
mike church

The Mike Church Show Episode 431 Podcast: Red October In Washington In 2017? Iben Thranholm


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    The Mike Church Show Episode 431 Podcast: Red October In Washington In 2017? Iben Thranholm

Mandeville, LA – 

The process is split into four stages: 1) demoralization, 2) destabilization, 3) crisis, and 4) normalization.

In his book “Love Letter to America” from 1984, Bezmenov explains how the main principle of ideological subversion is turning a stronger force against itself, and the crucial role demoralization plays in that process.

He writes, “It takes about 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many (or few)? Simple: this is the minimum number of years needed to ‘educate’ ONE GENERATION of students in a target country (America, for example) and expose them to the ideology of the subverter. It is imperative that any sufficient challenge and counter-balance by the basic moral values and ideology of this country be eliminated.

The main methods used by Marxists in the West, Bezmenov explains, were to: “corrupt the young, get them interested in sex, take them away from religion. Make them superficial and enfeebled […] destroy people’s faith in their national leaders by holding the latter up for contempt, ridicule and disgrace […] cause breakdown of the old moral virtues: honesty, sobriety, self-restraint, faith in the pledged word.

The main targets are religious faith, education, media and culture – hippie-movement of that day. Although to all appearances America firmly rejected Soviet Communism during the Cold War, Bezmenov very correctly observes that there was a massive undercurrent of Marxist-Leninist indoctrination at many, if not most, universities and institutions of learning, in the media and artistic communities in the West throughout the 1960s and 1970s that was never challenged or counterbalanced by fundamental American patriotic values. This was especially true of the entertainment industry. According to Bezmenov, a group of rock or pop-musicians with a message of ‘social-justice’ sugar-coated in popular ‘spiritual’ tunes was actually more helpful to the KGB than someone standing in the pulpit preaching Marxist-Leninist doctrine.

mike church