pernicious notion that any district judge, anywhere in the country, can dictate to the executive branch what it must or must not do, under the guise of issuing a temporary restraining order or a universal injunction in a pending case. 
  • Biden just ignored SCOTUS ruling on Student Forgiveness did he not?
  • Presidents ignore this stuff all the time.
  • He set the precedent. 
  • You know what is a National Emergency?
  • All the Sanctuary City Mayors!
  • These things all lead, if you ask me, to the real Constitution Crisis which is are we going to have an Article 2 Executive or not?
  • This has to be stopped and it has to be stopped now.
  • The Supreme Court had an opportunity here to address the legality of the lower court’s use of a temporary restraining order to commandeer the executive branch’s constitutional authority, but it didn’t. That’s a shame, because if this kind of judicial overreach continues, the Trump administration might conclude, correctly, that it has little choice but to ignore the decrees coming from activist lower court judges — no matter what façade of legitimacy the Supreme Court might choose to give them.
  • Question is who falls on what side and who shoots first.
  • This is serious business here. 
  • Wars have been started for far less.
  • The remedy is getting the Zion King involved here.
  • Congress has the power to start and end a court.
  • If you can write a declaration of war, you have the same plenary power to write a declaration of Armistice. 
  • The President can’t end a war, he can sign a treaty.
  • Only Congress can end a war.
  • Why hasn’t this power been used yet?
  • Speaker Johnson Article 1 Section 8 – 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE!

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 SHOWTIME is MOVING – 11am – 2pm cst 

This starts on MONDAY!!!!



QUESTION: Why is Pratt Pratt now a spokesman for the Hallow app?

  • It used to be Mark Walberg and now he is apparently making calls to his buddies but this has to stop.
  • Pratt Pratt is NOT Catholic.
  • This app was billed as a Catholic app was it not?
  • I don’t like the idea of monetizing God.
  • Pay only $5 and your prayers go straight to God.
  • I just don’t like it. 
  • Ethics – pride, God does not need you or me to get people to pray to Him.
  • Now God can take something we create and use it to bring people closer to Him.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Harriet HagemanArticle II of the Constitution states that the executive power shall be vested in POTUS. No court may take over that rule. No court may define or limit the scope of the duties of an official w/in the Executive Office of the President. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Pollster Allan Lichtman Claiming Trump voters are experiencing “buyer’s remorse.”

  • I’m not sure what polls he is talking about.
  • I haven’t seen any poll of POTUS at only 44%.


HEADLINE: Active-Duty and Former U.S. Army Soldiers Arrested for Theft of Government Property and Bribery Scheme 

  • Jian Zhao, and Li Tian, active-duty U.S. Army soldiers stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, along with Ruoyu Duan, a former U.S. Army soldier, were arrested today following indictments by federal grand juries in the District of Oregon and the Western District of Washington. Tian and Duan were charged in the District of Oregon for conspiring to commit bribery and theft of government property. Zhao was charged in the Western District of Washington for conspiring to obtain and transmit national defense information to an individual not authorized to receive it, and also for bribery and theft of government property. 
  • Who is letting Chinese Nationalist in the United States Army?
  • Do we let Chinese immigrants in our Army?
  • All of this nonsense of ‘we are a nation of immigrants’ well this is what immigrants do.
  • Where they sent here to spy on the Army specifically?
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
1h38mChinese Tariffs

  • They have such cheap products because of slave labor but most Americans don’t want to talk about that uncomfortable truth.
  • Real wages will rise here b/c we aren’t importing so much crap.
  • Anyone that had the expectation that tariffs and trade was not going to cost was stupid.
  • Which is why I don’t blame Trump when he said what he said the other day.
  • Some things will take time.
  • Are we willing to pay a little more for American made products?













AUDIO/VIDEO: President Donald Trump in Oval Office – Daylight Savings – It’s a 50/50 issue and if something is a 50/50 issue, it’s hard to get excited about it. I assume people would like to have more light later, but some people want to have more light earlier b/c they don’t want to take their kids to school in the dark. A lot of people like it one way. A lot of people like it the other way. It is very even, usually I find when that’s the case, what else do we have to do?

AUDIO/VIDEO: President Donald Trump in Oval Office – Astronauts In Space – We love you and we’re coming up to get you and you shouldn’t have been up there so long. The most incompetent President in our history has allowed that to happen to you. This president won’t leave you up there. I asked Elon to get them out. Think of it, they were just left up there. I see the woman w/ the wild hair, there’s no games w/ her hair. There is danger up there. I authorized Elon a week ago. He knows the situation very well, he is equipped to get them and he is preparing Starship right now. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: President Donald Trump in Oval Office – Nicolle Wallace DJ Daniels Comment – Worse than CNN is MSDNC, the good news is people don’t watch them anymore. Frankly what Nicolle Wallace said (insert clip) I’ve never been a fan of hers and she isn’t very talented. What she said the other day about that young man is disgraceful. She should be forced to resign, and Rachel Maddow should be forced to resign. Nobody watches her anyway. 

  • There used to be an unspoken code, can you yell fire in a crowded theater? 
  • Can you use your freedom of speech to incite violence?
  • Trader/Hero divide.
  • Keep those 2 on air if you want to start a revolution. 
  • They have basically become another form of The View.
 The Rise of the Dopamine Culture
 8:06am cstSEGMENT 5
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The Rise of the Dopamine Culture

Slow Traditional Culture, Fast Modern Culture and Dopamine Culture

Athletics – play a sport, watch a sport, gamble on a sport

Journalism – newspapers, multimedia, clickbait

Video – film & TV, video, reels of short videos

Music – albums, tracks, TikTok

Images – view on gallery wall, view on phone, scroll on phone

Communication – handwritten letter, emails/text/memo, short texts

Relationships – courtship/marriage, sexual freedom, swipe on an app

  • Remember we were told that books were going to go away?
  • Remember we were told all books will be read on a phone or Kindle?
  • What is happening now w/ vinyl? 
  • It is making a huge comeback now.
  • People have gone back to them.
  • You can hold it, you can look at the notes, you can flip it over.
  • It makes a cool popping noise.
  • A return to the old is happening. 
  • Even bellbottoms are making a comeback.
  • Bottle stickers – it is a really cool way to show people and remind yourself of places you’ve been, people that you like etc
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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 Ukraine/Russia Conflict

  • It is almost always true, follow the money.
  • We have to get these nuts in the UK to stop what they are doing w/ Zelenskyy.
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Speaker Mike Johnson – Democrat Party – The Democrat party is in disarray. You see that. They don’t have an identified leader, they don’t have a vision, they don’t have a platform they can run on. And so the only word I can describe it is they’re flailing right now. So that is why they resort to these antics. They want to fight so they debase themselves and show up on the floor and act like children. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr Maty Makary FDA Commissioner Nominee – Harmful Chemicals in Food – Half our nation’s children are sick. We are drugging our nation’s children at scale. Nobody has really been doing anything meaningful on this front until we have gotten new momentum and enthusiasm for Sec Kennedy and President Trump. We eat foods w/ a lot of molecules that do not appear in nature. There’s a body of research now that suggests concern w/ some of these ingredients. We have to look at those ingredients, and you have my commitment to do so if confirmed as FDA commissioner.



Mahgdalen Rose 

Political Affairs Contributor

Follow her on X – @MahgdalenRose


  • The job market was really bad if you wanted a white collar job that you didn’t do much of anything.
  • Blue collar jobs are booming.
  • You have to build the manufacturing back up first.
  • This is the United States, it won’t take 20 years to build factories.
  • We’ve done it before, we will do it again.
  • The young people have been told that trade jobs are dirty and for people w/ low IQ.
  • That is why young men go into massive college debt to get a degree.
  • We are all told that throughout school years that trades are for those low IQ people and criminals that can’t get ‘real’ work.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tulsi Gabbard Director of National IntelligenceThe Biden administration deported 8 our to 100 illegals w/ ties to ISIS. I doubted the information but when I got that information, it is inconceivable to me that a President would release people w/ known connections to terrorist BACK into our country. They arrested a bunch and let all of them but 8 back into our country. We are now trying to find them so we can remove them.

  • That means you have Jimmy the Jihadi roaming the American streets.
  • Heads need to roll here.
  • This is inconceivable. 
  • I don’t think Biden was coherent enough to do any of this. 
  • The story was out about the autopen.
  • He didn’t sign anything in the last year of his presidency.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show