The Mike Church Show Episode 436: Stay Small Once and For All
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Mandeville, LA – If You Want Your Identity Back Then Start Thinking Small Is Still Beautiful – At least once a week I get the chance to talk about the problem of human scale and the fact that in ‘Muricah these days we have so very little knowledge and use of it. During those talks the topic inevitably turns to the FANG+Microsoft, this is not a perfunctory exercise, its a menacing one. Franklin Foer, chillingly points this out in today’s WaPo. “More than any previous coterie of corporations, the tech monopolies aspire to mold humanity into their desired image of it. They think they have the opportunity to complete the long merger between man and machine — to redirect the trajectory of human evolution.” it was once the task of Christianity, Her Apostles and successors to perform this work in the image GOD desired for Man, ponder that while reading the rest of Foer’s essay which sounds like the pyramid for a dystopian thriller. “The big tech companies think we’re fundamentally social beings, born to collective existence. They invest their faith in the network, the wisdom of crowds, collaboration. They harbor a deep desire for the atomistic world to be made whole. By stitching the world together, they can cure its ills.” This is all a result of our rejection of scale and obsession with the material.