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The Mike Church Show-Did Biden Really Call The MAGA Faithful Garbage?

micMike Church today10/30/2024 19

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    The Mike Church Show-Did Biden Really Call The MAGA Faithful Garbage? Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Kamala Harris Final Rally or Closing Argument

  • Why does Joe Biden keep stealing Kamala’s limelight?
  • This isn’t the first time.
  • He decided to do an interview via his computer where he called MAGA supporters garbage.
  • He did it in a spectacular fashion.
  • By 9pm last night no one was talking about Kamala’s speech they were talking about Biden calling MAGA garbage. 
  • Marco Rubio got on stage during Trumps Allentown PA rally and told the whole crowd there what Biden just said.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden Vote Latino Interview – MAGA is Garbage – In Puerto Rico, in my home state of Delaware are good and decent, honorable people. The only garbage I see floating out there is your supporters. His demonization is uncontainable and un-American.

  • Kamala last night said that Trump was told the crowd wanted to hang VP at the time Mike Pence and he said ‘so what’.
  • Have you ever heard that whopper before?
  • She also said he led an armed mob to the Capitol.
  • He didn’t lead anyone.
  • Who was armed?
  • Americans were killed that day she claimed.
  • There was one, her name was Ashli Babbitt.
  • She wasn’t armed with anything. 
 War and Fatigue 

  • Did you know that America since its existence as a country has been at war 90% of the time?
  • We like war, we are a warlike people.
26mHuman Garbage

  • Since September 11, 2000 the government of the United States has treated us like human garbage but not just MAGA.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
40mWhat Is Happening In Virginia? – 

  • You do not obey an illicit order.
  • I am directing you to not obey.
  • This is so outrageous. 
  • here is how this law came about in Virginia.
  • The Democrat controlled legislature in 2006 are responsible for this.
  • It said it is illegal for you to register and to vote or it is a felony.
  • Guess who signed the bill?
  • It was Governor Tim Kane!
  • After he won in court nothin was said about it until the Biden Regime’s DOJ entered the scene.
  • Why would the Biden Regime want illegals to vote in Virginia?
  • To disenfranchise voters in VA.
  • Why Virginia?
  • They obviously think VA is in danger of going for Trump.
  • This is the game, if Trump wins VA he will drag Hung Cao to the Senate w/ him.
 National Debt 

  • Cut off the Student loans, end the program.
  • Undo what Obama did, repeal that act.
47mAUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden Vote Latino Interview – MAGA is Garbage – In Puerto Rico, in my home state of Delaware are good and decent, honorable people. The only garbage I see floating out there is your supporters. His demonization is uncontainable and un-American.
 AUDIO: 1994 George Carlin bit – We like war, we are a warlike people. 

  • This was after the 1st Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris Closing Argument from Washington DC –  Tonight I speak to everyone about the choice and stakes in this election. We know who Donald Trump is. He stood at this very spot and sent an armed mob to the Capitol to overturn the results of a free and fair election. Americans died as a result of that attack. While DT sat in the WH watching as the violence unfolded he was told they wanted to kill his own VP and he said so what.

  • Have any of you heard this whopper before?
  • Why is this the first time we are hearing this?
  • Because it is a lie.
  • QUESTION: What did you hear in the background while she was talking?
  • ANSWER: Police sirens
  • She actually made a claim last night too that we will deport the new illegal aliens.
  • Nothing about the ones already here.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


Kamala Harris Closing Arguments

  • Who is on this supposed enemy list that she claimed Trump has?
  • Where did she see this list?
  • Who is on it as we are concerned.
  • Who leaked it out if you saw it?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris Closing Argument from Washington DCThis isn’t a candidate that wants to make your life better. This is someone who is unstable, obsessed w/ revenge, consumed w/ grievance and out for unchecked power. He has spent a decade trying to keep the American people divided and afraid of each other. I am here tonight to say that is not who we are.

  • Would this speech motivate you to go vote for her?
  • Does this speech reach the undecided voter?
















Political Affairs Correspondent 

Follow Mahgdalen on X: @MahgdalenRose

  • I think one of the things w/ Kamala Harris that her own campaign is tired of hearing her talk.
  • The Closing Argument, does that mean she is done on the campaign trail?
  • Joe Biden took her time to talk to the media.
  • They are running the same campaign Hillary Clinton was running.
  • This is the Deplorable moment of the Clinton campaign. 
  • I think Biden pulled off the only October surprise moment we are going to see.
  • Was this a move facilitated by Jill Biden?
  • I think there are people in the Biden team that really dislike Kamala.
  • People had to KNOW exactly what he was doing and the time he was doing it.
  • To see the spin on this Biden gaffe is hilarious.
  • They are claiming it is b/c of their studded. 
  • Bless His Heart – that isn’t a compliment whatever was said prior to that phrase. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Scott Jennings and CNN Panel – Joe Biden on Campaign Trail – Franklin Leonard – Look you want to put people in who are best for the task. Joe Biden is best eating ice cream in Maryland and Barack Obama you put in a large arena.

Scott Jennings – Let’s just say you are right w/ that but one has to ask, WHY is Biden sitting in front of a laptop while Kamala is giving her big Final Speech? 

  • He was the go to bulldog when Barack Obama was running and he was the VP choice.
  • This is a rewrite of history stating he was never a big arena buy like Barack Obama.
  • Biden was THEIR guy and now they are saying he was only good for eating ice cream and small union rallies.
  • This is embarrassing.
  • His biggest cheerleaders on CNN say he only looks good at ice cream shops.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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AUDIO/VIDEO: Mike Church Show Band – You’re So Vein – Hillary Clinton Song

  • All of these old songs I wrote still apply.
  • I don’t know if that is sad or if I’m just a genius!
1h48mAUDIO/VIDEO: Steve Bannon 1st War Room Since ReleaseI can tell you being a political prisoner, the young African American and Hispanic people detest Kamala Harris. We have a chance to move past race on November 5th. We have to have a convergence. My fear is that some people are going to let on their shovel. Reality is the electorate we bring. Elon Musk is one of the smartest guys in the World. Charlie Kirk and look where they have put their efforts. It is flat out get out the vote.

  • Trump needs to preach this at his last few rallies here.
  • He needs to tell people we are down folks, we need you to get out there and vote. 
1h55mHEADLINE: The One Overlooked Reason Christians Should Vote in 2024 by Mark Anderson 

  • “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”
  • “One of the penalties for Christians refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by atheists.”
  • No victory is ever guaranteed or assured. 
  • Christians in particular, but voters in general, fail to remember that elections mean that you are giving someone else legal authority over your life. That includes your family, your business, and even your church.
  • Here again, why aren’t you voting to protect women?
  • Abortion and Title IX is on this ballot.
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AUDIO/VIDEO: Former NFL Coach Tony Dungy – Amendment 4 in Florida – I am so upset when people say we need to get this passed b/c women in Florida are in danger when they are pregnant. No they are not. We have some of the best healthcare in the world. More important to me it is person for my family. It is personal b/c I happen to believe that these babies in the womb are lives. I know everybody doesn’t believe that but my Bible tells me that they are. My wife and I have 8 adopted children. When I go home everyday and I look at those kids, I don’t see 8 choices I see 8 lives. We need to protect our women of course but we need to protect those children as well.
 Wisconsin Early Voting 

  • 8 Counties are +GOP by 5,000 or more.
  • Waukesha County is + 56,745 GOP
  • Washington County is + 21,253 GOP
  • Brown County is + 14,072 GOP


AUDIO/VIDEO: Zoraida Buxo Puerto Rican politician serving as a Shadow United States Senator at Trump Rally in Allentown PAWe have some unfinished business to do w/ Puerto Rico. If there is a leader that can get us to a final solution, that is you. The people of Puerto Rico love you and support you. We need this man back in the WH. He will make us feel safe and he will protect us. 

  • Wait you aren’t supposed to say that Zoraida!
 The Shapes Speech

  • In the speech last night there was some Oedipus complex.
  • She projected she is going to lose. 
  • There is nothing about glory there.
  • Congressional races can come down to one vote.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump – Assets of Criminal Cartels – Today I’m announcing we will be seizing the assets of criminal gangs and drug cartels and use them to set up a compensation fund for the victims of migrant crime.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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Investigative Reporter

Follow George on X: @RealGeorgeWebb1

Read about George’s investigations at his Substack

  • Let’s keep the voting open and they unloaded the buses until they had enough votes to win Michigan.
  • I don’t know if that is what’s happening in Pennsylvania.
  • This is AFTER the election we are filming.

HEADLINE: Crossover Cash Beats Russian Sniper Girls On The Campaign Trail by George Webb 

  • Elon Musk is creating quite a voter registration stampede in Pennsylvania with his $100 per signature campaign in that Swing State. Musk just handed out his tenth One Million Dollar check to a prospective voter who signed his petition to support the First and Second Amendments.
  • There is a 10point swing here in Pennsylvania. 
  • We even had a tax collector win one of the million dollar checks from Elon.
  • Here is the play here for the Deep State – they will say this is Russian interference b/c he had deals w/ Russians for SpaceX.
  • The election hinges on three states – Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, two of which are where Swing State Studios has a local presence, Michigan and Ohio.
  • The “Crossover Cash” certainly stirs Elon Musk crowds, which have taken on a Beatlemania craze tenor. Voting in America was previously seen mostly as a civic duty, not something that would make you rich.
  • With Musk’s $100 bounty in Pennsylvania, even a part-time signature collector at a mall can collect up to $5,000 a day in the home stretch of the election cycle. Signature takers in other Swing States, like here in Michigan, are getting $47 a signature, and hauling in $2,500 a day.
  • So be on the lookout for that to come about if or when Trump wins.
  • They will come after Elon Musk for being a Russian plant/spy.
  • He needs a Mike Church to run X.
  • He needs the same people like he brought into Tesla and Space X.
  • This Department of Government Efficiency, he is trying to relaunch this and there is a lot of conflicts of interest there but he might put all in escrow and just whack the Department of Education. 
  • There are agencies like that that could be consolidated and simply done away with.
  • I think they will absolutely do anything and everything to keep Trump from the WH.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

LIVE Show PodcastsThe Mike Church Show