The Mike Church Show Episode 410 Podcast: For Ease of Potato Chip Purchases, SkyNet Has Launched
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Mandeville, LA – The Chip Implants Have Begun And Now SKYNET Has Officially Launched – The Wisconsin company Three Squares has fulfilled their promise to inject their employees with microchips that will ironically provide the convenience of purchasing potato chips without any exchange of cash or even the swipe of a card. Modernists hail this as progress while we remnants see it for what it is: the beginning of the surrender of man to the machine. A slavery that is simultaneously thrilling and chilling. If to function in our brave new world man must be enhanced with additions to our physical forms how long before the non-conforming “naturalists” fall behind in technological achievement when that achievement passes as “work”? How long before these cyborg neighbors of ours become slaves to the never-ending demand our “smart devices” place upon us today: the dreaded software update? Oh, I’d have been here on time but my iSight chip had to download an update, then it crashed. This is plastic surgery’s pride with lethal consequences for the beauty of God’s greatest, created achievement: Man. SkyNet or something like it is coming and the only John Connor who will save us is when 1.5 mile wide asteroid is named for the fiction hero.