The Mike Church Show Episode 385 Podcast: American Childhood Creating an Authoritarian Society
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Mandeville, LA – Citizen! Your Kid Needs To Be Trained To Do What Is Good For ‘Muricah! – Citizen – Here is an interesting and frightening report on the way we are being cajoled into raising kids in ‘Muricah these days by Patrick Chougule: Is American Childhood Creating an Authoritarian Society? Overprotective parenting is a threat to democracy. Chougule’s main point is that the sheer amount of time children live under rigid, structured teaching and guidance is sufficient to cause fear among those who see this from the outside and have a fear of what totalatarian states have been able to accomplish with a pliable population. The irony here is that the beautiful and loving structure of a Christian upbringing, the same that produced e.g. Saint Francis of Assisi and St Therese of Lisieux, has been jettisoned BECAUSE it was claimed to be too rigid! “Among the most far-reaching adherents of this view was the late psychologist Alice Miller, a student of authoritarian regimes. Through her study of Nazism and Soviet communism, Miller concluded that dictatorships emerge when an entire generation of children is raised under authoritarian conditions replete with excessive forms of control and discipline. In the case of Nazi Germany, Miller is convinced that Hitler would not have come to power but for turn-of-the-century German childrearing practices that emphasized “unthinking obedience” and discouraged creativity.” Hmmm, what is this “creativity” you speak of and where might a kid find it while its nose is buried in a smartphone screen while attending a “gender repositioning” class? We — Are — Doomed—so we need to pray harder.